I guess this should be level 8008135.
Oh look, it's another one of these. Seems everyone is chasing that Sakura money now...
Did you ever want to strike it rich on Steam? Get your artist friend to draw some pictures, and write a dozen pages of nonsense about cat girls or aliens or time travel or time traveling alien cat girls... :) Bonus points if you remember to proofread it. :) Somehow you'll have to come up with $100 for the Greenlight Submission Fee. But think of all the money you'll earn. I know at least one idiot will buy a copy for a giveaway... :)
Yes, this game is junk. Save your money for the Winter Sale. :) But at least it's not one of those renamed Unity asset store games. I think. :)
Good luck, thanksbotters! These developers are even lazier than you... :) Appreciate the opportunity, oh, wait a minute, Thanks hope to win it wthog ^_^
1 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by wigglenose
30 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by wiLLie22
111 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Bohemius
16,702 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by mjy
1,212 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by ngoclong19
52 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Fluffster
33 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Spartaaaaan
14 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by BlackbeardXIII
203 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by violence03
131 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by Waxlor
329 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by eeev
28 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by gus09
11 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by Keny123456
338 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by aquatorrent
Thanks fiftykyu, this loooks bad but I do like bad games :D
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You came to the right place, bad is in season this week... :) Good luck... :)
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Thanks, i must have this. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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I see you already won some good games, you might want to....
Oh wait, that's a Nekopara background, isn't it? Never mind... :)
Good luck... :)
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This is not actually a bot, this is just a tribute :P
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I see someone named pery77 is puking that everywhere... :( But I'm sure he's only in the Easy S. Gifts group for the friendly chat, and types it by hand each time... :)
Good luck... :) I must admit checking if you say that everywhere... :) Sorry... :) But it's just what a bot would say, isn't it? :)
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Yeah, that's the guy I copied it from.
If you don't mind me asking, how did you check if I say that everywhere? Afaik there's no way to look up all the posts of a single sg user (something I'd actually really like to do sometimes).
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Maybe the support people can check, but unless I've overlooked something you're right, we can't... :( If you have several public giveaways running, and someone writes an identical comment in each one, at the same exact time, that's a hint. :) Hover your mouse over the "8 hours ago" or whatever - it shows the exact time that comment was written.
Since I'm too lazy to ask google I look at someone's wins - and hope they aren't in too many private groups... :) Same comment in every won giveaway, that's a tipoff. :)
Sometimes I also look at their Steam groups - membership in "Easy S. Gifts" is very suspicious... :)
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I see. TBH I personally don't really have a problem with people entering my GAs with scripts or bots, so I don't bother hunting them down. Plus, most of my gibs are 4/5+ now, and I don't seem to be having many problems with thankbotting at that level as most of them end with about 3 comments max. :x
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I've seen a level 10 person with enough generic thanks to be a bot, but I think he's just lazy... :) I think it's frustrating when people are happy for a chance to take your free game, but they can't be bothered to say why... :(
There's no point hunting them, really. But for some reason it's fun to tease them, and see if they lie about it. :)
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I'm afraid nothing moves around in this game, so you'll have to use the static pictures plus your imagination... :) Good luck... :)
Oh, oops, just noticed Fallout is still running in the background, I should go back to whatever I was doing in there... :)
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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Somehow your knowing I would give this away is disappointing... :) I will have to do better tomorrow... :)
There's got to be a pile of good visual novels on Steam, but I'm too lazy to find them... :) These things are, umm, easy to spot... :)
Good luck! :)
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lol, i thought i was the only one that noticed those repetitive replies all the time xD
nice to know it bothers someone else :3
here, have a thank you image that's spammed all around sg (but i'm not gonna enter this ga xD )
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Yes, thanksbotters can all go far away... :) I don't mind so much the lazy greedy people entering without saying anything, but for some reason the scripted thanks are so annoying... :) It's not fun replying to someone's bot... :)
My favourite was the Yuki-chan with the "Thank you very much for the chance to win this great game :D" but he stopped about a year ago. I wonder if SGV2 broke his script, or if he decided to stop being lazy... :) Guess I'll never know... :)
Good luck if you change your mind! :) Oh, wait a minute, you are one of those crazy people who only try to win games they'd actually play... :) So good luck in some better giveaway instead! :)
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I had a giveaway for the crapfest "GabeN: The Final Decision" a couple of weeks after it was released (went straight-to-bundles this one), and someone actually wrote "Thanks man for share, if i win i will be so happy, wanted to play it for long time:D =)"
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yeah I saw that lol, what was it again around 2k times he used that line according to your reply/search? But who knows, maybe it was his dream to be GabeN all the time ;-)
(except nope, that line even comes up at steamcompanion xD )
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I guess it's a difficult problem, how do you write something generic, but not so generic it's obviously a bot. And not so specific that it wouldn't apply to every possible giveaway. So you couldn't mention "game" or "play" since sometimes people give away You Need A Budget 4 or 3DMark... :)
I guess lazy people don't care, they just want your free stuff... :)
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I'll write something relating to the giveaway. Simple yet every comment is a bit different.
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The unbelievable part is that no one would actually want to play that game.
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Aha, it's that, umm, that I forgot what it's called face. But it's probably appropriate for this thing... :) Unless you're expecting some game with your boobies, in which case try...
Hmm, I can't find any in your Steam library at all... Maybe Borderlands 2? Usually I say one of the Witcher games, but it seems you don't have any of those. :(
Good luck! :) But it's a bad game... :)
p.s. google image search had no idea what your picture was, that's unusual. :) And it says "PSG" = Paris Saint-Germain F.C. :) Oh well. :)
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It's called the "Lenny Face".
KnowYourMeme.com :P
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Thank you... :)
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The character is Panty from an anime named Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt. (Hence PSG) :P
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Ahh, yes, I should have said I knew what the picture was, but that google image search didn't. Usually it's the other way round... :) And that when I tried "PSG" it thought I was talking about football... :)
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Anime. Check. Big boobs. Check. Enters giveaway.
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It's funny, there are more comments in this giveaway than this one, despite that giveaway being older, and an actual game besides... :) I would have expected people to enter this one quietly, and hang their head in shame if they win... :) Guess life is too short for hanging one's head in shame... :) So have a good luck! :)
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It's a twisted culture that's developed here at Steamgifts.
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Haha! Well, life is full of surprises! :P
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Err-hmm! Good Sir, do you not know that I have a respectable profile to keep?! I cannot in good faith allow such wantonly prurient, such lewdly lascivious, such salaciously immoral and indecently obscene... runs out of synonyms ... material to disgrace my perfectly decent profile that is public for all to see!
quietly enters
Don't tell the missus I entered this, will ya? Don't want the old hag to spoil some good ol' gentlemanly pleasure now, you understand?
j/k I'm not genuinely interested in this, so not entering. Good luck to the others, though ;)
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I think there are some good "boobie games" on Steam, but there's an awful lot of garbage... :) For example, all the Sakura games are terrible visual novels plus boobie pictures. :) I'd call HuniePop a good "Match 3" game plus boobie pictures. :) And then there's stuff like the Witcher, which isn't a boobie game at all, but Geralt can't walk 30 paces without stumbling upon someone's boobies... :)
Good luck if your good taste deserts you... :) But it's not worth the points, really... :)
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Thank you for giving
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Well, it's a pity I couldn't give something worth playing, but take a good luck anyway... :) Will see how big a discount Clannad gets on Tuesday... :)
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I still have trouble seeing the appeal of these games. I have no issue with visual novels as a genre (the Ace Attorney series is supposed to be very good, which is why I bought a few) but I don't get this type of pandering. It might be due to the fact that I'm not the target audience for this type of pandering but if someone wants anime porn ... why not just spend 5 mins on Tumblr? This reminds me of the soft core porn-type tv shows that would air at 2am and I would sneakily stay up to watch because I didn't have Internet back then :/. That last sentence just made me feel very old XD.
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I guess it doesn't make much sense, does it? :) Especially since after a few days you can see the whole "game" from the community page screenshots. :) Unless there's a non-steam ultra-boobie version I guess. But I think Steam is the only store selling this one... Which may be one store too many... :)
Nobody's buying this for the miserable "novel" part, so it must be the amazing "visual" part... But like you said, whatever people are looking for here, they can find it free elsewhere... :) Oh well. :)
I do have a gift of G-senjou no Maou - The Devil on G-String Voiced Edition to give away, but I don't know if it's any good. :) At least it's a "real" visual novel, if that means anything. :) And if Clannad isn't too expensive, I'll have to give one of those next week. :) That should make up for all the Sakura games, the Beach Bounce, and this. :)
Good luck in one of those giveaways instead! :)
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The eyes in Clannad still creep me out a bit XD.
I have nothing against these type of games, and if peeps genuinely want to play soft core porn games, they should be able to. What bother me a bit is that they aren't even trying to be a game at all. At least porn films put in some effort with a sense of story, but these guys tend to phone it in :/. If folks are willing to pay, I guess they will continue to make. Though as a fellow collector, I can't exactly point the finger at others for buying these games, since I'll most likely pick up a copy once a good sale rolls by XD. Maybe I'm just being a tad too critical of them. I'll let you know if I feel different after a bit of sleep :).
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Happy cake day!
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Phone it in is exactly right... :) I seem to remember in one of those Sakura games seeing the "tsundere" character actually called "tsun" by accident, as apparently their search & replace had missed it... :) Don't work too hard, indie man... :)
Oh, wow it's a whopping 20% discount today. Think it was 10% when I got it. I'd keep waiting, this junk is bundle fodder if I've ever seen any... :)
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Thanks for sharing kyu. You do seem to have something of a theme going on with your giveaways of late.
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I'll try to make up for it in a day or two... :) Unless I get busy playing Fallout and forget... :) But let's hope not... :)
This game is junk, but good luck anyway! :)
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Research material needed
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It's funny, I just checked "research material" in google images, and found a bunch of research material. Somehow I was expecting research material. :)
Good luck! :)
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I'm here for the plot ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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There's terrifying boobie monsters! For umm, story reasons. And umm, evil visitors from the future. Who may not really be evil? Sorry, I just couldn't keep playing. Maybe they all live happily ever after...
I tried to give this thing a fair chance, but it's just garbage. :) Not sure if "garbage + boobies" = garbage, or if it's still boobies. Guess it depends on the winner's preferences...
Hope you're in the mood for a terrible game if you win... :) Good luck! :)
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Haven't seen such boobs in Unity asset store :P
I bet those girls have serious spine problems... The creators have no limits :)
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No limits, no common sense, no taste... :) No writing, no art, no self-respect... :)
But at least they have a game on the Steam store! How many did Shakespeare make? Or Michelangelo? :)
Good luck... :)
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No mommy, I won't enter this giveaway...
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Aha, what's the 6000 game badge look like? Guess you will find out in the next sale... :)
Good luck, I won't tell your mommy if you win... :)
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What, you want to play something good instead? Sadly I don't have any of those... :( Might give away a Clannad if it's not too expensive, though... :) Although it would be nice if the winner plays it... :)
Nobody's going to play this, at least not until it gets some trading cards... :) Good luck in some other giveaway... :)
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I mean, maybe I'm an old fashioned romantic, who thinks that when you like boobs you mean the real McCoy (or at least some regular pr0n)...
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What's interesting to me, for some reason "realistic-looking" boobies (like in the Witcher games) are ok on Steam, but cartoon style boobie drawings are not. :) So there's nothing to see here... :)
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yay b00bs
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"Time Tenshi is an exciting anime/ecchi visual novel! As the player's character enters Tensai Shiro's lab facility and follows the Time Tenshi in their journeys through time, a plot full of futuristic action, ecchi, humour and plenty of fanservice will unfold!"
No, not really. :) It's a bunch of terrible writing and a bunch of terrible boobie pictures... :) But it's free! Woohoo, free stuff! :)
Good luck! :)
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When you repeat that it's a bad that this much, then it's probably a game so bad that it gets good, right?
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No, it's not one of those, it's geniunely bad. :) Sorry! :) But if you like bad, good luck! :)
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Thanks hope to win it wthog ^_^
I think once I attempted to look up the wthog part, but either I failed or it was not interesting enough for me to remember it now
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"With The Help Of G-d" :)
Some people pray for food, and others... for a free video game? Sounds ridiculous to me, but who am I to judge... :)
Good luck! :)
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Thankies fiftykyu! you are always falling in love with the boobies XD
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Aha, with that picture I thought you might already own this... :) But all I saw was a Sakura game... :) So good luck, it's the same thing really, but with worse art... :)
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My pic is Rias from High School DxD :P
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Yes, that's why I thought you might already own this game... :) That thing's even boobier than this... :) Alas, when I checked your library I only saw Sakura Spirit... :)
p.s. Beach Bounce is in the new Indie Gala Monday Bundle... :) I think it's even worse than Time Tenshi, which isn't easy... :) At least the people who made Time Tenshi could write complete English sentences... :)
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This looks like research to me thanks!!=>
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Normally I'd say check here and save your points, but there appears to be only one lonely screenshot for this game. Is Steam blocking them somehow? Or nobody bothered? :) The actual game looks worse than that, by the way. :)
Good luck! :)
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I would like to appreciate my thanks for all fellow botssssss .... pzztt.
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Aha, I should say good luck beep boop, but it seems you won't be able to enter this giveaway yet... So good luck next time, I guess... :)
p.s. You're not missing anything, this game is bad... :)
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count me in,it's a masterpiece of digital art.Thank you for the chance !
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Well, I thought Gone Home was a masterpiece of digital art, but that's not exactly a popular opinion... :) And I don't remember any boobies in it... :) This has a lot of boobies, but art is in short supply... :)
Good luck! :)
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Have to wonder just how many sales these kind of games get. With Steam only taking about a 30% cut (no publisher fee if you self-publish), even in Russia this game would only have to sell about 40 copies to top the Greenlight fee. Then it's only a matter of calculating how many $20 DeviantArt commissions they got.
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Hmm, interesting... I guess the only tricky part would be to get through the Greenlight process... Sounds like that would be more difficult than making this game, anyway... :)
Plus you only have to pay the Greenlight Submission Fee once... :) Their next 20 boobie games wouldn't have to sell as many copies... :)
Good luck! :)
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Thanks for the explanation but the word "boobs" alone has already convinced me of the quality of this product.Unfortunately you will find such gems here too rare and with this in mind "Boobs for life" ^^
Thank you (again) for this revelation :-)
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I think zero quality is still a quality, right? :) Thought this might have a nicer discount in the sale, but no... :)
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You decided to giveaway the big boobs! ^^
Tbh, I have been thinking about making a VN or something lol!
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I'm forever blowing bubbles... :)
If you have the time, give it a shot! You could hardly do worse than this... :) All these people did was "Hmm, boobies are popular, let's make a game with boobies..." :)
Good luck! :)
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