
Since October, I've clocked 500+ hours in Elder Scrolls Online. KSP still handily beats it for my most played Steam game. There's a reason for that.

Hvala puno!

6 years ago

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Thank you!

6 years ago

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Ty :3

6 years ago

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I almost bought the monthly bundle for KSP only, although I've never played it, I'm curious. Thank you very much, this made me happy. ^^

By the way, what do you think about the business with their new EULA?

6 years ago

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I didn't know there was such a business, but it's probably much ado about nothing. While I love KSP, as pointed out in an article I read the other day, it's been out in some iteration for I think eight years? It would be very, very stupid for TakeTwo to do anything to harm a game that relies so heavily on its modders for its continued popularity.

6 years ago

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Also, enjoy the game! If you get into it, it will consume you (and also teach you a lot about orbital mechanics along the way).

6 years ago

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Haha, I really hope so. ^_^ Thanks!

6 years ago

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