Into the lift, umm, three I guess? Someone's got the button for us. Waiting, moving, waiting... Oh, we're going down. Guess we weren't on the second floor after all. Still down. The door opens, out we go.
It's some sort of storage area? Oh, no, it looks like a warehouse, a big warehouse, with pallets and boxes and racking in every direction. Not a wall to be seen blocking your path. Screw mazes! You could hide an Ark in here.
Oh, don't give up. If there's not an Ark out there, there might just be some cake, if you can find a break room. It's always someone's birthday... Assuming they do birthdays, that is.
Ok, the WAREHOUSE OF DISAPPOINTMENT™ is open! Sorry it took so long! You can still listen to the music if you like, though...
Ancient Greece, eh? How about listening to some of this while you imagine entering the warehouse?
I wanted to put some Dio in this Ziggurat somewhere, but I'm not giving away Origins. And yes, I know Egypt had pyramids, not Ziggurats. Who cares?
Good luck! :)
127 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by andremarques971
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1 Comments - Last post 52 minutes ago by Talleyrand
getting some rest then🍹
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I'll let you know when it's ready, assuming I can avoid distracting myself long enough... :)
Good luck! :)
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The warehouse has been connected, good luck! :)
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Thanks, fiftykyu, nice bit of fun so far. My spreadsheet maze is looking great! ^_^
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Oh, of course! Who would even have a pad of graph paper nowadays... I didn't even think of that... Sigh...
Good luck! :)
p.s. Maybe I should find a better place to ask, but are mazes annoying? Because there's a umm, 24x24 something coming in a few days, unless I get lazy and skip the mazey part... :)
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I don't find mazes annoying, as long as I can map them out on my trusty spreadsheet. I can use comments and different colours and it's so easy to paste hyperlinks into cells, IT'S LIKE LIVING IN THE FUTURE. God I love spreadsheets.
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I should probably use a spreadsheet to make the thing, didn't think of it at all... :( Sigh... :)
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Just connected the warehouse, it's no maze but maybe you could find a use for the spreadsheet anyway... Not sure... :)
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I've been stuck so long with the last ITH because of a comma that was missing from the version I found 😢
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Ouch! Maybe I should add some alternatives, so nobody else gets stuck like that... Sorry!
Good luck! :)
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No problem, that was my mistake, I didn't use the version you told us in the thread to begin with.
not sure if i'm using "to begin with" correctly there
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Warehouse is open! :)
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I'm going to call it now - this elevator has the least disappointing music of any elevator.
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Pity you can't actually enter the warehouse yet, though... :( Hope you don't get sick of the same song over and over again... :)
Good luck! :)
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There's a bunch of disappointment in the warehouse, which has just opened... :)
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That has to be the most enjoyable disappointment I've had in a while.
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Sure, you're saying that now, but wait until you see the rest of it... :)
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Next part's open, good luck! :)
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You may want to add more possible options for the ITH answer. When googling "Revelation 7:10 Latin", the top results all fail when copy-pasted. I pretty much knew what the answer was immediately since I had been bookmarking the pages with the verses on them, but still got damn near close to giving up just because I didn't delete a space before a colon.
It's the difference between: et clamabant voce magna dicentes salus Deo nostro qui sedet super thronum et agno
et clamabant voce magna, dicentes: Salus Deo nostro, qui sedet super thronum, et Agno.
et clamabant voce magna, dicentes : Salus Deo nostro, qui sedet super thronum, et Agno.
(I do think it was a good puzzle idea though.)
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I kinda had the same problem, I found the answer without a comma between "magna" and "dicentes"
After many tries I went back to the thread and used what fiftykyu provided us:, then the first external link at the bottom, a bit more searching through the chapters and the correct format was there.
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I used this link to get the actual verses, complete with exact grammar:
This one worked flawlessly.
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Hmm, that's a good suggestion... I suspect a few people have been pasting the right thing, but with the "wrong" punctuation, and gave up... :(
Oh well, sorry for the trouble, but thank you! :)
Good luck! :)
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I took your suggestion, hopefully it helps some people... :) And the warehouse is now open! :)
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Great puzzle, thanks! Took me a while but once I figured out the pattern, it was just a matter of time of finding the missing line :) Maybe I got lucky but the version I found aligned perfectly, didn't have issues with punctuation.
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Lucky you 😋
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Guess I didn't think about it enough - figured people would google the mysterious Latin bits... Whatever matched up perfectly with those, should match up perfectly with the missing one... It should be more lenient, now... :)
Good luck! :)
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Warehouse is open, good luck! :)
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Ah those damn periods ;/
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Sorry! :)
Good luck! :)
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Warehouse is open, and no periods in there, well, not exactly... :)
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Oh man, i'm glad to have actually tried to solve it.
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But what if it sucks? You never can tell... :)
Good luck! :)
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Good luck on the next part, it's just opened! :)
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Warehouse is open, good luck! :)
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odyssey it is xD
but i solved it :3
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Hope the next part is easier! Guess you won't need a hint for the previous part then... :)
Good luck! :)
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nope thanks
collecting elements atm xD
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I think some people were just guessing all the elements, faster that way... :)
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in between i guessed some
all wrong ofc xD
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I "solved" this one, so I know it works. Just wanted to make sure I didn't screw it up somehow... :)
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Thanks, hint in itstoohard helped a lot.
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That hint's basically the answer to 99% of my puzzles... :)
Good luck! :)
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Guess I'm gonna stop here, because I'm only level 3. Thanks for the fun adventure so far.
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Actually I screwed up with this thing - I now think all the cheap stuff should have been "Level 0" but didn't have the idea until I'd made half of it... :(
So, I suggest you keep working on the puzzle if you have time, because the last part should be hundreds of cheap things that anyone can enter... :) Assuming they want to... :)
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Just added around 600 more, all Level 0-1, so assuming you kept going, there's more junk in there... :)
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Same situation here. I'm not sure if i'll have the motivation to go though this one knowing i will not be able to enter any. but hey ! taht was fun :)
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yay, second guess, (first was just Amen) :P later on I will procrastinate more, but I am disappointed there is no boobies here :(
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Sorry about that... I hadn't planned on it, but I may have to add some last-minute pity boobie garbage somewhere... :)
Good luck! :)
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if you need pity cheap boobies gibs let me know :)
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Keep exploring, you never know what you will find... :)
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Sooo... I have to ask if any of this was inspired by The Cake Factory...? :)
In any case, it's definitely "fun" to go through, and (thankfully!) about as "disappointing" as I'd expect from you, too!
Taking a break here for now, but un-disappointing you by using "graph paper" -- not a spreadsheet.
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I'm ashamed to say I never saw it... :( I don't read the forum much any more, just when a new bundle appears... :( So now I'm curious... Taking a look...
Oh, wow, that's great! Just incredible... Thank you for mentioning it... All I did was a boring old maze. And a rectangle. And another maze. :(
So I feel terrible... But hmmm... Honestly... It's good I didn't see it. :) Because I would have decided my boring Ziggurat idea just isn't good enough, I need to do better... So I would sit and think, trying different ideas... And finally, after a month of working on it, I would quietly stop working on it and slink away because it was never going to be good enough. :) Sigh...
There's more disappointment to come in here, if you get the chance... Good luck! :)
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Yeah, I miss stuff on the forum often too (hence why I'm here a week late!), so no worries!
With the whole office motif, I was wondering if you'd wandered into The Cake Factory and gotten upset with the first big puzzle (the only truly difficult one) and made this as a parody. :) Which, as it kinda reads as a parody, makes this Ziggurat all the more
fundisappointing to go through!:DD:And I definitely feel your pain on the time involved for writing! And nice job on linking everything up! I think just doing that and being fairly certain I'd gotten everything right took me two days and you've got more than ten times the giveaways than are in the Cake Factory! :D
Looking forward to continuing my
fundisappointing journey here, and thanks for the unintentional parody! :)(I suspect I know where I am already, but... will have to explore more to be certain...)
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Usually I dump leftover bundle keys as hints to a puzzle, i.e. the first character of each key spells something, but not everyone thinks to look for messages in the keys, so it's a bit of a waste. I suppose a few humans grab them, but then someone feeds the whole thing to their bot army... :( Much less bookkeeping associated with that method, though. :)
Not looking forward to checking 1000 winners on sgtools, dealing with bad keys, the potential for "bad keys" that are really some clown asking for seconds, etc. :) And what if some of these preorder games aren't available in the winner's region, or the price differential is too large so I have to send them wallet money instead, etc.
Valve killing gift purchasing really screwed this place, although I suppose we're not even a blip on the radar compared to all the potential lost profitz from those evil traders. Capitalism, ho! :)
I assume the preorder games are good (or at least not complete garbage) but most of the bundle leftovers are only good for the +1 or the trading cards... :) It's not Humble Monthly leftovers in here, it's 99% quantity and maybe 1% quality. :)
Having a huge pile of mainly-garbage giveaways does have a point, but it's not going to become apparent until the "TRUE END", whatever that is... :) Just wish I'd taken more time on the finish, to say whatever's being said more succinctly. People's eyes tend to glaze over when there's too many words... :)
Thank you for pointing out the Cake Factory, and I hope it goes well! I'd like to explore more but my brain's pretty empty right now... :( Also would like to play something before the weekend disappears... :) We'll see how it goes... :)
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It would be totally awesome if I didn't win this game yesterday. Therefore it is so much of a disappointment I can't even find proper words to express it ;)
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Wow, that's a disappointment I hadn't even considered! Lucky you! :) Hope it's fun... :)
I still haven't tried the umm, the Egypt one. Or the other one. Or the other other one...
Ok, fine. I played a tiny bit of Black Flag and got bored. Does watching my nephew play count? :)
Good luck in some other giveaway! :)
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Well, now there is a disappoinment. Even if I win this game my computer dont have the graphics to run it. meh! Ces't la vie! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The ziggurat have been fun until now, fun and disappointing (disappontingly fun? funny disaponting?). Lets see what surprises (disappoinment) are on the warehouse.
10/10 would recite latin to strangers again (•‿•)
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I'm past due for an upgrade myself. :) Just don't want to buy a cpu now, before all the Spectre/Meltdown/whatever fixes are in. Assuming it's going to be fixed, that is. :)
Just a thought - you don't suppose everyone else trying to win this would be able to play it, do you? :)
Lots of disappointment incoming... :)
Good luck! :)
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"Assuming is going to be fixed"... Well, Intel knew about this for years and didnt do much about it until it went public, so... At least the AMD Ryzen are not affected by one of them, dont remember wich one. Its something¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And yes, Im sure many entering are not able to play it, but better have it now and have a reason to upgrade. Also Im sure most than half of the other GA are not gona be played neither. Not sure who is the disappointed one in that case. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Yeah, I can't keep it all straight. And there's bound to be similar exploits, yet to be found... Guess I wouldn't be buying any new cpu today unless I had no choice... :)
If waiting and competition gives us all more cpu for less money, I won't complain about that... :)
I wouldn't expect more than 1% of the bundle stuff to get any playtime, unless idling counts of course. :) But it would be a bit of a disappointment if all the expensive preorder stuff sits in someone's library unplayed, forever... :)
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yay, i reached the elevator, now i push the stop button and resume later...
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Yeah, there's a lot of stuff in this next part... And in the part after that... So good luck later! :)
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Never thought that one day I get the chance to actually walk through it, but here I am...
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Yeah, basically... :)
Hope the next part's interesting enough, it's exactly like the first maze, only bigger... Yay. :)
Good luck! :)
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Oh gods that took a while
And it was worth itttt
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Oho, if you enjoyed wandering around lost you will be happy to learn there's even more puzzle ahead... :)
Good luck! :)
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That's my stop (lvl 3 here), thanks for the fun puzzle!
EDIT: maybe not, I just noticed in the description that the next batch drops in levels... Back at it then ;)
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Oho, hooray for reading! :) I knew that would come in handy some day! :)
Sorry you couldn't try for all of them, but good luck in the rest of it! :)
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I really didn't expect something like this, when entered this Disappointment universe. Never saw such pleasurable disappointments! ^^
Maybe I'll be successful with solving next puzzles too.
Looks like I need share disappointment by posting my Cubicle stage map. It's really disgusting.. ^^
I really hope, that won't need it on next puzzles, heheh
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Beautiful 👌
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Glad you like it ^^
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Oh, wow, that's really something... :) I hope it doesn't hurt too much later, though... :)
You might want to try an alternative method for any other maps you draw in later parts... Just a suggestion... :)
Good luck! :)
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Yeah, it was just makeshift thing, but it was ended like this..
I'll definitely improve my maps in future, huh :D
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A bit late, but I finally made it! :)
There's only one day left to get through the warehouse. Okay, let's go!
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Hooray, so it wasn't impossible after all! :) I keep wondering what people who got stuck were guessing, but figure it's none of my business... :)
Good luck! :) And don't forget to make a map! :)
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Haha! Thank you. And yes, I've been making maps as I go. I'm currently in the "INSIDE THE SADISTICALLY OVERSIZED MAZE-LIKE FORGOTTEN UNDERGROUND STORAGE AREA OF DISAPPOINTMENT™" and I'm glad for that fact! ;)
Edit: Oh, and my original guesses were completely wrong! I had an epiphany while vacuuming the house this morning and it finally became clear. :D
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That's good news, hopefully you will discover the reason why soon... :) It's a big maze, though... :)
And hopefully the next questions should be completely obvious now, once you reach them... :)
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Thank you so much!
I was pleasantly surprised to see that the recommended specs aren't terribly demanding.
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No problem! :)
I hope you like this sort of thing... I've only tried an hour or two of the entire series, just never got into it... :(
Glad to hear the specs are ok, wouldn't be much fun to win a game you couldn't play... :)
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