  • Please allow me to delete this GA should the key not work for any reason.

  • If you win, please activate the game and mark the GA as received promptly.

  • Please don't post "thank you" comments while the GA is active, but a thank you note by the winner would be appreciated.

  • Good luck! 🍀

Hello my friend, are you here? I would like to ask something.

2 years ago

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Spotty presence. I'm on airport wi-fi, but happy to answer if it's a quick question :)

I have about an hour till boarding time.

2 years ago

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Oh! Thank you! :)
I'm in no rush for an answer, so take your time.

Hypothetically speaking, if you unintentionally harmed a member by trying to help him, and you found out from a train that he had blacklisted you. When you did some giveaways, you saw that he has removed you probably to take part, but then blacklisted you again.
What would you do in this case?

2 years ago

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I'm sorry that this happened to you and that you got blacklisted for trying to help someone :(

First of all, I would to reach out to that member to explain the situation and that you meant no harm. They might reconsider the BL after you present your point of view. I once had a member blacklist me soon after having whitelisted me because I left a "thank you" note on one of their GAs that they misconstrued as an attack. They removed the BL (but didn't WL me again) after I explained myself.

If you're concerned about them being able to join your GA by temporarily un-blacklisted you, the solution is to make your GAs shorter than 7 days. There's a cooldown period after you un-BL someone. For ex, if you had someone BLed for 3 days, you have to wait 3 days to join their GAs again (after unblacklisting them). The maximum period is 7 days, so if someone has had you BLed for a while, they can't join any GA that's shorter than 1 week.

Other option is to Blacklist them back.

Hope that helps.

2 years ago*

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Oh! I'm really sorry... there are people who are misunderstood at the slightest...
I'm thinking of making a new cozy giveaway, but I don't know what to do.
Make it expire in less than a week so he doesn't take part? Should I make it expire in more days so he can take part and if he wins we can talk about it while we're friends on Steam?
I am not able to leave a message on any of his giveaways :(

2 years ago

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What I typically do when trying to reach someone who's blacklisted me is to reply to their "thank you" comment under one of their Won giveaways.
If you don't have access to any of their won giveaways for some reason, they you're SOL and have to contact them via Steam.

PS: Honestly, if I see someone pulling off this kind of stunt (unBLing to join), I would reciprocate the blacklist because they're not the sort of person I want to interact with. I don't know the nature of your relationship with this person. Maybe it's someone you respect a lot and they're just very angry and it would be foolish to blacklist them.... Up to you. I'm sure you can patch things up if you just talk it out.

2 years ago*

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Thanks for the tip. I didn't even think about it. :)
I'm thinking of leaving some innuendo (is that the right word?) e.g. It ends in 10 days so everyone has time to take part.
And depending on his behavior, I will act or I may ask for your help again.
Thank you for your time. Have a nice trip.

2 years ago

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Ok, boarding time :) Talk to you soon, my friend.

2 years ago

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