Hi beautiful people 😘 My name is Radek and I am a Game Developer. I am working at ❄️Galaktus🔥- an indie publisher. Our team is a couple of crazy slavs, and we are about to publish new games on Steam! 🤯 The problem is - Steam is big, and we are tiny and unknown... 😢
So our beautiful games have LITTLE to NO visibility. And this hurts more than even the harshest criticism. 😞 That's why I come to you, with a heart full of hopes. Please, if you have spare 10 seconds - help me reach a wider audience 📢
All it takes - is 3 clicks
✅ Click 1 ✅ Please visit our Dev Page here: https://store.steampowered.com/pub/Galaktus/ and hit that "Follow" button.
✅ Click 2 ✅ Check the "🔥 UPCOMING RELEASES 🔥" and if you find our games interesting - please add them via "Add to Wishlist" button. 👈
✅ Click 3 ✅ If you want to put an extra smile on my face - also press that magical "Follow" button on the games you liked. 👈
And that's all! ❤️ And thank you most kindly! Feel free to comment below - so I can thank you personally =)
If our games would reach a wider audience - I would love to share many more Steam Keys here on SteamGifts <3
72 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by McZero
296 Comments - Last post 21 minutes ago by GeekDoesStuff
24 Comments - Last post 50 minutes ago by Myrsan
115 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by wigglenose
2,452 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by Ch1cWolf
18 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by makki
322 Comments - Last post 13 hours ago by ManlyMeatMan
730 Comments - Last post 14 minutes ago by SolvedPack
361 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by Jastrzap
141 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by q0500
108 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Kingsajz
147 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by shandyseggs
914 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by rufioh
1,598 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Ingrid88
Already done 😊
Just out of curiosity, is there a reason why you created so many identical GAs instead of one for multiple copies?
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thank you! :D
Well there is a lot of GA on SG so if I post one GA with many winners - it just gets buried under new GAs. Of course, posting so many GA is quite a lot of work, ngl @_@ but it just works better. And in theory - gives less chance for bots. with many winners - bots have higher chance to get included. but if I post a lot - real people have the opportunity more often because the bots are on cooldown.
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Wouldn't you consider this a form of spam? Could you see that argument at least?
From the Guidelines:
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Users are allowed to create giveaways as much as they want. As long as their giveaway description isn't explicitly infringing on the site's rules then there's no problem. You are not forced to click on the giveaway. The rule you've cited is mostly about posts and comments.
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Okay, fair enough. I disagree, but it's not my site. :P
I think creating multiple giveaways that could be consolidated into a single giveaway-- with the express purpose of increasing visibility-- is just like creating multiple discussions for content that could be consolidated into a single discussion (to paraphrase the Guidelines). Nobody is forced to click on the discussion topics either. I honestly don't see a difference.
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Did you really skip the entire part about me giving away dozens of keys to quality games (with a cumulative worth of $2,646.82), for free? :(
I do not understand where all this ill will is coming from. But feel free to blacklist me if it bothers you that much. You won't see a single GA from me afterward.
I am not trying to pick a fight, I am just very surprised and confused.
This is the very first time anybody has complained that I am giving... too many free stuff.
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If you're not interested in the game, you just hide the GA.
WIth a dozen different giveaways, you have to spend 12 times more points to win a game you want. If you aren't that interested, you'll skip it.
Additionally bots and scripts prefer multi-copy giveaways to enter (as it provides a better chance to win a copy), we can state that separate, individual giveaways are a lot better for people who actually want to win the game.
And if bots end up entering, they get more point-starved, so it's also good for the general "health" of the site as well :)
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Thats exactly what I was thinking. Glad to hear I got it right. ^.^
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thank you))))
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Hello Vilehead.
If you haven't done so already, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our FAQ and Guidelines. I'd advice you to pay special attention to the part about advertising in the guidelines as well as the section directed at developers in the FAQ.
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I did. I am here for the past 4 years.
When creating a giveaway you are able to write a description. In this space you are welcome to advertise your products or services, including social media channels (e.g. Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter), games, groups, curators, or other giveaways."
But I don't understand. Did I do something wrong?
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It doesn't matter how long you've been on Steamgifts - we have users that are on Steamgifts for over a decade and don't know what to do if the winner of their giveaway doesn't redeem their gift.
I didn't say that. What I did was point out the fact that you can (and should) request developer status. That's why I've said to read that specific part of the FAQ.
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To my understanding (correct me if I am wrong) the dev status comes with at least 50 keys. That is something I cannot provide. Not for one game and not in a short amount of time. Valve punishes anyone who does that (since the key reselling abuse from 2016). Instead, I have less keys but for many various games. And there is no option for batch giveaway of keys from various games. Again - correct me if I am wrong.
As for users using a website for a decade and not knowing the absolute basics of its functionality... You are being serious? That is beyond my comprehension O_o (I am not being ironic. Its really that unbelievable to me)
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vlw! thx!
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thanks for the chance
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Thank you!
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Thanks, GL all
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Ty! <3
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Thank you ever so much! good luck !
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thank you for the opportunity
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Thank you for giveaway <3
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Many thanks for the opportunity!
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