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Before Sega's Dreamcast, there was the Dreamscape, a console which not only played games in 60 FPS but also was rated 3gpJn (which means it had 3G in Japan). In Brazil, it was renamed "Phantom System", and came with an actual working firearm in the original box, killing the competition.

View attached image.

If memory serves correctly, this was just before the heating, ventilation and air conditioning giant Nine.10.Do upended the industry with a home console capable of rendering more than one single graphic per game, and in some cases even four or five, hence the phrase "console graphics".

Unfortunately, prohibitively high production costs bankrupted the company before the machine ever made it to market, causing the forfeiture and auction of its assets, even including the company name as well as its mascot, Cool Spot.

5 months ago

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I starting to think that these are not real facts...I'm slow yeah =((

5 months ago

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But.... look at that picture.... see the gun? A picture I found on the internet, isn't that strong evidence?

5 months ago

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5 months ago

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