
I'll send a secure link for retrieving the key to the winner via email.

If you win, please remember to leave feedback so I can post more giveaways.

Thanks for the giveaway! :)

8 years ago

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I'll give you an extra hint or two. Please don't post it in the main thread.

  • Press Ctrl+U to open the HTML source of the whole page. Try this. If it's not enough, look at the following additional hint.
  • Don't peep if you want to use only the hint above. Then press Ctrl+F to search the code for what makes sense
  • No further hints beyond these ;-)

Good luck!

7 years ago

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That was there the whole time?! I was basically pulling my hair out. The first hint was enough, I just needed to look without glossing over what I had missed so many times before which had led me through an excruciating rabbit hole of my own creation. Thanks Yirg, for encouraging me to look just one more time.

7 years ago

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I'm glad it helped! :-)

7 years ago

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