Sorry, no questions in here, either! :) Better go back where you came from:
I once was lost but now I'm found
The music washes over and you're one with the sound
Who shall inherit the earth? The meek shall
I think I'm starting to peak now, Al
And the man upstairs, I hope that he cares
If I had a penny for my thoughts, I'd be a millionaire
We're just three emcees and we're on the go
Hope you like this sort of thing, whatever it is... Or at least appreciate the opportunity for another +1, wthog. :)
Oh, oops, seems I lied. There is a question in here:
You've dumped a large pile of free dev keys for promoting whatever carefully selected bundle trash for maximum efficiency your own money into Steamgifts to reach Level umm, whatever level this is. Ahh, 9. So I was curious - why?
I mean, why do you make giveaways here? Is it the same reason you started making them way back when you were "Level 0" / "0 CV" or did your motivation change at some point? Just curious. :)
Good luck! :)
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I feel like the moment I find the answer to the question "Why do I make giveaways?" will be the moment I stop making them.
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Ahhhh, that makes a lot of sense... In that case, hopefully you won't think about it too much... :)
I thought Valve's gifting changes might make it too annoying to keep going, but haven't quite given up yet... Having to send people wallet codes instead of a game sucks, though... And somehow making giveaways was a lot more fun (and less expensive) when we could buy games any time they had a nice discount, and give them away later... Oh well...
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Well, I'm not level 9 yet (and I doubt I'll be anytime soon), but since I got here I might as well answer the question :3
Is it the same reason? Absolutely not. If I remember correctly I just looked at cheapest things I could get to hit level 4 as fast as possible. I still cared about cv for a while - maybe until level 6 or so. Nowadays I'm mostly aiming for quality giveaways, however most of them are limited to groups that appreciate their wins, such as APG which apparently closed recruitment and I only just found out about it while looking for this discussion. I'm far from rich, so I'd prefer if I didn't preorder a +1 for some random collector. But hey, I'm sure the people that haven't even touched, let alone finished less than 1% of their wins while accumulating almost 4 digits of them will definitely get around to playing them at some point ;)
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Yeah, I suspect most people have thought about how best to make the numbers go up at some point... :) But I don't think there's any profit to be had in higher levels... I mean, you could put that money into buying stuff for yourself, who knows when someone's going to give away anything in your wishlist... :)
Hmm, don't know anything about giveaway groups, but a bunch of people actually playing their wins sounds nice... :)
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Yeah, I believe someone did the math a while ago and after level 1 the return of investment starts going down quite drastically, so leveling up for "profit" is a waste of cash.
Sounds nice until you realize only 72 members managed to pass the requirements ._. There's also Playing Appreciated, but that one has much more lenient requirements and people get kicked out quite often (there has yet to be anyone kicked from APG for not playing their wins)
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Aha, sounds just like gaining more Steam levels, then... You're never going to have enough booster pack drops to offset all the money wasted on leveling up. :)
Hmm, I'd never be able to finish my backlog, got enough games on Steam for several lifetimes... :( Even if I only tried the visual novels for example, I'd be doomed. :(
I suppose the first step would be to stop buying games faster than I'm playing them, and I can't even manage that. :) There's too many cheap bundles around, just can't seem to stop buying them... :)
Sometimes you hear from a person who won a game ages ago and finally finished it, that's fun. But I think most people forget about their old wins, and keep going back to csgo or whatever their favourite game is...
Good luck with the group, hope it's fun! :) Also hope winning a game doesn't create an unpleasant obligation... :)
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More or less - in both cases you have some reward, but not enough to justify the money spent (one has few high level giveaways, the other has slight increase in booster pack drop chances + profile showcases).
I've been trying to hold off on buying stuff if I wouldn't play it right away - works.. okay, so far. If you only tried visual novels you'd definitely be doomed, considering most of the good ones take 50+ hours to read :p
In my case I'd actually like to get rid of most of the junk in my account, but steam makes it so tedious to delete games. I'll do it eventually, but I don't know when. Currently at 649 games, but I'm pretty sure I'd be at ~400 or so if I deleted all the free crap I added when I got the chance and such.
Yeah, haven't done it myself in most cases but I do try to go back and give my impressions whenever I finish a SG win nowadays.
Obligation is as far as it gets when it comes to those giveaways, I'd say. In fact, majority of the group just simply doesn't join gibs if they wouldn't play it straight away, even if they have it wishlisted. For example, I only got 18 entries in my Life is Strange: Before the Storm preorder giveaway, which was the #1 most wanted title at the time. Most don't even hit the double digit mark, no matter the quality of the giveaway. And the best part? There's no obligatory giveaways or ratio in the group - it's just a bunch of people that became too disappointed in SG and would like to reward those with the same mentality, aka the ones that view SG wins as games that are worth playing, not 10 cents wallet money and +1 game count.
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I SOLVED A PUZZLE!!!!! I can now die a happy man ;-;.
I give because I have a crippling shopping addiction :/. That may sound like a joke but I don't know why I continue to make gibs. I slowed down a bit lately and I actually feel guilty about it for some weird reason. Not sure how to explain it since I can't really explain this feeling to myself.
Not sure if I should join the gib or not since the reviews make it seem that the 18+ patch is a must to get the full amount of content in the game (apparently it is heavily censored and not just a few routes). I'm the weird guy who plays these types of VNs for their story so I tend to avoid adult patches. Hmm ...
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Yeah I don't think this qualifies as a puzzle anymore. He does this all the time :D
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Why did you have to ruin it for me? ;-;
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Aha, hooray! :) It's not the puzzliest sort of puzzle... :) It's more of a "see who's clicking the give me free stuff button, and who's actually reading" thing... :)
Not being able to put gifts in my inventory has taken a lot of the fun out of things, that's for sure... So now I hunt for bargains on the Humble Store, or just ignore how much the game costs... :( Which also takes a lot of the fun out of things... :)
Oh, hmm, I don't know what's missing from the non-patched version, unusual for it to be actual story stuff... Sorry... :)
I should say I didn't buy this one yet, so I don't know if it's any good... But really, even if I had bought it there's not much chance I would have actually played it... :( So I dunno, maybe take a provisional good luck just in case... :)
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According to the guide the Steam version only contains the first of six chapters (which is why it has the subtitle: "Down the Rabbit-Hole") where the remaining 5 dealing with some very disturbing and graphic stuff.
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Hmmm, sounds weird to chop a game up like that, but I guess if I read what's been chopped out I'd get spoiled... Think I should avoid spoilers in case I ever get one for myself, and somehow actually play it... :) Not that that's very likely... :(
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Alright, decided I can live with playing a 18+ patch installed. I'm curious to see how graphic the game had to be that they were willing to chop off most of it in order to get it on Steam.
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Cool! :) In that case you can have a genuine good luck! :)
I haven't read anything about this game at all, so I dunno what "graphic" even means for it. Ultra-boobies, human sacrifice, something I've never even heard of, no clue... :)
Genuine Good Luck! :)
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Fuck me if I know ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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Hey, you dropped a piece of that arm, let's see if I can find it...
Good luck! :)
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Woah lucky me... one of the game hasn't ended up in my filter yet and I found this :D
I don't really know, being on SG is like playing an RPG, I felt so compelled to level up, and level up some more... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What about you?
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You know what they say, the only winning move is not to play. :) Guess it's too late now, though... :)
Ahh, hmm, I was hoping someone would forget to ask that. I don't know. :) I admit it feels dumb to pay full price for something the winner will never install, but the other nice people usually make up for it. :)
Often my public giveaways have had a lot of interesting comments, so I'm secretly hoping one of those people will win... But it's usually one of the silent people taking the prize instead... Cool, another +1! Thanks for whatever this is! Trading cards ftw! Bleah.
Hmmm, I don't remember how I heard about this place, but I joined hoping for free stuff, wasn't sure if it was real or a scam... :) Turns out it was real! :) Oops! :)
Good luck! :)
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I knew I couldn't join to begin with, but wanted to find your primordial question. To answer it frankly, right now I am making it purely to exchange my extras for the extras from other people, if I am lucky I might win something someone really wants me to play in which they invested, in which case I am quite delighted, but I usually do not expect such big wins, but I do welcome them and truly am grateful for them. I initially did not trust my odds of winning on this site, I rarely made any giveaways or joined them back in the day, barely even checked the site, but what is true is that I used to get keys from devs and I would make contests for them on the steam forums on a group to promote them, just because I was enjoying to make those interesting contests/puzzles/raffles for the community, having as reward the pure and simple joy of creating and giving, not to mention also getting one game myself out of it every now and then (that might not be that pure, but a reward is a reward).
Thank you for our weekly/monthly question/answer discussion, I think I can say you are one of the few people I actually talk to, not just here on sg, but in general :) and for the giveaways, despite not joining this I still added to my wishlist since it did peek my interest.
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Hmmm, sorry it's the wrong level... Guess I could have started with "Level 0" for the cheap one, but I'm starting to think life's too short for "Level 0" giveaways. :)
Oh yeah, leftover bundle keys... :( I used to have a large pile of those, but at some point I said screw it and dumped everything on my card-farming account instead... I could have made giveaways for them, but it seems for giveaways I've switched to giving away stuff I bought for that purpose, instead of whatever I've got left over. :)
Nowadays I only use leftovers for key dumps to hide things... I did have a bunch stocked up for a puzzle, but it's been so long I don't even remember how to do it. :)
It feels like so much wasted effort creating 100 giveaway trains when nobody's going to install any of the games... :( Especially if I try replying to all the generic bundle game giveaway thanks... :)
Yeah, this game's in my wishlist too, but I don't remember reading about it... Wonder if there was a small discount in the past, and I decided hmm, not big enough... :)
Aha, I'm usually offline on Steam, or hiding in "offline mode", mostly out of laziness. :) I don't play multiplayer stuff, so I don't need to join anybody's game. And in "online mode" I get many more people randomly adding me, and of course they never leave a message. So I could try to figure out where I'm supposed to know this person from (hint: usually nowhere) or I could just say screw it and stay offline. :) Oh well. :)
Good luck in the next one! :)
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If I had free dev keys this is where I would dump them. But I don't so I'm only level 8 atm.
I give because I have no use for leftovers and I'm sure at least a few deserving people will end up with something they enjoy. That and the CV
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Fortunately I don't have any dev keys either, so I don't have to struggle with deciding what to do with them... :)
I'm always hoping winners will enjoy their games, but too often it feels like their only enjoyment is selling the trading cards...
Woohoo! For the profitz! :)
Good luck next time! :)
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First, I knew those lyrics immediately, and I still have the old yellow cassette tape of that album. :)
I first joined this site to give away my spare keys from bundles. I used to give them to my brother but I started to see he wouldn't even activate the keys I sent him, so I looked for a way to give them to people who'd actually want them. silly naive me
Then, you know, I like giving things away and making people happy. It's fun to win and it's fun to make somebody else win.
Also, I'm basically asocial so, other than work, this is about the only interaction I have with strangers...
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Interesting, I don't have any old stuff, hmm, maybe a few books in a forgotten box somewhere. :( Things just end up in the trash, or disappear... At least with Steam or GOG you don't need to keep countless boxes of crap forever...
Well, if "want" means "will happily redeem your keys for the precious +1" then Steamgifts is full of people who actually want them... :) Just don't expect everyone to play the games... :)
I hope whoever wins this one will be happy, don't know if it's any good though. :) Guess I'll feel dumb if this is a crappy game, no point making hidden garbage giveaways... :)
Good luck! :)
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Not level 9 yet, because "bundle trash for maximum efficiency". All my friends hated me for dumping those keys into chat every week... so I came here :D
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Ahh, sorry about that. :) I guess there's a risk that "Level 9" people might already own all the other games, and thus never find this giveaway. But that's their problem... :)
Oh, so your friends didn't want free stuff? Or were they unhappy to get bundle leftovers instead of expensive "AAA" games? :)
Fortunately people around here are always happy for the +1s, good games or bad games nobody seems to care... :)
Good luck in the next one, whenever that is... :)
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IDK, I guess they didn't want "junk" games, when I gave away a few nice titles and packages, nobody complained. It was a lot of key spam though, so the visual clutter was probably the part they didn't want.
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I start using SG to clean some bundled-game key which I already have or I don't want.
When I win some game and make friends with other, I start to buy game and bundle for SG (make GA). And now, Level 9
btw, I don't think "level" is equal for everyone, for example, RU+CIS and CN, I had found many of them "only" make GA for their region(or invite only GA with those region people). they use much much lower price to reach their level, and start to "only entry" other GA, and don't make any new GA.
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Hmm, occasionally someone will mention people farming levels on the cheap via region-restricted or group giveaways, and using those levels to win region-free stuff from region-free public giveaways. I assume some other people get free keys from publishers, and reach a high level without spending a single cent. Dunno how common those things are...
I guess my first thought would be no matter what system exists, people will find ways to exploit it for profitz. I suppose some giveaway creators keep a blacklist so none of "those people" win their stuff, but that's not something I'm interested in doing...
Good luck! :)
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Hah, thought you could hide this from me, eh?... Well, you would have if I didn't immediately check for other hidden stuff after you made a completely unrelated thread... but still!
Hmmm, let's see...
When I think about, I've never really trusted people much. I don't recall what my feelings about "giving back" were at the time but I do recall that when cg added the options to restrict giveaways by Contribution (Yes, "Contribution"! The way it was always called. Not "Contribution Value" or "CV". It was always just "Contribution" and I kept calling it that, regardless of how much people insisted to associate it with "Value".) I thought that could be a good barrier to prevent all the... "bad" people from entering. (How naive and stupid I was then.) Since I liked puzzles a lot I did some of those (conveniently that made them an extra barrier) and the games I gave away were generally games that I could afford and complied by my rules (75% off and cheap enough or no deal!...usually...) but I still felt were (or at least looked to me) good enough to be decent rewards for my puzzles. Then university and my general outlook of the world started getting... bullshity... So I lost the time and will to make more puzzles (plus I might have kinda ran out of ideas). By then I had found some people I liked and whose judgement I felt like I can trust so I started making giveaways only for their groups. I think at some point I shifted the focus from games that I think look good mainly to games that I played personally, liked and wanted more people to be able to experience. Flash forward a few years and... well, here we are... :|
Either way, I have felt like games can bring people happiness long before coming to SteamGift, so I always though I was giving people happiness by making giveaways... nowadays, I'm not so sure anymore. My pessimism has been getting worse and worse. T.T
Um... Aaaaaaanyway, thank you very much for all the giveaways! :D
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Aha, guess I should have expected people to start hunting around for the hidden stuff... :)
Hmmm, dunno if I'd call it stupid, didn't most of us go through a period giving games to higher-level people, thinking somehow they earned it by giving away so much stuff, or as a thank you, or whatever? But I'd say there are good people at "level 0" and bona fide stinkers right up to "level 10" ... :)
I think puzzles were a lot of fun, but so very time-consuming... :( At least, making one was a lot of work, and if it was a serious puzzle, solving it would be a lot of work too... :) Now all I do is hide crappy giveaways in the most obvious places, since most people aren't even looking any more... :) I'm not sure my brain can get in "puzzle-making mode" any more, at least not without a nice vacation first... :)
Like these "hidden" giveaways, they couldn't be any easier to find. But only 15% or 20% of the people entering the public giveaways managed to click a boldface link to find the private ones. And that's actually a huge improvement on the old days, since all the bot creators got scared and changed things recently... :)
Oh, I guess this one's tricky, people had to figure out what "shadrach=37tHC" meant. :)
It's nice to hear someone's had fun with a game they won, but I'm not interested in checking up on people to find out, life's too short for that... :)
Thank you for the comments, it was interesting! :) And good luck somewhere or other! :)
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well....still no question for me! as I am not level 9! :D muahahahah evillaughandcaughcaugh:
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Oh well, sorry about that. :) You could answer it anyway though, not like there's much difference... :)
Good luck next time! :)
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shhhh, I am still small, low level! :D
well, my story is pretty common. Joined, first GA was regift of first win........deleted right after reading faq
Learned rules, boosted to level 4 for profitz (and as can be seen on graph) stayed there a looong time :P
Then I joined in creation of one event, joined another (and little abused Paradox Collection). And then slowly building up.
These days little slower though...if I will have a new job, will probably make showoff thread or smth hahaha
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Aha, interesting... :) Would "Level 4" be like $30.01 CV from the old days? I'm too lazy to find the chart or graph or whatever it is, know there was one around here somewhere... :)
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I guess so about the 30,01 :P
not sure if you are looking for this, but guess not :P
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Ahh, thank you, but hmm, I mean somewhere there was a comparison of how the various levels compared to the old "CV" stuff, and I'm too lazy to find it... :)
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humm... I never knew such comparison exist and I will pretend I never read above, maybe I will read later on, you know, my nickname
so I am not lazy (─‿‿─)
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Found this!
To answer your question for me it's the fun of making puzzles and having rewards for those who solve them...
This is an example...
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Ouch, that looks like a painful amount of work! :) Let a virtual hat be tipped to you... :) I'm much too lazy for that sort of thing... :)
I hope everyone playing has fun, even if they don't win anything! :)
Good luck! :)
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Each person solving wins several games since entries are lower than usual... entries around 5-25 average,
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Cool, it sounds like a fun event for everyone! :) Hopefully for you, too... :)
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I like to share with others making giveaways, but the actual situation in my country makes it impossible to continue for the moment
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Ahh, hope things will get better... And good luck in some other giveaway! :)
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I think I lost my way home. I'm also on mobile :O
Can you help me?
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Hmm, not sure, were you looking for the Soul Train? That's one of the links... :)
Good luck! :)
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ah cant enter :S
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Sorry about that, but good luck next time! :)
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Only 8 entries wow :D I guess we don't have any level 9s around. :)
Well, I'm not level 9, only 8 here so not sure if I should answer the question.
I joined the site almost 6 years ago, joined some private groups, made friends through gaming together, spent a lot of time on forums, joined steam chat channels etc. Bundled giveaways were actually banned back then. Since a lot of things have changed (, region locks, age, interests, life etc) and I'm not active in any of those groups anymore, I haven't been actively making giveaways in a long while :D
It was fun to make group or invite only giveaways and make special requirements for entry, read people's answers. If I wasn't this lazy, I'd probably make bundle gibs and trains etc and level up (unlock the level 10 achievement! then my life will be complete and I can stop), maybe I should, just dunno it feels like everyone can buy those 10 game $1 bundles themselves if they really want to...
PS: with the new puzzle solver script not sure if this is bot proof :D
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I guess this place doesn't feel quite the same to me, although I wasn't a member at the start so I never saw what it was "supposed to" be like... Oh well...
Yeah, I don't bother giving bundle leftovers any more, just use those keys to hide stuff... Who wants to deal with 100 giveaways, that's too much bookkeeping for crap that will never even be played... :)
Eh? Puzzle solver script? I'll have to take a look, and make sure it find the wrong giveaways... Sigh...
Hmm, good luck some day, in some other giveaway! :)
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many thanks for cute girls
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No problem, hope it's fun! :)
Also, someone mentioned a patch or something, so check the community thing, or the forum, to find the missing pieces of the game... :)
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