
All aboard the fifth wagon.
Discussion Question:
What’s the most memorable game you've ever played, and what made it so special?
Fun Fact:
As of 2022, the video game industry is estimated to be worth around $184 billion. The industry has experienced significant growth over the years, with the rise of mobile gaming, esports, and the increasing popularity of streaming platforms such as Twitch and YouTube. Source

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Mass Effect. It has the classic fight good vs evil, but more on the side. Totally loveable characters, lots of space, choices over choices. It had a pretty neat MP... And just everybody needs a Shepard in their life.

6 months ago

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Changed my perspective of things in life.

6 months ago*

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Final Fantasy 6. For the time it was a rather beautiful game with a very good story. It also had a lot of hidden stuff in it.

6 months ago

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I haven't played a lot of Final Fantasy, my goal is to play them all. My favorite one is Final Fantasy 8, which I played when I played a long time ago and to this day I still enjoy many parts of it (especially the music)

6 months ago

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Dragon Age 2 : The gameplay is meh, but the plot, omg, the plot.

You try by all means to solve various problems. Each time you solve one, two others appear. And even the one you solved bring the seeds of another disaster (the subquest related to your mother is absolutely dreadful, and one of the best subquests in my entire life)

6 months ago

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i appreciate you giving DA2 some good rep, that isn't seen often, if i see a dragon age game highlighted it's either DAO or DAI. I agree the mother's quest was utterly haunting and it's always one of the first things i remember about the game when i think of it. one of the biggest "i need a break" moments for me after the quest was done

6 months ago

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That and the whole Anders 'We needed to do something, so I did something' happening.

I clearly remember my reaction. I was astonished, I couldn't believe my eyes.

So yeah, I know we're not many to love DA2 , but I'm a fan (and i like very much DAO)

6 months ago

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ah, I didn't want to mention the obvious, but that's absolutely there as one of the most excited that I've ever been while playing the series. I think I remember starting laughing because of the pure shock and entertainment. "of course he'd do that", was what I thought. all-around unexpected, but somehow entirely predictable.

DA2 is very fun, despite its shortcomings when compared to the rest of the series. the charm is there and that's what matters most. AND it introduced best dwarf bud Varric! there's much to love the game for. I'd be happier though if it didn't hold the reputation of "the most boring and underdone and rushed and disappointing game out of them", but I acknowledge where it's coming from and mostly agree. satisfying the DAO crowd would be tough on any game, to be fair.

6 months ago

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I'll just say Digimon World 2... It's not really the most memorable for me, nor my favorite, but the amount of fondness I have for it compared to how objectively bad I think it is, is massive!

6 months ago

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Neverwinter Nights, I spent hundreds of hours on the various persistent roleplaying servers where the players had the most impact on the world I've ever experienced in any community-based game.

5 months ago

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This War of Mine because of the "each decission isn't pure good or bad". It's a fight with and against own point of views, that are mostly relative straight black or white. A constant thinking, balancing etc., because of this and the art style it transport the "anti-war" theme extremely well.

5 months ago

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Half Life. I didn't even know what the game was about when i started it, because back then, all information about the game were on magazine, if you didn't buy it, you didn't know what the game was about, and this one was given to me by an uncle. Oh boy.... i had played FPS like Duke Nukem and even had Goldeneyes on my N64, but Half Life took the game to a whole different level on all level, technically, story telling, level design, enemy AI etc... That game set the bar high for all the game to come in the future.

5 months ago

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Thank you. Got it.

My most memorable game was Commander Keen. It was beautiful.

5 months ago

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