
As I stated in the L.A. Noire giveaway, I love me a good film noir or noir inspired book or game or what have you. Anyone have any recommendations?
As an incentive, if the winner has left a recommendation for noir (serious or otherwise), in any type of medium, I'll add them on steam and throw in the Max Payne 3: Rockstar Pass.
I'd say I'd prefer new suggestions rather than repeats from the L.A. Noire GA but since this description was a partial copy and paste anyways that'd be a bit hypocritical.

I would recommend Dark City.
I am really impressed when I watch it:)

6 years ago

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+10000 for Dark City.

And here is an extra for you: if you are watching the regular version, skip (or ask someone to do it for you) the first 2min30s of the movie -- basically, start watching it when the name of the movie first appears. Or at least mute it. That's because:

i) "Mute" because this intro has a very "expositional", spoiler-y monologue (which also inserts a minor plot hole); word is that this was introduced by studio executives because the movie was "too confusing" without it.
ii) Now, if you really SKIP it, you will have a truckload more mystery at the beginning, and won't lose much -- pretty much everything that is shown in these 2:30 pops up later in the movie.

(Obs.: The Director's Cut has neither the monologue nor this long intro with spoiler scenes!)

The beginning will be a little abrupt, throwing you right in the middle of it, but I think it really pays off.


6 years ago*

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Didn't even enter but two games you might like:
The Blackwell Series
Knee Deep

6 years ago

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When it comes to film noir, I always think about The Maltese Falcon and other old movies, but there is always an extra-effort required when the movie is really old, no matter how good it is.

So instead, have one which has been added to my watchlist recently : The Man Who Wasn't There 2001, by the Coen brothers, with Billy Bob Thornton & Frances McDormand.

6 years ago

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Since it just happens that I'm about to read them myself, I suggest that you consider going straight to the source and read some Raymond Chandler, "The Big Sleep" being his most popular novel.

Yes, it's a "partial" copy-paste, but with a different suggestion ;)

6 years ago

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Try Altman's Long Goodbye or Polanski's Chinatown for a bit of neo-noir. As for the classic noir movies - one of my favourite movies is Third Man. You can also try one of the first Akira Kurosawa's movies Stray Dog (Nora Inu). And a couple more classics - In a Lonely Place, Double Indemnity, The Lady from Shanghai.

6 years ago

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Pay attention to the above recommendations, Retox. All of those are on point.

6 years ago

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Gemini Rue has a nice noir feeling to it and people would also point to Grim Fandango of course

6 years ago

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Check out the Blacksad comic, by Juan Dรญaz Canales and Juanjo Guarnido.
It's so good, a noir detective story set in the 1950s America with the anthropomorphic animals as characters.
And in spite of appearances the story is very serious and adult.
The art style of Guarnido is outstanding!

View attached image.
6 years ago

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"The Third Man" - The place of action is Vienna (where my father lives). Me, my father and my friend, we had the "pleasure" to explore the places from the movie - Viennese channels:) If you like old (1949) movies, I highly recommend;)

6 years ago

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Apart from the max payne trilogy, you can also try The wolf among us.

6 years ago

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10ryrs old now but a lot of people missed it Franklyn

6 years ago

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Heh, I actually picked that up when Blockbuster was going under and have completely forgotten it since then. I'll have to find it.

6 years ago

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A friend keeps recommending barman to me, not sure if that fits though...
Thanks for gibs!

6 years ago

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sure why not ๐Ÿ’™

6 years ago

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Well, Nightcrawler wasn't mentioned so far, even though, it's an amazing neo noir movie.
I'd also add Fargo, even though, it's debated whether it should belong to the noir genre.

6 years ago

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I haven't had a chance to watch nightcrawler yet I'll have to get on that. Any list that includes Fargo is good in my books. Dark comedy focused around crime that's close enough at least. ๐Ÿ’™

6 years ago

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Adding another vote for the Dark City movie, and for The Wolf Among Us. :-)

Also, if you somehow get your hands on the game, be sure to give it a try. :-)

6 years ago

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Has the Blade Runner game been mentioned? The film is obviously a classic, but I remember liking the game a lot when it came out over 20 years ago. It captured the mood and atmosphere of the film very well.

6 years ago

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+1 just go for the original version(edit: movie), not the recent remake

6 years ago*

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Don't think it's been mentioned yet. I'll have to check it out. thanks! ๐Ÿ’™

6 years ago

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The Shiva was a game that isn't really a noir title, but definitely had detective elements in it.

6 years ago

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hey it works for me. ๐Ÿ’™

6 years ago

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While not a PC game, you should check out Heavy Rain if you can.

6 years ago

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๐Ÿ’™ I actually own it already :). Course that being said I only ever played about 5 minutes of it before it ended up in my backlog. If I can ever touch my PS3 again without the toddler stealing the controller to put on nursery rhymes I'll have to give Heavy Rain another shot.

6 years ago

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๐Ÿ’™ ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

6 years ago

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The Mercury Man. My two suggestions from the other giveaway were Heavy Rain and Blues and Bullets. :)

6 years ago

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Thanks for the recs ๐Ÿ’™

6 years ago

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'L.A. Confidential' by James Ellroy. Incredible book!

6 years ago

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Thanks for the rec ๐Ÿ’™

6 years ago

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Probably you already know Reservoir Dogs, but I can't think of anything else in the moment.

6 years ago

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hey, I'll take it. Great movie. ๐Ÿ’™

6 years ago

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Yes, indeed.:)

6 years ago

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I'm coming back as in another GA you stated that you also like Sci-Fi, so maybe Gattaca? It's not a classical noir movie, but it's still classified as neo noir on some lists

6 years ago

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I can see Gattica as being noir like or neo noir in some aspects. Good movie either way. Thanks. ๐Ÿ’™ (actually I already whitelisted you earlier...)

6 years ago

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(Batman: The Animated Series)
And yes, I'm serious.

6 years ago*

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Ahh that takes me back to my childhood. And yeah, watching that explanation I could definitely see it. ๐Ÿ’™

6 years ago

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And here is another suggestion:
Leviathan Wakes.
It's the first book of the "The Expanse" series.
It's a sci-fi series and in the first book the authors dive into the horror and noir genres (they used every book to go in a different two is more a political thriller and so on)
Big parts of the first book are about a detective trying to find the daughter of a wealthy magnate and the conspiracy he uncovers in his search for her.
And if you are more into watching you could also check out the first season of it. It's a really excellent made series.^^
Season 1

6 years ago

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I just picked this up yesterday actually. I've watched the first season of the Expanse so far and the recs that I was getting here pushed me into picking it up while cashing in my gift cards.

6 years ago

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I really liked Memento

6 years ago

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Great movie! ๐Ÿ’™

6 years ago

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Blood Simple is a really good neo noir!

6 years ago

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Nice! thanks.

6 years ago

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