The key doesn't work. Also it's in an odd format: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx, whereas Steam keys usually have three blocks with 5 alphanumeric characters.

7 years ago

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It's on the game directly here the explanation

7 years ago

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Thanks for the explanation. However, Steamgifts' rules only allow Steam gifts, keys and gift links from IndieGala and HumbleBundle (if the gift link leads to a Steam key). Items with other DRM can only be given away in the discussions.
Since this isn't any game/DLC for Steam, you should delete the giveaway. I as the winner agree to delete it.
But be aware that a deletion of a giveaway takes away a giveaway slot (you start with 3 slots and get more everytime one of your giveaways is marked as received by the winner). Since this first one failed, you should assure that the next two are working to avoid having no slots anymore (only the support team could help you then).

Besides of this, welcome to Steamgifts! :)
If you haven't read them yet, I'd suggest to read the FAQ.

7 years ago*

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Ok so it came from humble bundle but i had to set as gift and not as key.
Thanks for the info.
I'll ask the support to be sure if i have to delete it or not.
The 2 other one worked and were actual steam key.
Good continuation.

7 years ago

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The problem is that I can't mark it as received, since nobody could see it in my Steam account (then I'd have a not activated win in my profile). If you wouldn't delete it, I'd have to mark it as not received after 7 days. Then some people might think bad of you and blacklist you for that.

Additionally: I didn't use the key at all now. So you can be sure to trade it or something else. :)

7 years ago

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