
Please note: If any of my giveaways are region-locked and won by someone who can't use the key, I will replace it.



Welcome to Cart Number #1076

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Please enjoy your stay. May you find many new games on the train. Thanks to all involved.
Have fun. Be safe. Be kind. Be well. And game on!

I own this but can still enter! Thanks for the giveaway though

2 weeks ago

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Do you mind if people enter for the DLC?

1 week ago

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I don't mind.

1 week ago

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Thank you.

1 week ago

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Hey, depending on where you got the key from, it might be very restricted or unrestricted. Based on your profile and if the source is HB Capcom Summer 2024, this key works in China only.

1 week ago

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It's not China only. None of my games are. I live in China, but I am an American, and my Steam profile is American.

1 week ago

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Then it's probably all good except if it comes from the aforementioned bundle. In that case, your key works in US and CA only.

1 week ago

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