Steam Gift
i do not need the wishes, but it's common courtesy expected of people to give on their birthdays so yeah
and that's the reason for the level
good luck and, instead of those wishes, comment with your thoughts on philosophy intentionally broad subject
originally posted in Tchii's winter event and also here (for almost an hour)
Interesting how contemptuous some people are of this - am growing further jaded with this site
12 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by Axelflox
8 Comments - Last post 54 minutes ago by Gurthfin
234 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by Syssareth
16,667 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by MikeWithAnI
46 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by MeguminShiro
32 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by drbeckett
31 Comments - Last post 16 hours ago by Axelflox
17,379 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by Warriot
19 Comments - Last post 21 minutes ago by hbarkas
143 Comments - Last post 29 minutes ago by nonamebg
1,582 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Vasharal
419 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Ottah
60 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Ottah
894 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by rufioh
Philosophy? Let me tell you about my philosophy!
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owls are often used as a symbol of "the enlightened" though :<
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It's just a stereotype there's even a Latin saying on that barba non facit philosophum which means a bird does not constitute a philosopher I~voI
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It was such a good bad pun... IiviI
On a more serious note I've studied philosophy for a year, also there's an interesting discussion I've made on SG about evil.
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Here you are
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Lately I turned from materialism to idealism after some reading of tantric indian concepts, where the consistence and persistence of our world is explained through endlessness and omnipotence of god's conscience which is dreaming constantly of every object in the universe... Now I see that I never had no utter evidence of materia existing on it's own, away from that cosmic dream)
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possessions are meaningless - experience is the whole of life(?)
all that is exists by His grace
intentional "never had no"?
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Thanks Tynon :D
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picked a third option eh? - crafty
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I enter giveaways, therefore I exist ;o
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not the most stable basis to conclude life >~>
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Thread is closed so I cant bump it :)
Dont really know much about philosophy but one quote I like: Respect for the rights of others means peace
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which thread?
do not encroach upon others' liberty - i can dig it
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don't know if i can translate it right, that's my motto
masks here masks there with whom i have to deal
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cannot trust anyone, as they are only interested in serving themselves?
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sort of, people play all the time and have different behaviour according to situation and place, because of that you never know if you really know that person and what's he really like
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Eat or be eaten... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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but... no but...
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Philosophy wasn't exactly my favourite subject in high school (not least for having a rather poor teacher), but a few philosophers caught my attention, such as Epicurus; while 'epicurean' is often used as a pejorative term I was very interested by his concepts of ataraxia and aponia and by his reflections on the gods.
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i am simple and thus am prone to try to boil complex ideas down to most basic form (as can be seen from previous comments)(so i guess an (")unwitting(") meme-ticist...)
cursory glance yielded the conclusion that he taught that happiness is the goal and the best way to achieve that is to be around those you love / have love for those around you; that nothing (else) truly matters since all of life is just the most insignificant of particles playing out their movements, so live fearless because fuckit (basically)
he was the original hippie (/happy cult leader, since hierarchical system xD)
but then
so first western Buddha maybe ahaha
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I think that
follow different approaches to an excellent way to sum up his thoughts :D. If only people (me included) were able to apply these teachings we 'd all live way more serene ;)
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block quote from wikipedia yo :3
i am ignorant, but i insist that some sort of strife is necessary in life FOR life, because, if grow complacent, progress stops - utopia is an impossibility...
not to say we couldn't all benefit from being a bit more C H I L L though heh
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Too complex matter for simple minded me
Can't get more than Sophie
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woah, did you ever play the game?
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happy birthday??!
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smh disappointment
check level and date
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I don't get it!
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XD good puzzle...
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my philosophy is to not enter for rare&expensive games that I don't absolutely and immediately want ^^
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i respect that ...i mean
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Used to dabble a bit in the old existentialism/ontology stuff. Had to back off from it before being driven batshit crazy. However, I suspect that some of it "took" anyway. :D
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I recently got really into this series which talks about different philosophers and different philosophies throughout history.
Crash course has videos for a lot of different subjects and I've been watching them because they are pretty well done. Some people think they talk a little too fast when they explain things but I think it's energetic and very entertaining as well as educational.
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thanks again - i desperately needed something else to watch... have been watching this analysis of some Slender-based (")ARG's(") on repeat for a couple weeks now xD
much better to think about thinking than to be titillated by the eldritch, nodnod
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I find that there is little room for philosophy in the realm of practical questions, as it has largely been replaced by science.
For example, it has become quite clear that there is no "purpose" to life other than reproduction and that our ability to contemplate and question things and come up with concepts, etc. is just an unintended side effect of evolving big brains because of their benefit to reproduction. At the same time, it is clear that these big brains are not satisfied with just managing survival and reproduction and require other stimulation. This raises a few seemingly philosophical questions.
First, should our species continue to exist? If there's no purpose to life but our brains demand one, should we just kill off our entire species? But this is not a practical question, because even if the answer was "yes", it would be impossible to implement.
Thus, we have no choice but to continue existing, and face another question - How should we exist, ideally? This is also not a practical question. Science tells us that any answer other than "With the best possible quality of life" makes no sense given how our brains work.
This raises the obvious question of what does quality of life mean. But this is not a philosophical question. Our brains constrain us, and we must answer this question using neurology and behavioural sciences. And the answer is that we need to maintain our bodies (air, water, food, temperature control, rest, medicine, hygiene, sex) and maintain our brains (safety and stability, social connections and love, mental health, entertainment, meaningful achievements, purpose in life). And for best results, we need to live in societies that are fair, just, high on trust and high on equality.
So the next question is how to achieve all that? Again we turn to science, which lets us figure out how people respond to various public policies and how they behave in various situations, most importantly when given power. So we must theorize and experiment so as to find ever better ways of organizing society.
And with that, we've covered much of what philosophy is nominally about without actually using it. Things don't get any better when we venture into another traditional bulwark of philosophy - understanding the universe. Given how much information in this area has already been uncovered by science, the only sensible response to questions we can't yet answer is "Keep advancing science until we get an answer".
And so, we're left with very little outside the purely theoretical for philosophy to deal with. In fact, I can't even come up with any examples. And since I'm fascinated primarily by the large-scale practical problems that humanity faces and their solutions, I find myself quite disinterested in philosophy.
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I tend to avoid philosophy since I get all tangled in explanations and riled up when defending my point of view. ;)
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.>~> is not a debate mama - discussion, in which ideas are exchanged :P
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Philosophy for the sake of philosophy is a waste of time. I prefer discussions that factor for real world implications.
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You must be aware of the irony - feh
Quite presumptuous, too, to suggest all philosophy is empty talk. Pity
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I love so many of your responses above. :)
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By the way, in case you like philosophy, history and science fiction, might I recommend reading the Thessaly series by Jo Walton? I picked up the first book without even knowing what it was about -- and I couldn't put it down.
The first book is the best and is THE most unique book I can ever recall reading. Really focuses on the effort to built Plato's Republic and differing views due to ... well, I don't want to ruin it. The second book is okay, whereas the third really shifts into more science fiction mode and thus becomes less special.
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If I had to state my favourite school of thought and the one I most subscribe to, I would choose utilitarianism because I believe personal rights and freedoms are less important than society as a whole.
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seems sound but is incredibly risky - as you describe it, i draw a parallel to the relationship between governments and their people, and too often have ruling bodies proven untrustworthy.
the philosophies mentioned by both you and LostInNowhere take an almost mathematical approach to deducing what is best according to the prescribed rules / principles - at least followers of those philosophies are able to live without guilt or regret, though, abiding by the numbers, unable to account for or prevent all that may go wrong xD
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yay, a wishlist spacehulk game! die ugly alien, die! die!
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"I know that I know nothing"
One of my all-time favourite quotes.
I don't know shit, you don't know shit.
Educate yourself, try new things, educate others, try to understand one another, try to understand the "bigger picture" and so on..
Or in other words; I guess all we can do is try and learn shit about shit, so maybe not everything shitty is so shitty in the end? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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