My long distance gf is depressed and stressed out because of her parents. She is unemployed and been forced to marry anybody by her parents for the sake of her family's financial crisis. This has been a long standing fight that she can't take it anymore and almost decided to kill herself. I argued with her to stay alive but living with her parents seemed no longer a viable option for her. What should I do? Should I take her in with me? I live in Papua and financially not ready to marry her yet. What should I do to keep her safe, or at least alive? I also live in a country that makes it illegal for unmarried couple to live together in the same house. This has been a dilemma. Please help me. Please.
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My life experience is not enough to answer your question... The only advice I can give is: Always be in touch with her. For a depressed person, the opportunity to speak out is a vital thing. I know for myself...
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I second this.
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For my empiric knowledge I must say, being with someone that do not love itself, is totally destructive, if the person is really a good people, it will try to end the things to you, if not, will end it whatever she wants, by all means, not even caring what you felt, what you meant, and how much you helped her. At the end... she is gonna blame you for everything. Remember... if she do not love herself, she cannot love you, you must think in yourself now. I was destroyed by the woman I always loved, my Bf, a co-author, my ex fiance... however, I am gonna tell you another thing, do as you wish to do, if it goes bad, at least you could say you tried. Be care my friend, and please think as you are the top of priority.
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I mean if you can't afford financially to take care of the both of you then why would that be a better option ? Finding a job in any countries is not that hard, not always legal but still, way better to get some money to survive by yourself than commiting suicide because you'r broke & your parent are forcing her to marry someone she doesn't want to... i mean you said it like there's not that much of options but mate, i see alot of them here, either you take another job and take your woman in (as a wife also), if it's love you can hold it doing 2 works a little time, then she or you can look for a job for her to do so both of you end up doing one work and earn money to have a stable financial situation at least. Or as i said before, she just run away and find a work by herself for the time beeing, she can live in her friends house or at least pay someone to rent a room or something like that. I guess if you wrote something THAT personal on this kind of website that means you really needed to talk with someone to get some opinions or maybe just to share it and let it go, if you really need that mate feel free to contact me on steam and we'll just call each other in discord (i just don't wan't to post it here cuz there's alot of kids doing weird stuff around ^^') we can talk about that if you want. I've been through alot of events in my 26 years surprisingly, my english might not be of a good level but i guess we'll manage to understand each other :) Tell to your girlfriend that ending her life is not an option that she should be looking at, and that after hardships there's alway a good and beautiful moment in life? i know that sound cliché but belive me or not, even after the moments when you think that the WHOLE WORLD is against you there's always gonna be happiness. I hope she doen't do anything to hurt herself, her life is precious and she's the one ruling her life, she own it, no one can decide what she have to do with her live. I hope that both of you find a solution to solve this, and wish you happiness ! Peace to everyone <3
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I mean you can both work even if you're married.
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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.
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Have you ever met her face to face? She might be see you as a escape opportunity from her family.
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I mean I don't really know the sorta feelings and the relationship u have with her and ur overall situation, but if it's viable and u live alone, she can live with u for the moment and find a job later (i doubt it would be that much financially hard for u)if not then u can just help her by aiding her in job search or such a thing(like getting her into programs or courses that could help her get a job(some are free) so that she is somewhat independent .just please communicate with each other, and let her know that u r there for her and this problem has many solutions that u two just had to figure out together. doubt I helped any, wish you the best ❤️
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Thanks for this giveaway! ^_^
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I only have most important med for depressed person: "Just be with her show her you always here!"
But cant help any more because complete dont know what situation you have in your country.
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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.
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Sorry for you, bro.
In cases of depression, the most effective move I've seen is take the "patient" by hand, and go with him/her to make some charitable work.
There seems to have a lot of ways you can help your girl, and after she heals, you both should decide what to do about your lives. But, after both of you are healed.
Help each other now, the best you can in a way that let the other heal him/herself.
Good luck, and God bless.
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Thank you!
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Gracias :)
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thanks for the opportunity:)
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I am really sorry to hear that, and sorry that I have no real advice to give. It's a very complex situation, and I feel I am unfit to advice you on the matter.
However, as Andy said, talk to her. Depression is not easy to handle alone.
Also, try seeking advice from some close friends. They might understand your situation, know you and your gf, and the country better than most of us.
Stay strong!
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