
With Thorne taking the lead, you and your companions proceed cautiously, mindful of the dangers that lurk within the shadowy depths of the Rift. As Thorne disappears into the darkness ahead, you can't help but feel a sense of unease gnawing at the edges of your resolve.

Hours pass, and there is no sign of Thorne's return. Anxiety mounts among your group as you wait anxiously for any word from your trusted companion. Suddenly, the silence is shattered by the sound of demonic screeches echoing through the forest, followed by the unmistakable clash of steel against steel.

Before you can react, the forest erupts into chaos as a horde of demons descends upon your group, catching you completely off guard. In the midst of the confusion, you see Thorne returning, his expression one of shock and horror as he witnesses the carnage unfolding before him.

With grim realization dawning upon you, you and your companions fight desperately for survival against overwhelming odds. But it's clear that victory is out of reach as the towering demon emerges from the shadows, its malevolent presence casting a pall over the battlefield.

In a moment of stunned disbelief, Thorne falls under the demon's relentless assault, his valiant efforts futile against the overwhelming might of the enemy. As the towering demon turns its attention to you, you brace yourself for the inevitable clash, determined to put up a fierce fight until the end.

With every ounce of strength and determination, you engage the demonic horde, refusing to yield even as the odds stack against you. Though the battle seems unwinnable, you fight on with unwavering resolve, knowing that your sacrifice will be in vain.


11 months ago

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Nps ^^ Grats and have a good weekend ^^

11 months ago

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Wow! Thank U! Have a nice day! 😊

11 months ago

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Nps, grats ^^ enjoy your weekend ^^

11 months ago

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