*I do not think it is necessary to remember that, if you already have most of the games in a bundle, be a good companion and leave the opportunity to another user who can take advantage of it more. Let's take care of each other, thank you.
Incluye los juegos principales y sus DLC.
Mafia: Edición Definitiva
Mafia II: Edición Definitiva
Mafia III: Edición Definitiva
** I cannot be 100% sure that all my keys are working (when some keys are old and have not been redeemed, they may have been reused or deactivated). And I gift them with my best intention.
In that case, you agree to remove the giveaway. Sorry for any inconvenience.
4 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by hbarkas
329 Comments - Last post 19 minutes ago by gorok
22 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by spodamayn
207 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by anditsung
9 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Calibr3
1,176 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Bum8ara5h
41 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Axelflox
35 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by Venonat
50 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by MilanoMagiik
23 Comments - Last post 15 minutes ago by AceBerg42
239 Comments - Last post 22 minutes ago by LieEater
160 Comments - Last post 32 minutes ago by lav29
938 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by schmetti
301 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by Mayanaise
Can you specific if everyone can enter in the giveaway?
Even those who already own one or two of the games?
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The key adds these 3 games to your account.
If the website allows you to participate and you don't have all 3 games, then you can participate. I think...
I'm new here and I don't really understand the question or the problem, sorry.
Everybody can participate in the contest, the important thing is to share with the community.^_^
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When participating user owns most games in a bundle, its up to creator to decide if the win will be rerolled. Thats why its common to ask first. If we own 2 out of 3 games, is that okay?
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I understand. It sounds logical.
Thanks for the explanation.
In my case, I have no problem with that (unless it goes against some rule of the web), I do not intend to put any inconvenience to anyone to participate.
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In my case I own the Definitive edition of Mafia II and Mafia III and I can enter the giveaway, in this case it's questionable If I should enter and totally depends on your preference. You could say that it's totally okay to enter just for 1 missing game out of the 3, or you could say that you prefer that only people who own one of them or none should enter.
But in any case when you are giving away a bundle, the site can't detect correctly if you own everything or not from it. So even if I would own all three, the site would still allow me to enter the giveaway. So it's a good practice to check the winner in these cases to see if they don't already own all of it.
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Yes, I agree.
As the creator of the contest, you always hope that people don't take advantage of this kind of things.
But hey, I want to think that the fact that they receive a key, and not a direct exchange into their account, then they will use the key for something productive, such as another GA or give it to someone who needs it.
I prefer not to set limits in this type of contests, and thus not have to be investigating the winners, it is something annoying and I prefer to trust the community.
Thanks for the tips, fellows.
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As per the rules of SG, the winner must activate the key to his own account. So it's up to you if you want to "waste" a key on a winner who has 2/3 of the games, or request a reroll so someone who owns less games of the bundle would win. It's the creator's decision:)
Also thanks for the awesome giveaways!
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Yes, of course. Good point, mate.
I try not to think that someone would waste it... :(
Anyway, I only have the two packs that I am raffling at the moment, I have no more bundles, so this is a problem that I will never have to face again. ahahaha
(And taking into account everything that all of you are telling me in these comments, I think I will prefer not to raffle a bundle again) :P
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I've seen people enter for a $2 DLC on an $80 bundle, and that's only the highlight of a long series of self-centered entries. It's less common at levels above 6, as you have this giveaway set to, but I've certainly seen it at every level range. "Trust but verify" seems an apt idiom to go with for this site.
That said, packages [ever since Steam distinguished between bundles and packages, the distinction in naming there has become notable] aren't all that much a hassle to deal with. In fact, they can be really comfortable:
SG requires GA creators to give what is promised. The major exception to this is packages, where the GA creator can set any related rules for entry they wish [ie, allowing the setting of rules which are based specifically and only on the consideration of ownership of the elements contained within the package, for any entrants with at least one element already owned]. This giveas you a lot of freedom as far as how you want to present your giveaway- a freedom usually restricted to private or group giveaways.
(Note: If an element contained within the package is exclusive to the package, then this exception may not actually apply, as the package will then usually be considered by staff to be its own separate listing, rather than a packaged listing).
You can easily check ownership of base games by checking a user's library and, while a bit more of a hassle, you can add the user as a friend and go to the store page for any DLC to see if they're in your "Friends who own this game" section for that DLC. So, verification isn't that much of a hassle.
In the case of private profiles, you don't even need to ask them to go public- SG staff has access to sync records [ie, this page for any given user] and can check the info for you. They can't, however, check DLCs for you, and any content removed or otherwise unlisted on Steam can't be checked at all. So that's the point where packages do become a bit of a hassle.
Well.. Hopefully those lumpy paragraphs didn't increase how daunting the matter comes across to you. :S
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Also, to clarify (and partially correct) the "the site can't detect correctly if you own everything or not from it" that LevTaylor noted above:
Steamworks uses two login systems. One is the developer system, which allows developers and website owners to pull public information from a user's account. DLCs information isn't made public to that system, and therefore a site using that system (like SG) can't dtermine ownership of any content which contains at least one DLC. However, in the case of a package containing only base games, ownership can be detected- similarly, SG is configured to note which games have been previously won on SG (as that information is already stored locally on the site).
Meanwhile, the user system is used by gamers to log into games, or to log into Steam Community, or into Steam Community enabled websites, and grants full access to the user's data. This is why scripts and sites iike IsThereAnyDeal can pull up information that SG can't. However, that system requires regular logins, and that fact is likely the reason SG doesn't have any integration for it.
In short, unless a package contains DLCs or is misconfigured, you don't have to worry about anyone who owns 100% of the content entering the giveaway. There are other circumstances to note, however- Steam doesn't send ownership information out properly on removed games, Profile Features Limited games, or games that've been released within 24 hours- though that last one may be wholly superceded by the PFL aspect, now.
Moreover, you'd still have to decide how to approach those containing more than 0% and less than 100%, however, as per my above comment. So, uh.. yeah, giveaways can sometimes be a pain. Definitely makes you appreciate more those users who put up giveaways for DLCs or the like, however.)
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I left a more detailed explanation of how that works, just above. In short, assuming nothing is misconfigured (or there's some weird hiccup in the system due to Mafia 2 already being a package of two base games), you shouldn't actually be able to enter if you own all three base games, as base game ownership (regardless of quantity) can always be detected by SG under normal circumstances.
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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.
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Wow, really thanks, mate.
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Thank you for giving man. Very nice
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Thank you for the giveaway! :)
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Nice giveaway. I'm not going to enter though as I do own the definite versions of 2 & 3. I'd rather give a better chance to those who don't own most of the bundle or any of it.
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Very good attitude, mate. ;)
Thanks for comment it!
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tengo el mafia 2, por que tenia el clásico y me lo dieron gratis por tenerlo en la biblioteca, ¿puedo entrar por el resto del juego?
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Si solo tienes el dos y el clasico sin remasterizar, sin problemas, adelante.
Perdon por no leerte antes, compañero.
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thank you for chance!!!
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Hello BiGPorras!
support here.
first of all: welcome to steamgifts! I hope you'll enjoy your time in our community! As you can see a lot of our members offer help or explanation when something is unclear.
Our faq on packs of games:
'What are the rules for entering to win Steam packs if I currently own a number of the games contained within?
We ask users not to enter giveaways for packages if they already own the majority of the games. This allows for winners that will receive the most value out of their gift. In the end, the giveaway creator has the final say, and if they believe the winner owns too many of the packaged games, we'll allow them to request a new winner. '
So, basically it's all up to you. :) A lot of members don't enter giveaways for packs if the own part of it and it's unclear if the giveaway creator is ok with that. Best way to deal with this is to add some information on this in your description like: 'it's ok to enter if you own part of the bundle' or 'don't enter if you own one or more games in this bundle'
Awesome giveaways you're creating btw!
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First of all, thanks for the help. Here you are all very kind members.
I understand what you're saying, and I'm going to do something about it:
In principle, I will continue without limiting the bundle draws, but I will add a tip about what you comment, reminding users to enter the draw, to be good companions and not abuse the opportunity.
And if you tell me that the website gives me the power to request a new winner based on this, I will take that into account.
Many thanks for everything.
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Sorry for the overly wordy info posts above. :)
Kudos for putting up such a solid giveaway!
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Thank you for all the information, bro. Is good to know this kind of things.
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Another superb GA. Thank you!
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Thank you!
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Thanks for all the giveaways lately. Have a whitelist and a good day.
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The winner only owns Mafia 3, so I'm happy that he gets the pack.
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Thank you so much! I did not own the first two games so this is very much appreciated. Activated and marked received! =)
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My pleasure, mate. ^_^
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