
Opium Pulses Entertainment is very proud to announce the launch of Dreamcatcher & Missileman Origins on Steam Greenlight.

About Dreamcatcher:
Created by Blob Games Studio, the same team behind the awesome Indie Game Battle. Dreamcatcher is a Metroidvania game inspired by different titles such as Kirby, Mega Man, and The Legend of Zelda.

Explore various areas, beat bosses, gain new abilities, and light the way to save the Dream Realm in Dreamcatcher!

Control your own ball of light to light the way, beat enemies, and solve puzzles. Throughout the game you'll gain new abilities such as Fire Burst, Bubble Wave, Ice Shield, Star Storm, and more.

Each area has at least one major character as well, so there's lots of adventures to be had and characters to get familiar with!

About Missileman Origins:
Missileman Origins is a retro-esque action-platformer set in a world where robots and humans co-exist as civilians. Missileman is one of many lucky robots to get to attend the very first ever school for robots whose minds are built to expand for learning. As such, many of the characters you see in the sketch paper are fellow students, aside from certain obvious exceptions.

The gameplay itself consists of running, jumping, and shooting, as well as whatever else would occur throughout the game's levels.

And when the game doesn't focus on the action and gameplay, it will bring various characters and personality to the spotlight with dialogue exchanges and cutscenes all utilizing text boxes.

You can check out Dreamcatcher & Missileman Origins on Steam Greenlight now!

We'd like to hear your thoughts and comments as well as any ideas that you think would improve our games

We very much appreciate your support!

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