Hey, look, it's not a removed game!
Ok, nobody's playing this. What's it even mean? I dunno. I pasted it into google translate, it said Cirno is best grill. Umm.
Maybe you could idle it for a couple hours so everyone thinks you're cool? Sounds good.
Surprise Question: which one is better? Video A or Video B? Yeah, I dunno either. Just felt like I should have a question in here somewhere.
Good luck! :)
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109 Comments - Last post 39 minutes ago by OneNonLy
Wait... Wat? I just watched both and isn't it the same? :O
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Heh. Oops. Thank you, let's try that again! :)
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Probably shouldn't enter for a game that appears Japanese only so I wont know what the hell is going on... even more so than regular translated Japanese games!
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What's this, not entering a giveaway because you can't play it? Oh, that's silly. Do you really think we have that many Japanese speakers in here? :)
Good luck in some other giveaway! :)
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Looking at the amount of entries on anime games, the weeb is strong in Steamgifts, so who knows?
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You may be right, but...
Profitz! Free stuff! Who cares what it is! :)
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I should mention there's a fantranslation on the net already. If you are interested in bullet hell/danmaku games.
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In all fairness, it is a bullet hell. A screen filled with deadly projectiles is a pretty universal language.
The real question is how important is it to be able to navigate the menus/UI?
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Guess I'd say Video B is slightly less annoying :D
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Heh. It's half the length, so I guess that works. :)
Good luck? :)
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Bullet Hell tagged as "difficult" without any language support other than japanese? Pass.
But the other two games look nice.^^
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Well, I doubt the winner will even install it... :) I'm completely useless at these things myself, just seems like something that should be given away, you know what I mean? :)
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Oh wow. Eins, zwei, guten morgen? :-D
Thank you!
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Ahh, here's the Engrish one! :) Makes as much sense either way. :)
Good luck! :)
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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.
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Ahh, speaking of basketball, and precious removed games, I just remembered my NBA 2K9 that didn't come with a Steam key. :( And 2K support said sucks to be you. Err, sucks to be me that is. You know what I mean.
Good luck! :)
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Video A nostalgic.
From the evening I have something to do, but I came to see it. XD
TL;DR? Yeah, do not have to forcibly read it.
Well, I do not know well. :p lie? 🥒
Well, what kind of thing? :()
((φ(・Θ・。)Thank You♪
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Thank you too! :) Not a beer person myself, but more music is always fun! :)
Good luck! :)
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Video C
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Oho, thank you! :)
Good luck! :)
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A for sure!!!
But I like bad apple the most XD
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It seems B is not very popular... :) I suppose people got enough random Space Jam things... :)
Oh, good one! :) Good luck! :)
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I'd say A is better purely because it doesn't break my brain wondering why the hell the song is Space Jam (from a Michael Jordan film) but is largely featuring Charles Barkley.
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Well, at about 0:43 you can see him swipe the precious ball... :) I don't suppose any of this actually makes sense, just random internet stuff that gets a life of its own somehow... :) Oh well... :)
Good luck! :)
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It's a bit concerning when people are worried about what the best grill in a bullet hell game is.
I mean, clearly the gameplay isn't keeping their attention..
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Or maybe people gave up on actually playing because it's just too difficult... :) Don't need any skill to imagine things with the various characters... :) I dunno... :)
Good luck! :)
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I mean.. you should probably attempt to apply some skill. The world doesn't need another 50 Shades.. >.>
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Good point. Ain't nobody got time for that... :)
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That does seem to be the consensus, oh well... :) And I tried so hard... :)
Good luck, if you try for it! :)
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Aha, never go in against an Otaku when videos are on the line! Thank you! :)
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No problem, good luck... :)
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Seems that is the popular choice... :) I guess 2 annoying songs mixed together can be a bit much... :)
Good luck! :)
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Video A is better, because it's 4K. Not that I have a display to watch it, but still. Also, I'm not a huge fan of basketball.
Also, I probably would never play this game if I win, because I don't like bullethell games, but for some reason I want to have a touhou game in my collection.
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Yeah, I should have one of these in mine also, but there's no discount so screw it. :) I can wait... :)
Good luck! :)
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I vote Video C
It's slightly easier on the ears.
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De gustibus... :) Somehow I couldn't make it to the end, sorry... :)
Good luck! :)
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Space Boom trumps all
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Says you! :)
Good luck! :)
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I'll go with Video A because
impliedlesbians. This paragraph probably makes as much sense as the video itself if read by someone who knows nothing about Touhou (or if I know it wrongly).As much as I'd like to actually try out one of the fabled Touhou Bullet Hell games, the whole "no English" thing would be a huge mood killer. Uf, why can't they translate them for us uncultured people who speak the highly unpopular English language. :'(
Anyhow, thank you very much. :D
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Oh, I think you're right, at least as far as I know... :)
Isn't there some sort of English mod for people who actually want to try playing them, as opposed to the people who just look at the thing in their Steam library and imagine playing it? :)
Good luck! :)
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I was gonna say that I didn't enter but now that you brought up an English mod and I actually looked it up it does look very promising. It's just... I really don't trust mods. I dunno why, I just don't. Probably because I'm one of those unnecessarily and irrationally paranoid people. XD
Well, I'm gonna give it a shot. ^_^ (Both the game and the mod if I happen to end up winning.)
Again, thank you very much. :)
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Well, I suppose an official "CLICK HERE FOR ENGLISH" button right on Steam is going to feel safer, since you never know what random internet people are going to do with your computer once you start running their things... :) So let's hope it's just what it says... :)
I hope whoever wins actually tries to play it, otherwise I'm wasting 15 bucks... Not that we haven't all done that before...
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Which video is better? None. I call heresy on B in general and HERESY on A because I ship Sakuya and Alice (Or SakuAli). Though I don't really mind SakuMari.
That and IOSYS did better when they do Metal/Rock stuff. Opinions.
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Wait a minute, Touhou Fortress 2? Is that for real? That sounds pretty funny, I used to play a lot of tf2 once upon a time. Never tried any mods or skins or anything, just normal boring tf2... Oh well... :)
Sorry, just got distracted for a minute... :)
Oh, hmm, I was going to say good luck, but it doesn't look like you entered the giveaway, maybe you already own it though? :) Well, guess I can give a boring good luck in some other giveaway, that's what I usually do when that happens...
Boring Good Luck In Some Other Giveaway! :)
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Yeah, but the skin/model mods are mostly broken now with all the new stuff added, could still work, but expect some Tposing and odd stuff. Only music/sound mods still work fine last time I tried. They even broke the Suika Launcher custom 'bombs' which was the best thing to have when you use Suika as Demogirl. I also hate how people bullied the VA who voiced the Suika voice pack which is pretty hard to find nowadays. Same for the Okuu voicepack. Edit: They might have fixed it since the last time I played TF2 though which was AGES ago. If you want the Okuu/Suika voicepack, just poke me and I'll sta.sh them somewhere.
Is more, while I like Touhou characters, fanworks and the RPG fangames, i'm not quite into bullet Hell so didn't want to join it. Waste of a chance for someone else and such. Plus, the music is the best part anyway, fan remixes and covers, mostly Metal (In general, kinda have too many likes to list), Orchestral (Same) and the EPIC stuff WAVE/Morrigan and Tutti Sound does.
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Thank you for the info! And actually, feel free to enter the giveaway - I don't care if you're going to play or not... :)
Let's be honest, 400 people have entered this thing so far. How many do you suppose understand Japanese well enough to play it? One or two, maybe? Some people might take a screenshot just to say "See! I played it!" but they ain't gonna play it for real... :) I'm sure some would install an English mod and give it a try, but most are in here for the +1 and the (nonexistent) trading cards... That's just how Steamgifts works.
Usually when you give away a "real game" there are several people looking forward to playing it, but for this specific game... Eh... I suspect you wouldn't be taking a chance away from someone else, since for this specific game someone else probably doesn't exist... :)
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There is an English mod though but even then, I find it a waste unless you really insist. But to be honest, i kinda don't like the newer characters barring one or two... I'm honestly still stuck at Ten Desires characters as the last game with chars I like. Maybe it's that I just grump at anything new. I mean it took me years to like the TD cast, lul.
Who knows, there's a ton of Touhou fans who usually resort to pirating because ZUN never released easily gotten copies of his older game, and I passed up the chance to buy a legit physical copy of EoSD over getting 2 Touhou fanshirts (Mokou one was cool though. No regrets.) when I went to Akihabara like 2 years back.
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It's actually in my wishlist, and I don't need to be able to read it, I just want to shoot things and dodge bullets. :)
Played a lot of free Japanese shoot 'em up/bullet hell games without being able to read it. Locale Emulator helps to at least make the fonts look correct (even if I don't know what it says) for the games that assume you are using Japanese Windows and don't use unicode or their own embedded fonts.
Didn't watch the videos because I'm at work, sorry. :P
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Ahh, I used to use AppLocale or a virtual machine, but haven't needed to do that in a while so I don't know if it still works. :(
Oh, don't worry about the videos, you've probably seen them before. Just some random junk. :)
Good luck! :)
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Video A of course, who cares about slam and jam?! Sounds very icky sticky to me....
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Yeah, that icky sticky stuff is only fit for heffalumps and woozles... :)
Good luck! :)
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Seems nobody likes basketball... Oh well...
Good luck!
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I shouldn't have view the videos before going to bed last night, because I can't remove the video A of my head since I woke up .... Thanks for that I guess :D
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Ahh, sorry about that! :) Most likely playing the game is less fun than watching videos, though... :) Guess one lucky person will find out... :)
Good luck! :)
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Video B, I will never not be amazed at how well that Space Jam song fits with everything. :o
(1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OZU3fi08-o
(2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLAQm2OcC-4
(3) Tanned Cirno best grill.
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Oho, thank you for all of those! :) Got distracted looking at some Dark Souls mod, I forgot all about the Space Jam thing in Anor Londo... :)
Good luck! :)
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Thanks for the game!
Video B definitely. :)
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No problem, hopefully it's fun... :) And if not, at least it's free! :)
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