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So you probably figured out that nearly all this trivia was cooked up by me. I did say it was unbelievable, didn't I? You got served? I hope you found something delicious, even if just a contrived anagram (amnesic pear? :))

Now the plot twist: Alfred Chicken actually did run for the parliament. Could not invent something better myself.

Oh, and don't worry, Ruteqube is still around, I think -- hi, Ruteqube! :D

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6 days ago

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6 days ago

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Done, thank you! :D

6 days ago

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...glad that my comment on Alfred was also a True Story

6 days ago*

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That was a great coincidence! :D

6 days ago

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A quacking story

5 days ago

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Thanks, I really enjoyed the "unbelievable trivia" series!

6 days ago

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Also a true story about animals running for office:

"Pigasus, also known as Pigasus the Immortal and Pigasus J. Pig, was a 145-pound (66 kg) domestic pig that was nominated for President of the United States as a theatrical gesture by the Youth International Party on August 23, 1968, just before the opening of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois.[1][2][3][4] The youth-oriented party (whose members were commonly called "Yippies") was an anti-establishment and countercultural revolutionary group whose views were inspired by the free speech and anti-war movements of the 1960s, mainly the opposition to United States involvement in the Vietnam War.

Yippies were known for using dramatic theatrics in their demonstrations, and they used Pigasus as a way to mock the social status quo. At a rally announcing his candidacy, Pigasus was confiscated by Chicago policemen and several of his Yippie backers were arrested for disorderly conduct."

Then they went to some farm and bought another one I think.

6 days ago

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I think the right parenthesis accidentally stayed out of your link, but easy enough to find the article with your lead, thanks. I loved the court dialogue:

MR. KUNSTLER: Do you remember what you were charged with?
THE WITNESS: I believe the original charge mentioned was something about an old Chicago law about bringing livestock into the city, or disturbing the peace, or disorderly conduct, and when it came time for the trial, I believe the charge was disorderly conduct.
MR. KUNSTLER: Were you informed by an officer that the pig had squealed on you?
MR. FORAN: Objection. I ask it be stricken.

6 days ago*

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