When playing games like Agent Awesome, one has to approach them with a sense of whimsy and carefree nature. Why? Well, the developer made a game that doesn't take itself seriously. And that feels true even with a few features of the game itself. The game aims to be funny and not too serious. There are a lot of pop culture references, cheesy dialogues, and wacky enemies. At the beginning, there is also a humorous cut scene about your drunken debauchery. The Agent Awesome developer is obviously is a fan of Archer Sterling, as their dialogue seem to take cues from the show. If all this is your type of thing, you might wanna keep reading.
Before we continue, I feel like I should just mention that Agent Awesome is an mobile app ported to PC. Ergo there is no resolution control and many other features are missing that you would expect in a PC title. It's important to note the game doesn't natively support widescreen either. The menus and control scheme were originally designed around a touch screen. This isn't my favorite thing in the world but that's just the way it is.
So with that out of the way, Agent Awesome is a turn based stealth/action game. The story goes, after meeting up with somebody who rhymes with Mick Furry, you are dared to eliminate everybody inside E.V.I.L., a mega corporation of evil that happens to be your former employer. They are conducting evil experiments and you'll find an assortment of insane crap between you and your objective. Everything ranging from flying sharks, to killer koalas, to plain old guards.
The way combat/stealth works is that you click/tap the back arrow which brings you into the tactical planning screen. From this screen you can map out which path you will take by clicking on points and connecting them together. To kill guards you tap/click on weapons and then on the victim. Once combat engages, both parties take turns whacking at each other with their perspective weapons. There are ways to screw it up, but it's easy for the most part.
The level design is pretty solid. You can stealth your way thru or slaughter indiscriminately. The game has about 12 levels for you to sink your teeth into. They can get rather large but there are options to turn off the dialogue for repeated playthroughs. You can probably squeeze three to four hours out of the game. Agent Awesome also features in-game achievements and there is an encyclopedia that I found humorous.
I like the art style of Agent Awesome, which just like the humor of the game, isn't too serious. Characters have huge heads and everything has a cartoonish vibe to it. At the beginning, there is also a humorous cut scene about your drunken debauchery. The art in the levels, however, left something to be desired. Aside from occasional props, most of the levels have been pieced together square by square. The music is fine, the sound effects are standard. Nothing exceptional, but it didn't become hard on the ears. The voice acting however, is quite enjoyable.
One thing blissfully missing from the PC version are micro-transactions. Instead you have cash/points you earn after every level that you can use to upgrade the agent's armory. These points do rack up a bit slowly, more than likely leading to a bit of grinding to get all the best gear. Agent Awesome does have quite a bit of weapons to mess around with. The one I found the most useful was the Garrote. With this item you could sneak up behind guards and kill them instantly, with no struggle.
I haven't really seen many games like Agent Awesome, whether that is a good or bad thing is up for debate. Keep in mind though, that this is a game designed for pure, stupid fun. This isn't Skyrim or anything. I mean, it's called Agent Awesome. What do you expect? So if you're looking for something different or weird, fun, and maybe even a little stupid at times, check out Agent Awesome.
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thank you
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Hi DannyDaemonic, I am writing in regards to your PA win here. Please make sure in the future that you mark your wins as received when you get them so the giveaway creators don't have to go chase after you again. And don't forget to play the game in the next month (well 20 days at this point) by the group rules :)
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Hi, MouseWithBeer. I always follow the SteamGifts rules and have always activated any won giveaways within the allotted time frame! Even when I'm away on business. I haven't missed even once over the 10 years I've been using SteamGifts or the 5+ years I've been a Playing Appreciate member! Also, I'm not sure what you meant by having to track me down. I've done everything by the rules and always will! No one contacted me about marking the game as received until I already had... Either way, everything is good. Sorry about wasting your time, but thanks for looking after Playing Appreciated.
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I am not sure why you are lying about this? The giveaway I linked was not marked as received for over 9 days after the giveaway has ended, by SG rules you have 7 days. I literally messaged the GA creator because of the fact that the giveaway didn't have feedback 2 days ago.
And you have the GA creator on your friend list on Steam (not sure if he messaged you or not in the end so I am not gonna claim anything here, but you have accepted his friend request at least).
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Sorry, I'm not trying to start a fight over something so benign but I can assure you, I activated the key and marked the product as received the day before you or the creator contacted me. I'm not sure if you needed to refresh your browser cache or something but I'm pretty sure it shows up here as received instantly after I mark it. Even if there were a delay, I find it hard to believe it would be a day long. If you're using some system built into the PA website, perhaps it only checks once a day. I'm pretty sure it only checks the achievements once a day.
I'm not sure why you think I'd lie about this and I'm not sure how I can convince you otherwise since I can't bring up a timestamp for when I marked something as received, but if you'd like, we can contact SteamGift support and see if they are willing to give us the timestamp for the activation. I am 100% confident I activated the key and marked the giveaway as received before you sent your message (which I see as May 6th at 6:21am Pacific Standard Time), just as I said I did.
Also, the guidelines state that the 7 days don't start until after the giveaway key is sent by the creator. So if it was sent on or after the second day, then the 9th day would still be within the given time period. Otherwise someone could send their key on the last second before the 7th day and get the winner in trouble for not marking it as received in time. With all that said, it's often recommended that you wait until the 10th day before contacting support, and even if you don't contact support, the winner will be suspended/banned automatically for failing to mark a giveaway as received. If Playing Appreciated has a different time frame for activating giveaways then perhaps I am at fault there, and if that's the case, I do apologize, but I believe I was within SteamGifts limitations.
As for the creator being on my friends list, that is true, and we have since talked. That too, was after I had marked it as received, and also after your earlier message. I'm not sure why that's so hard to believe, but again if you think I'm making this up I'd be more than happy to send you a screenshot of the conversation between the giveaway creator and I. His first message to me was "hey i added you only to ask if everything is ok with the key you won on SG from me but i just noticed that i already got feedback from you." If you wouldn't trust a screenshot from me, you can just ask the creator. They wouldn't have any reason to protect me.
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Sorry for the late answer, didn't have time till now.
I know you have marked it as received before I messaged you. The thing is that you have revealed the key before then and didn't bother to mark it as received (in case you didn't know: GA creators can see if the key was seen or not and the GA creat:) ). There is no delay or cache or anything, you just didn't mark the key properly till 10 days after the giveaway has ended which is a shitty thing to do no matter what without contacting the GA creator.
And I didn't even check on the PA website, I checked it on SG website.
Both is completely wrong btw. They both sync every hour.
While what you wrote before the quote is true, what I quoted is actually wrong. Its 7 days and there is no automatic bans.
As I said, I have no idea when/if the GA creator messaged you so I can't really say anything there.
All in all it doesn't matter now that it is marked as received, it is just as I already said a very shitty thing to do to wait forever to mark something as activated. All that matters now is that the game is played in the next 14 days :)
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The thing about written messages is that it's hard to judge the emotion behind them. It's hard for me not to see your replies as aggressive or passive aggressive but I'm trying my best not to read them that way. I hope you can give my reply the same benefit of the doubt.
That's okay. Life happens.
I did not realize that. That's what I was trying to tell you. Everything was resolved before you said anything.
I was away from home. I was still signed into SteamGifts in places but I couldn't sign into Steam because I didn't bring my steam authenticator device. So while I was able to see the key, I didn't know if it was valid.
More succinctly, when I tried to activate the key I had issues and had to wait until I got back.
I think what you're missing is that I did not have the key the whole time. There was a delay in sending the key. I can't see the timestamp for that either, and it's been a couple weeks now, but I believe I was maybe 5 days into the 7 allotted. PA can't see when the key is sent, so it starts counting right away, but SG doesn't start counting until the key is sent. There was no extraneous delay in activating and marking the giveaway as received. I did so within 7 days of it being sent. If I were unable to do so within the allotted time, then I would have said something.
Since no one had messaged me about this giveaway yet, and your message said someone had to "chase me down," I assumed you didn't know this was already resolved before you messaged me. So I was trying to understand why you thought this was unresolved. The only thing that came to mind was that when I first joined PA (5+ years ago), the website was only updating achievements once a day. So maybe if there were an internal system that showed unreceived giveaways, it might have the same limitations. And with more giveaways, maybe the updates were slower now. I was trying give you the benefit of the doubt as to this misunderstanding.
There's no reason to use that language. This was not only a once off situation and completely outside of my control, but completely within SG limitations. That's the reason they give you 7 days from when the key is sent, because other things can come up. In 99% of the cases, I don't have any issues activating the keys and I mark them as received right away.
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I haven't replied to the other message because I have no intention to argue about anything and I have made my whole point of my original message clear.
However the game in question has really bad achievements that make it really hard to judge the progress through the game. Could you please upload a screenshot showing how your progress into the game? Thank you!
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In this game you make factories that produce food for a fast food chain owned by a robot. You get ratings based on how little energy and supplies you use and I'm trying to 100% all the (non-tutorial) levels as I go, even though it isn't required. Getting 100% on some of these levels is rather easy and others it's quite difficult. You update your plan and rerun the level from the start each time, so it's not just a matter of running the level enough times, your plan has to be efficient. I'll post some screenshots of my 100 percents tonight or tomorrow at the latest. I'm not sure how much they will mean to you unless you've played the game, but I have put a lot of time into the game and have even been streaming it.
I'm currently working on a very hard level to 100%, called "High Friers." According to others, it's one of the hardest levels to 100% due to how the game calculates efficiency. It took one streamer, Archivers, 16 hours. I'm currently at 98% efficiency and hope to hit 100% soon but with stuff like this it's really hard to tell how long it could take.
Edit: I uploaded the 100% levels along with a screenshot of a non-100% efficiency playthrough on the second to last level of the campaign.
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I have 100%ed the game in February so I know how it works don't worry. Since you said you streamed it a VOD for a stream will work even better than screenshots actually so you can send that instead. I just need to see how far into it you have actually gotten.
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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.
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