
2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Woooow this is probably the top game on my wishlist (besides Hollow Knight) - thank you so much for the GA, I just added you to my 💙

2 years ago

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hollow knight is amazing. xD Definitely top tier, would rebuy even at full price. Hades too. Very few games are so much worth their money and more. It really feels like stealing the devs.

2 years ago

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Hades is literally the other game in my wishlist Top 3 LOL good catch. Also given your avatar, I'm not surprised you agree with me on Hollow Knight 😁

2 years ago

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Hehe, you will not regret trying any of those. :) I also have slay the spire up there, in the best of the best right now and will probably stay there forever.

2 years ago

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I got Slay The Spire on the Indiegala Giveaways (actually it was the one and only time I got something nice there) and I don't think I'll ever uninstall it. I stopped playing it for a bit once I beat the Heart in A1 with all three characters, but I'm thinking of trying to reach A20 with at least one of them at some point. It's such a fresh game, honestly is what got me into roguelikes hehe

2 years ago

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Its beyond amazing, old mtg player here, first time I had played sts was when 3 characters were around, got them all to A10 or something, then kinda left it and played other games for the wrong reasons, but I ended up returning eventually. The deckbuilding balance and variety in this game is easily the best I have ever seen in card games in general, it hits literally all the sweet spots and that says a lot if you have been trying this type of games in all your life, on pc but also irl, The roguelike aspect is also an icing on the cake cause it makes for fast short runs at your own pace with insane replayability. Now every class is on A16 or so, and I can feel the heat of the difficulty finally lol. Challenge is great.

PS: A1 is baby difficulty I envy you cause you have seen nothing and I'd like to erase memory to see it as new again lol. I still discover new things every time I play.

2 years ago*

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Hahahha I think I feel extremely scared of trying higher difficulties but at the same time, each game is so quick and so different that it doesn't really matter. The only thing I'm sad about is that I'll probably have to drop my Shiv strategy for the Silent if I go for the Heart. A nice Shiv deck is extremely satisfying. Had some okay decks with Defect and struggled a lot with Ironclad, but the one Shiv deck I had with the Silent was absolute bliss

2 years ago

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Hehe you are right that Shiv strategies in particular are not amazing for Heart or Time eater for that matter, however this does not mean that its impossible. I have seen a few pro runs (jorbs and baalorlord are two good ones to watch if you ever want to improve skillset - although thats better done after you are stuck at some difficulty) that have demolished heart and time eater in some cases with insane shiv decks. Its not as common, but definitely doable with the right synergies. For me defect is the hardest class to play, making his early game insanely clunky if he doesn't find the right cards. Ironclad is not too bad once you realize the power of exhaustion. The games are quick you should indeed strive to raise the bar. :)

PS: In my opinion in this game you need to learn adaptability, no run is ever the same, and this will always mean making different choices, and we should never feel specific about going for a specific strrategy. should just focus on making a deck with good cards to win each act and problem. one at a time. The heart is optional you don't need to kill it on every run. Not all decks can beat it anyway.

2 years ago

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For some reason I found this message after 3 months, and having played a lot more Silent since then, I agree that Shiv has some incredible synergies. I had a run with two or three relics/powers that increased Shiv base damage, so each Shiv was dealing 16 damage and I could generate 2/3 Shivs every turn. It was a wreck hehe

Agree that Defect has been the trickiest class to master. I've seen many many Baalorlord guides on him, and still struggle a bit to make it work. Baalor videos are long but man, are they entertaining

2 years ago

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hehe. couldn't agree more, Defect is tricky indeed, and do love some baalorlord from time to time. ^^
Glad you had some fun with the game, its a super good one!

In the meantime I'm done with A20 with all classes yay. xD

2 years ago

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thank you

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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