
I've entered a few carts of this train, so i figured it only right for me to give back, even if I cannot do as much as I would like.

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ON TO 3,500 CARS!

Please remember to mark as received!
I have no expectations about you playing this immediately--life happens, other games are a higher priority to you, etc. Play this when you get around to it (please don't totally forget about it in the meantime), and most of all, enjoy! :-D

Is it ok to enter for the DLC?

5 months ago

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Yes, so long as you don't own over about half.

5 months ago

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Keep in mind Central/East Europe and Russia / CIS find themselves with the game activated as a different app (PCR added to the name), complete with a separate store page and a separate community page. They can enter completely oblivious to the fact they own the game. This is the subID they can check (and this is the appID on SteamDB).

Others may potentially have one version or the other, too.

5 months ago*

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Oh. I did not know that. Thank you!

5 months ago

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They also can't have both versions working on the same account, if anyone's wondering.

5 months ago

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In the similar case of Dishonored (same company), one can have both versions, the other being Dishonored RHCP. Is there official information that says you can't have it in the case of Fallout?

5 months ago

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People trying to run both. If you want to run the standard version, you have to remove the other from your Steam account. Feasible but pointless if you can play in English (or Polish/Czech/Russian), since mods work on both, albeit with a bit more tinkering on the PCR one.

5 months ago

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I researched it a bit more. Apparently the two versions use the same directory so obviously one has to rename them each time they want to run one version but there is no information that you can't have both or that you need to remove one from the account, and that was my question. Uninstalling, tricks etc yes, but you're not obligated to remove either to run the other, So in essence you can have both in the same accout (if for some reason you need/want to) but it's not that practical.

5 months ago

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I have everything already but can still enter.

Check the winner in case they do too.

5 months ago

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Will do, thank you!

5 months ago

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