
Wow, it's been a long time since I last did a giveaway here. Let's see if I can execute this right...

Ahem... As you know, it's Christmas. Merry Christmas. The point of me blatantly pointing that out is that it means the year is coming to a close. Basically, it's a time where I absolutely need to reflect on some of the things I did this year, both good and bad, and look forward to 2017. For now, enjoy the last video link I'll put on on these descriptions for the year.

For instance, remember how I said Princess Evangile was a great VN? If you don't, you might need to dig it up and read that cringeworthy description if you're level 4 or higher. Anyways, the rule of "You like it when you first start playing it, and then, after months of not playing the game and forgetting that it existed at one point, you play it again or watch gameplay footage of it on Youtube, and ask yourself why you liked it when you notice the game's shortcomings" applies here. In this case, I think I played more of Princess Evangile over Sakura Angels on a car ride home back in July, therefore making me like the game simply because the character art looked better there than in Sakura Angels. I play every route for dozen of hours, I finish it, then I uninstall it so I can get on with my life. And then I look back at it, and I realize that the entire time, the protagonist was the biggest Deus Ex Machina ever, and the narrative was cliched. Worst part was that I actually cared about the game. Moral of story: I should have been playing Fruit of Grisaia instead.

On another note, 2017 also marks the year where I abandon my old Xbox 360 console by selling it to my cousin and switching it out for a 500 GB PS4. If I were to say that Uncharted 4 comes bundled with the console I got, what other games would you say are PS4 essentials?

As for the game of choice for this giveaway, I'm afraid that I'm not exactly made of money, so I can't start a giveaway for, let's say, the game that ranks #1 on the Community Wishlist, which is Dishonored 2. Sorry guys, I was hoping to make that happen, but I'm forced to be a cheapskate for the time being. If you want something to blame for the misfortune, blame car payments, the cost of gas, and basic necessities like food.

Edit: Oh, by the way, no more level 0 giveaways from me from this point onwards. Those giveaways only cause me pain and suffering. Also, yes, I've had this sitting in my inventory ever since the Make War Not Love events, if anyone can remember what that was.

its not the value of what you share in $ that counts its the value of giving that is - and that is priceless - thanks ^_^

8 years ago

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I should have noted that I have at least 4 cheaper giveaways hidden somewhere in the description of this giveaway. Ahh well.

8 years ago

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Happy to have you back here, thanks and (maybe a bit late) happy holidays :)

8 years ago

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This response should have been made a day ago, I know, but it's great to be back here.

8 years ago

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Awesome, thanks!

8 years ago

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The Last Of Us is a must play on PS3/PS4.

8 years ago

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Witcher 3 on PS4

8 years ago

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Happy Holidays!

8 years ago

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really interesting almost noone entered other GA's :) maybe they are not interested in like me, though that seems possible impossible :p thx for the all :)

8 years ago*

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The lack of entries on the hidden giveaways here could be either because they're set to invite only, everyone already owns those games, or both. Even I'm surprised that there's only one entry in the Leona's Tricky Adventures GA, I must admit.

8 years ago

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i ve tons of games waiting for me and also on this sale i got some top-priority games, so i didnt enter, but now i see, some of ur hidden games have reached 5 entries at least. just an idea, u can add these by commenting on random topics at the forum, as sometimes i encounter that kind of surprises.

8 years ago

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🌟Happy Holidays!⛄
Heavy Rain & Beyond: Two Souls Collection
Until Dawn

8 years ago

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Thanks a lot for this one!!!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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If I had enough money for a PS4, I'll play Rock Band 4 !!!! :) I already have RB3 with lot of DLC on my PS3 su that's why!!!

8 years ago

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My personal opinion - doesn't matter if it's a 1$ game or $999 one you give away nor is there anything to apologize for, it's always the thought that counts and about the one you possibly make happy - so thank you for the opportunity ;). Can't say much about the whole PS4 thing, as I was a PS guy since it's first release in the 90's and am still stuck with a PS3 ;>. Anyways, happy holidays to you too.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I want to get myself a PS4 for 4 specific games: Final Fantasy 15, World of Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest Builders and Grand Kingdom.

8 years ago

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Just thought I'd remind you that the Alpha Protocol gift has been sent to your email. Also, should I tell you how Final Fantasy 15 is when I play it?

8 years ago

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From what I've watched from twitch, it's a really well made game.

8 years ago

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These 3.5 pints are affecting me hard, finally found the e-mail lol.

8 years ago

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Yeah, I should have made the time to play Alpha Protocol for myself. On an unrelated note, is it suprising I don't drink alchohol?

8 years ago

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Not really, it's a personal choice. xP

8 years ago

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