It's time for another heap of delirious text.
You get a free game, I get a strange sense of satisfaction with myself. However, most often the winners do not use the game received for its intended purpose. It just lies for the collection.
In order to make this whole enterprise even a little sense, I decided to raise the frame to the limit to the first level.
So it will be more honest, it seems to me.
And now to business. The American film adaptation of the film "Ghost in the Shell" is terrible in comparison with the original. Scarlett Johansson with a face on which there is no emotion, with a stony face trying to portray feelings. It's terrible. And no less awful are a lot of invented plot moves, which were not really needed for the film.
I was pleased only Takeshi Kitano and several scenes, less well copied from the first anime film.
Hurled at the saints, assholes.
The question at the end is simple - what the heck?
P.S. Winner, add me in steam, gift link.
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31 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by Axelflox
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24 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Axelflox
how would you rate the movie if possible for somebody with no knowledge of the source material?
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Hm, even if the viewer did not see the original, Johansson's stone face will still spoil everything. The plot also sags in some moments of the film.
But in terms of special effects, action scenes, the film is basically good.
From the point of view of a person who has not watched the original, it will be a good one-shot cyberpunk action movie. Looked and forgot.
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Thanks for elaborating on that, Garikos. I'm more inclined to check out the original now, rather than watch the new one. Also, thanks for the great giveaway! :)
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You made the right choice, my friend)
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Thanks a lot! :D
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Thank you so much!
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Hollywood. Whitewash.
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I wouldn't know about the movie, but I can comment on your first paragraph. In the past year or so, I have been such a person. Not entirely - I have started playing both Witcher 1 and Red alert 3 Uprising, to name two recent examples - but more than I would have liked to be. There can be a multitude of reasons for this, of course; university and work being the primary ones, I suspect (at least, it is the case for me).
One particular reason for not playing Ori and the Blind Forest, to give another example, is because I want to play it with (as in, in the presence of) a certain someone, and because we have only found a tiny tiny few times where we both have time for it. We are both very patient people though, so it's fine - I once waited two or three years before playing Fallout New Vegas (by now I have finished it four times at least, and Steam records 196 hours - but psh, finding the right mods easily adds another 20 hours :P).
But that is the kind of behaviour behind your reason for instituting a level requirement, I think. Would you therefore like me to leave this giveaway, knowing that, in all likeliness, I would play this game for a few hours, and then only return to it in the summer holiday or such?
Regardless of your answer - thank you. :)
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You are practically right in all your reasoning.
You're right, we do not always have time to play, work or study. Sometimes just laziness or fatigue. Sometimes you want to play a certain game with someone together. And sometimes, the most harmful thing is when you start playing RPG. Lord, how much time is occupied by the RPG)))
Still, of course, we can note the fact that not all games in which we play are in the Steam. There are wretched ea origins, there is a uplay, it is possible to have a console(ps4/xboxone). And sometimes it so happens that you went through the game for free, the torrent editions so to speak)
I'm not saying that if you won the game, you should play it right away. For example, I recently won the game "This war of mine", but I passed it a few months ago for free(not in steam) and so far there is no desire to go again in the near future.
It's my fault, I did not fully explain my original thought.
It annoys me when I see, for example, the following picture: Gifts won 99999. Gifts sent 0.
And it seems to me that this is a little unfair.
And sorry for google translate)
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That is all very true, yes. :)
Even so, I still more or less fall in that category, having only ever given one gift away when I first joined this website (which costed 20 Euros, at that time, if I remember correctly, so that isn't much money either). I have reasons for that, of course - university is steadily draining my entire bank account, especially now that a borrowing system has been implemented, but I'll be done with my Master next year hopefully, and then I can start actually earning money - but even so, I still offer to leave this giveaway if you would prefer that. :)
Your (or Google Translate's) English is fine enough really. It is certainly better than my own Russian, though I did once teach myself the Cyrillic alphabet and a hundred or so words - but I have forgotten most. :P
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Do not leave the giveaway, lol. Now there are 5250 people plus you. And I doubt that everyone is also altruistic, like you. If given for free, it is necessary to take, there is nothing wrong with this. Who knows, maybe you'll be lucky.
I graduated from the institute long ago, but I still remember that time. Student residence, cheap beer and cigarettes, not always modest girls, preparation for exams at the last minute and an eternal lack of money. Well, this is the best thing in my life.
I wish you good luck with your master's degree.
P.S. The eternal shortage of money is still with me)))
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I know nothing of Ghost in the Shell, but alot of movies don't work for a variety of reasons. It's difficult to get the effect right. And often it's a matter of trying to appeal to too wide of an audience.
If you have not seen it, the recent movie Logan is one of the best I've seen in a while that is set in the marvel universe.
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I did not manage to go to the movie "Logan" unfortunately, I did not have time, but I really want!
As for attracting a wide audience, you're right. If the director were untied, he dropped the film to category 12+, making a children's fairy tale. And all in order to cut money from people.
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I don't think they ever intended to make it a film for young kids. It's pretty violent and dark, but with heart and a rawness about it. For some reason it reminded me of Unforgiven. Hope it does well at the box office and makes good money. I'd like to see them make superhero films like that.
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Yes, I got a little excited about the 12+. Well, let's hope that really superhero movies will become more serious and soulful, but less pretentious and predictable.
To my shame did not watch the film Unforgiven.
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it can´t be worse than the dragonball movie ... i hope
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Hope is all that is left for us.
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I loved the 1995 movie and recently I've finished watching the second season of the series, and considering that (like most people) I've expected Hollywood to butcher this film, and the fact that it has average to below average reviews, I'm just going to say "no, thank you" to this movie. I don't want to destroy my opinion on the other parts of the franchise by watching this.
I really think that they should have left it alone. The good thing is that at least there surely are people who discovered the franchise thanks to this.
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The GITS series is elegant. Now, unfortunately, the anime has become too poppy. Now there is almost nothing intelligent, interesting and serious.
Maybe the film could have been good with a partially altered cast and a rewritten script. But we have what we have.
Recently, too, reviewed the whole series of GITS, updated the memories so to speak.
Still, more often than not, good things are old things.
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Thanks for the chance!
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Shame, but not unpredicted. Thanks for sharing Garikos.
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Everything is predictable now)
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Is the movie that bad? Man... thats a pitty...
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Maybe you'll like it. But I'm not sure)
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Too bad about the movie, but honestly how many adaptations (from games, anime, etc.) can you really say that are good? Maybe you'll find it stingy, but it's not like you can't anticipate some things. As such, no preorders on games until you see reviews plus do the same for movies and there you go, problem solved.
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To be honest, from the anime I do not remember any successful movie adaptation. Can remotely a Death Note and Gantz.
As for film adaptations for games, only MK1 comes from really successful. And maybe Tomb raider.
As for waiting for a preliminary evaluation before watching the film - I'm too weak-willed. I really wanted to see what they were doing in the movie. Looked. Sad)
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I'm not familiar with the manga/anime, but these kind of adaptations usually don't end up well.
Thanks for the honest review, I think I will steer clear from this film.
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The worst thing is that such poor adaptations become the norm.
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Thanks :)
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Knew it would be shit when I saw Scarlet and first trailer as well, thanks for giveaway.
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When I saw her in the first trailer, I also had a bad feeling. But I was hoping ...
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As unfortunate as it is, films like the GITS-adaptation would never get the money or distribution without a recognizable lead actor/actress. I'm not excusing for the film or saying that it automatically means that the story has to be lacking also, just that it's not Johansson's fault that she's one of the few female leads in Hollywood right now with that status. I didn't expect the movie to blow my mind so I wasn't that disappointed with it.
Thanks for the giveaway. :)
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I agree. Johansson is not to blame (no).
But still it was possible to find someone more suitable.
Visually the film is very beautiful.
But when I watched the movie, it always occurred to me that it was not Johansson who was chosen for the film, but the film was chosen for Johansson)
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Not a fan of Scarlett, enjoyed watching her my first time in Lost in Translation, but after watching it again it is clear that I liked the movie, because, Bill Murray. I`m sure she is a nice lady but she is not a great actress.
Oh, and thx for the GA <3
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because, Bill Murray - This is enough to climb a step higher)
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If only she had 1/10 of Bill Murray's acting talent...
Lost In translation and other movies around that time gave me false hope, made me think she was gonna be a good actress. Then suddenly she started getting those roles in action/super hero movies.
I guess I am just tired and bored of seeing her face again and again in the same type of movies. She is kind of the new, younger Angelina Jolie with a lot less acting talent.
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