
-> The champion may be not Spencer! The champion is random but because doesn't have no Random Option in here I choose Spencer for example.

->You need the game - Occult preRaise - because this is a DLC for this game!

you cannot make givaways for games like this, when you do not kow what the winner is going to get !!!
Otherwise, how did you know to pick Spencer (Character for Occult preRaise), if the answer is that you didn't know that this is the game they are going to receive, then you have knowingly made a giveaway using potentially false information - which is not allowed under SG rules.

Perhaps better to send anyone who would enter this giveaway to:
that way they will have as much chance at receiving this game as they will in this giveaway - but they will not have the dangers of potentially having to mark not received if it turns out incorrect.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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