
Gift Link from HB.


5 years ago

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Thank you so much !!!

5 years ago

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About your most recent thread:

Note that the intent of reduced value is to bring contribution value on the site somewhat in line to actual purchase cost (to avoid contribution value exploitation). As games on other platforms are not allowed to be given through Steamgifts, only the discount status of Steam versions of games is factored in.

Staff has been rather quiet of late, and so the bundle and free lists haven't been dedicatedly updated since October, so there are some games that aren't going to report their value properly at the moment. Since delays are common (albeit, not necessarily to that length), it's always useful to check directly if a game has been previously bundled or not. (Note that anything with an 85% or more discount [after adjustment to USD currency; note that steamdb offers native currency conversion] is at risk of being added to the bundle list dependent on perceived exploitation severity, while anything close to 95% or more is guaranteed to be added.)

Normally, however, you can check if a game has reduced contribution value by noting the * or ** next to the game in the giveaway list, when you create the giveaway, which are used to indicate the game has been bundled or free in the past, respectively.


As far as the hovering goes, most things on the site offer information via hovering. You can also consider activating various site scripts for additional information feedback. Also note the "Archive" and Stats" sections [quick link at the bottom of each site page] as other useful site resources.

5 years ago

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Thanks for the information, i was wondering if there was some kind of pre-value while doing a giveaway.

But for the example of SR, the lowest value of 0 on isThereAnyDeal is seen on Humble Store, not on Steam, so Steam is not the golden source ?

Also, someone on the thread mentionned that some games won on seemingly dirty Steam keys grabs sites like Alienware Arena would have their values at full, which i don't get compared to SR that is currently more than 20 on any big stores at the moment. It still feels weird. And if i had known, i would have given it away somewhere on Reddit, instead of here, and put something else here.

But thanks for taking the time, i have learned a lot about SG while doing a fool of myself :D

5 years ago

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