
Thank You !

7 years ago

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Wow... space cat has honored me with its presence twice in the train. Never had that happen to me before. Thank you much!

7 years ago

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Hi, sorry to bother you, but the key you provided for The Dweller was actually for Fly O'Clock.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Oh dear, that means I might have gotten more keys wrong :/ Let's hope not but the chance is there, are you sure you did not won more then one of my games?
I'll look into it once they've all been send out.

7 years ago

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I also won Risky Rescue (from the GA with the 5 copies), but I haven't tried to activate the key yet, in case you want to make sure it's for the correct game.

7 years ago

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I'll look into it in a bit, quickly spreading this link everywhere in case there are more mix ups
There might have been a mix up of keys for some, I opened a topic to gather everyone who got a wrong one

7 years ago

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Your key has been replaced. It should be the correct one now (checked beforehand)
I'm so so so so very sorry for the mess up :$

7 years ago

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I read the thread and you seem super stressed over this. It's understandable, but please don't be!
Everything will work out okay and you're a lot nicer than you have to be (I would've been okay to be removed as a winner too). Let me tell you a little story about the other time something like this happened to me: I won a game, but the key turned out to be a duplicate. The GA creator apologised and said that he couldn't get a replacement key, so of course, I understood his situation (happens to everyone, as you can see, we're only human :) and agreed to have the GA deleted. A few weeks later, I found out that I was blacklisted by the guy (and he was a high level too, 7 I think).

I'm really happy to get this game, because it had caught my eye before, so seeing the Space Cat was awesome and made me smile like an idiot, when I saw that I won exactly The Dweller. Your reaction afterwards was even more awesome! So, take a deep breath, think of all the people who are grateful for your gifts, all 114 of them, allow yourself a smile too and don't stress over such things! Oh, and get that damn vacation away from SG already! :P

7 years ago

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I am, I've made bigger trains without any mistakes. A lot of re-rolls but never a wrong key mistake.
And you are not the only one plus adding this is the first time I'm going through a mistake like this I am having a rough time dealing with this :$

Kinda rude he black listed you after you've been so nice to mutual agree to delete the GA :(

Well I am glad I could make you smile today, that is why I do it, that is why I do so many GA's but since I'm over worked (not kidding, I come from 50 given games till Idk how many I gave away on a very short time) so I think I might be a bit overworked o_o A but much.
I promised myself vacation, but I saw this awesome topic of someone and ofcourse.. I couldn't resist. :$
hides under a rock of shame

7 years ago

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Thank you!

7 years ago

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