
Please don't post "Thanks" or similar things.
I would very much appreciate it if you do posting something factual and interesting, lol.

There is a sect of acestic buddhist monks who practice something called the Kaihōgyō. First, they run for 18 miles a day for 100 consecutive days straight. After the first 100 days they can elect to stop the Kaihōgyō, but if they decide to continue the challenge, which takes 7 years, they must complete it or commit ritual suicide (no longer performed today). The remaining 900 days (done in 100 consecutive day increments) become increasingly more challenging until they finally run 52 miles per day for 100 days straight.

I thought that was crazy! I hope you do too.

9 years ago

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do you know what if you make 1+2 will be equal to 3?

9 years ago

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Thanks! <3

9 years ago

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Here's an /r/TIL fact I learned today. Michael Phelps alone has as many Olympic gold medals as the entire country of Austria, Argentina, or India.

9 years ago

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Sea otters have a pouch (more of a skin flap) where they keep their favorite rock. I thought this might not be true and looked it up on several sites. I don't personally have a sea otter to observe but its true according to several sites (other than reddit). They use it to break open their shell fish.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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thanks for the giveaway

9 years ago

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One of the key reasons cats are able to land on their feet from great falls (most of the time) is due to the fact they have a limited form of parachuting; spreading it's body out to maximise drag force, giving them greater control to turn their body for a proper landing and reduce the impact when they touch ground.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Thank You!

9 years ago

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thanks !

9 years ago

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Thank you very much!

9 years ago

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Sometimes, there's actually a good reason why we're stuck in traffic. [...] More often, though, traffic on crowded roads just stops, and then starts again, and then stops. For no apparent reason.

These traffic stoppages have been familiar to scientists for years. They're called "shockwave jams," and they're a hell of a lot less cool than that name makes them sound.

It works like this: A road is carrying a high load of traffic, and a single driver taps on his brakes. [...] The driver behind him hits his brakes to avoid crashing into the car in front. This "wave" of car-based human folly travels backward along the road at a rate of about 12 miles an hour until traffic stops altogether, often for miles. Researchers have observed shockwaves like this in situations involving just 22 cars circling a small track. Even though the drivers were instructed to maintain a constant speed, jams started appearing almost immediately.

So is there anything you can do about these things? Yes, actually. A single driver can "break" these jams by leaving a significant amount of open space in front of him in heavy traffic, resisting the temptation to accelerate and close the gap even when cars cut in ahead. This technique not only stops the driver from having to brake when he reaches the back end of a wave, it actually destroys the wave for anyone behind him. There's a video of a guy doing it here. So if you want to feel like the world's most sensible superhero, this might be the technique for you.

ripped off

9 years ago

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thank you

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Thank You!

9 years ago

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Thanks You

9 years ago

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Thanks :D

9 years ago

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