Love is the only truth.... the only antidote. If only... society understood. If only things could be different.
Watch out for that last note. It is an ear piercer!
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38 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Kingsajz
YES! the hair! and they lined up all the guitars/bass!! HA ha
thanks again for the level 8 ga's!
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lmao... heck yeah! showmanship is important!
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thxs one last time Fabs!!=}
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You're welcome!
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Nice, that game looks nice, just added it to my wishlist, thanks for the chance:) Hope you are having a nice weekend.
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You are welcome! You have a good one too!
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Thank you for all four giveaways, my friend!:)
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Thank you, and you're welcome! I slept all day - and most of the last few days, actually. Best of luck on winning something good soon!
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Sorry to hear that you're feeling so unwell the past few days.:( I do hope it will get better for you soon!:)
Alas, I did not win any of these sweet-looking games, but I will keep my eyes peeled looking for some more in the future!;)
I went to the washroom last night at work, and I could have sworn that an insect that fell off (and in the toilet, where it belonged!) while I was in there, was a tick! I wasn't about to fish it out, but it sure looked like one. I suppose I could have just been paranoid, but I did not have any bites on me, and it was on my clothes.
And there was an article that I read online yesterday that told of two hikers that said they had to brush off 100s of ticks by the end of their hike! It just shows that they are showing a population boom (or perhaps since lyme disease became more known, there is more coverage?), and that is a potential worry for sure!
Take care, my friend.:)
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Yes, the 100's of tick thing. When they are in their first small form (nymph form), they are barely visible! You hit a nest of those and you could have hundreds easily, and not even see them when they are around 1 to 2 mm in size! They can even "hang around" without people really noticing, since they are so tiny, then drop after a while at the small size, and they have all the same stuff bigger adult forms have, generally, pretty early on in development. I think the mild winter here will cause a lot more, since more mice probably survived a lot easier, and they are one of the bigger carriers of the disease here in NA. I'm in the biggest problem area in the US also... I had to come here for some treatment, since it was (and all my other problems were) completely ignored where I used to live. If you want the best knowledge, going to ground zero is probably the best spot to seek... Wish I had done this many years ago, but it is what it is. Got to work on now, since now is what there is.
My back got all messed up Thursday/Friday morning and it is mostly calmed down. Still hurts to turn when I lie on my back and use my left arm at all, like putting pressure on it with any weight, I feel it in there pretty bad, and I get pains if I move my head too far back and in certain other areas. A sort of nauseating zinging pain, like a really bad sprain.
Not sure how it got like this in just a few hours of resting from when I didn't feel it to when I did... Definitely not as painful as it was though, and luckily I have both pain relievers and muscle relaxants, since I've been dealing with both problems for quite some time. It did help initially, but I try not to make it a habit with the pain herbals I take. They have been banned in four or five states here, but luckily we overturned surprise attack on the treasured pain reliever we can use here, as they tried to push it up to schedule I (highest classification, making it the most illegal). If pain management blames everything on my arthritis, they give NSAIDs which I think are much too dangerous for me to risk taking daily. They do not help my pain either. The legal opioid does help some at least, so I'll stick with that if they will just deny people like me anything more powerful with less side-effects (in my opinion). It has plenty of medical use - and it got over 22,000 comments (way more than any issue with FDA/DEA on the site... ever), most supporting its use. It's still legal for now at least, so I'm glad there was an appeal by some Senators and such to give people a chance to speak out before they just banned it outright. I'm not happy with the way a lot of things are done here, but the way this issue was handled really surprised me, since people were actually allowed to be heard on an issue for once, and it actually made a difference.
Also yeah, lyme is being slightly talked about more these days, but something is not jiving... kind of like a "shadow Tuskeegee", since that was a spirochete as well... It's been 2 decades at least, and still no real line drawn to say it is real, or what is real about it, and what is not, having more accurate testing or guidelines, etc. and still a lot of controversy and people suffering without proper treatment. I'm still trying (and I will fail until major steps are taken) to get IV antibiotics for my own chronic lyme and mycoplasma infections. I have another appointment today with my lyme doctor for the regular oral antibiotics, and anxiety meds, since none of my medicaid doctors will dare prescribe a benzo. It is strange with many doctors how self-pay or higher private insurances get treated compared to medicaid...
The mental health services (where I should be getting anxiety prescriptions from) are horrendous - everything has the same cause - depression. I can also see ten psychiatrists/psychologists and they will all have differing opinions on my diagnosis, and will throw random medications at me, while specialists won't do much until I have hard figures on tests to rule out possibilities, since medications should be used carefully, and only situationally... Strange how they two worlds are totally different! Now that I have a clear-cut autism diagnosis, I don't know if that will change anything, but anxiety problems are pretty common in people who have it... It wasn't really known much aside from extreme cases when I was growing up, so for whatever reason, teachers ignored my odd behaviors growing up, or just refused to do much. Having a lot of intelligence helped me blend in as well, so I was able to mimic behaviors to hide better as I grew up a little bit.
Organizations like IDSA and partially CDC and one other I forget are saying chronic lyme barely exists, or even doesn't exist at all... still! Also saying 2 weeks of antibiotics "cures" everyone. It can help, but I think longer is needed just to be safe. There are plenty of other conditions that antibiotics are given for much longer, and some of those are much more superficial and not as high risk. I think giving them for a weekend cold is much more dangerous than possible prevention of tick borne diseases... They are devastating to many who didn't get the help they needed early on. I trust ILADS guidelines for the most part, and I think they are far more sympathetic to the patient's rights over some of the other organizations with some shady dealings in the past. There are over 700 peer-reviewed published articles with patients with chronic lyme, and there is some kind of giant cover up here and abroad for whatever reason... the numbers are staggering.
Sorry for blabbing a bit about myself/situation (okay a lot), but I am happy to hear you didn't have to worry about the tick, if it was one, other than a scare. The bigger ones tend to "hang around" for a while, and you'd definitely notice after a while, so good it was a regular size and not attached if in fact it was one. Take care as well, and I'll keep on doing the same!
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Thank you :)
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You're welcome! Missed a lot of messages as I slept all day. I hope you win some good stuff soon!
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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.
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Thank you)
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You are quite welcome! Congrats on winning, iRattle!
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Thank you for the post you gave me above. There is certainly a lot more to it than they would like the average person to believe!
I did read that entire post (it would be douchey of me not to). I hope your back gets back to some semblance of normalcy soon! I've had back issues from time to time over the years (was rear-ended when I was around 19 years old, and I have a spot (section) in my back that will always flare up from time to time. Nothing to the extent of what you're going through, of course, but it still can be frustrating!
I hope you have a good weekend, my friend.
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Thanks for dropping another message in. I think it's (back issue) almost gone today, so it lasted about a week. I have a few spots as well: got one that kind of mimics sciatica where I had shingles once, and then a couple of odd ones near my shoulders and neck area that came out questionable after some xrays. Just a natural degradation over time from lack of nutrients, most likely, and I'm sure whatever else is messing with the immune system. Almost all infections tend to take a lot of vitamin D out of the bloodstream, and that plus the pancreatic insufficiency probably have combined. Calcium doesn't work too well without some D (and generally magnesium and zinc also work well with those).
Good thing for me is I can kind of maintain it where it is, since I am now aware of it, or at least slow it down if I can keep taking supplements for the osteo-related stuff. I think I can understand the back flare ups though. Sometimes it's more of a "neuropathy" sort of feeling where certain spots will just radiate a strange raw feeling, and other days it is definite pains. If I raise my back a certain level from a lying flat position, there is a particular spot that is pretty excruciating - I am pretty lucky not to have that going on regularly. This area is kind of near where that spot is though, kind of directly between the shoulders. Just kind of a soreness or stiffness at other times when it's not doing especially well, but if I can move around for a while, that does the trick most of the time. I could stand to improve my posture as well, but being tired a lot makes gravity win more than it should. :D
Won't blab too much this time, but it's good it is just a time to time thing for you. Doesn't help any when it is one of those times, but for me, at least they pass, or I have better times mixed in. I cannot imagine how hopeless it would feel being at max pain level on a very regular basis... lots of ups and downs for me. I am pretty thankful for that. I also wish you well! Good weekend your way!
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