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Enjoy life, disregard the SJW-pancakes and have a good time.

The only comments I wanna see are those with a political opinion.
If you don't have one, then that's fine too. Enjoy gaming and don't comment.

Good luck and a great Saturday to everyone.

Politicians seem to be working for their donors instead of their constituents. That's not right.

Thanks for the wishlist giveaway. )

8 years ago

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Nothing new there, for the most part.
But how would you think about someone that uses mostly their own money for the campaign?

And you're welcome.

8 years ago

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They are their own donor, and therefore also working for their donor instead of their constituents.

8 years ago

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Which isn't inherently bad though, in my opinion.
It, kinda, makes them free.

Now, their will to actually do something for others simply depend on their morals and ethics though.
Which is really hard to truly ever know about a person anyway.

8 years ago

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Politicians are like assholes, pretty much only ever full of shit. And the clean ones end up full of shit eventually.

8 years ago

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They tell you what you want to hear, in my opinion.
But some are more honest than others, I guess.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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I don't like cultural Marxists (SJWs) but I do like pancakes as well. =P

8 years ago

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Everyone who votes should educate themselves on the issues, and do their own research (fact check). Out-of-context sound-bites and commentator blurbs on the news don't count as independent research. Get your facts and compare them with your values. We live in the information age, and the state of journalism in the world today is abysmal. Question everything, question what you think and the reasons why you think it, and don't stop until you have immersed yourself in enough information to almost form a complete picture. If you don't have a solid idea about what you're voting on, don't vote.

8 years ago

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Well said, friend.

8 years ago

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Too bad it's so difficult to separate the grains of truth from all the manure, these days. It makes informing oneself a real chore.

8 years ago

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It really does.
And what's worse, you sometimes still feel in the wrong, even with a mountain of information.
Simply because some dummies yell louder.

8 years ago

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It still boggles my mind that repeating a lie over and over is apparently enough to convince some people that it's the truth. P

8 years ago

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That was and still is one of the worst parts about the whole election.
Because you can't even have a discussion with people, if their belief is mainly based on lies.
So, you can really only walk away from them and they still think that they have won the argument.

8 years ago

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^ Complete agrees. For a democratic country, education is the key to a better government. It's the #2 charity I would donate to. (First being food/water/shelter/survival)
Second to education is passion I suppose. It makes no different to have a country full of well educated people if they don't care about what the government is doing.

8 years ago

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I would put morals/ethics before passion, I guess.

  1. Education (knowledge)
  2. Morals/ethics (motivation)
  3. Passion (drive or energy)

Other than that, I do agree as well.

8 years ago

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xD Okay yeah, I agree with your ordering.

8 years ago

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Man, I really like all of these opinions. It's refreshing to see what happens when opinions are not just about what party you belong to, what policies you believe in, but about the system in general.

Everyone in politics has an agenda, whether it be money, power/notoriety or self-fulfillment. In a lot of cases I would bet that a lot of political figures are not in it for their people/community or for the betterment of the government, rather that person runs for office for their own selfish reasons.

I hope people realize that Former President Obama was quite the opposite and probably one of the better presidents that the United States has had in office. Although the jury has not fully convened on President Trump, I really hope he presents himself in a way that betters the United States and ALL of its people.

My question for you, what political-themed movie have you enjoyed the most?
Mine is an oldie, and I first saw it in Junior High, "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington."

8 years ago

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Your first two paragraphs sounded so nice and then you discarded them in your third one. =P
It's fine though, I really hope that Trump / the republican party can do a fine job for the people as well.

As for the political-themed movie..
I don't really know.
I usually find those either boring or disgusting, in some way or another.
Or I should rather say, that I haven't seen a captivating one yet - as far as I can recall. =P

8 years ago

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True the third paragraph may have been a little abrasive, but I always have the feeling with all the hateful things people have said about presidents/political parties, past and present, sometimes we all need to reflect and look at what has been actually done (positive and negative). While some have done better than others, the problem that society faces is that in the subject of government, if you are not involved, you will not know. Truth be known a lot of people will not fully understand the full nature of politics and take stances of which they may not be fully aware.

Well, I can tell you for sure that politics is definitely not my favorite genre, haha, I just find certain things interesting about a few.

8 years ago

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True, I usually don't care much either, most of the time.
Just when something comes up and might need some attention.

And it really doesn't make much sense for most people to try to stay on top of everything, be it politics or other subjects.

8 years ago

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Politicians are mirros of their own societies, if you believe that most wvery day citizens would be less corrupt than your average politician then you're a naive person.

8 years ago

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While societies tend to get the leaders they deserve, it is also true that it is generally a bad idea to give power/leadership to those who desire it.

8 years ago

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political opinion on what? you didnt specify so imma just say that public nudity should be legal ,as well organized crime.

8 years ago

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Well, everyone has something different to complain about or to praise.
And a lot of people come from different countries and politics.
So, it's meant to be vague.

And I disagree with you 2 suggestions myself. =P

8 years ago

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bah ,public nudity should be legal cause everyone likes free tatas !

as for organized crime ,it already exist. but they hide their crimes well behind rules ,which they made.
so from one side you could see the government as an organized crime ,but its the lesser evil. or the acceptable one.

8 years ago

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The problem with legal nudity is though, that you won't always get to see the good stuff. xD

Not sure what good legalizing organized crime would do.
Just because some things are practiced, doesn't mean that it should be encouraged or made legal for everyone else.

If anything, I would agree to question some governmental activities and to fight them.
Like, tax-paid TV is literally theft to me, since you have no say in what is produced or have the option not to pay for it, if you don't even watch TV.

8 years ago

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yeah as you may noticed im not talking seriously but more for the fun and kicks of the argument ^^

as for legalizing organized crime think of it like the wild west style ,but with more chaos with our modern society ,will turn into a post apocalyptic world haha.

tax-paid tv interesting ,are you talking about the license? cause every country ,either first world or third world pays for the license ,now whether the channels that broadcast belong to the government or are independent are another thing.

if you don't you pay for your tv ,how will you know whats going on in the world around you? in your country ,how will be you informed about the news ,example where you gonna learn about the elections? thats the job of a government channel

while on a independent channel youll have more freedom to choosing what you wanna see or hear.

im playing the devils advocate here but you might not choose to pay for it but others depend on it.
you pay tax for many benefits that you may or may not currently need but might need later ,like health care as well as things you might not notice ,like waste management .

if one declines to pay for one privilege others will start not paying as well and theres gonna be anarchy and lose completely that benefit. whether that is tv or health care.

a society must work together and contribute all together into something so we can improve ourselfs and become better ,rather than being selfish.

ofcourse that would be in a perfect world which is not corrupted.

8 years ago

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I guess, I wasn't sure about you being serious or not. =P

And regarding the tax-paid TV was a bit of a mistake by me.
What I meant was a separate payment to the government and not financed by taxes.
Although, it's almost the same thing.

Anyway, my problem is that not even every apartment has access to any TV channels by default.
You'll have to rent it from a provider (like landline or internet).
So, if you wouldn't rent it in the first place, why should you pay the government for not even being able to watch their stuff?
And if you rent it, then you're paying double (provider + government).

It's not really an issue to get your news from other sources than the TV either.
You have newspapers, radio and the almighty internet.
Even if you'd still "need" to use the TV for that, you can get plenty news on private channels as well.

The only real reason for having government (or taxpayer) funded channels would be important things that the public needs to be made aware of (like war time stuff or something like that).
You could argue that the government has the responsibility to do so.
But, other than that, I don't see the need for producing the same stuff, that private channels already provide and with more higher quality as well (subjectively anyway).

And even for the very rare occasions where the government needs to reach the people..
Any other channels can report that too.
The president can go to any channel in the same way as they could to their own channels and would likely reach many more people as well.

I also am not against taxes, I know they are needed to keep the government running.
Nothing is for free anyway.
I understand that and agree with you on that one. =)

8 years ago

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Reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram buy gold bye!

8 years ago

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In one month, my province have governor election.
There are 3 pair, 1 is son of former president, 1 is former governor, 1 is former minister of education.
It's sad to watch some candidate feels confidence that they're popular (his masses just attracted to money, no loyalty)...
In era of internet, it's easy to find information...

8 years ago

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Yea, a lot of people just don't care enough to inform themselves or simply don't really have the time to.
They just listen to what they are showered with (radio, TV, advertisements, etc.).

But, in the end, the people get what they deserve.
If more than 50% are uninformed and vote for something "bad", then that's what they deserve, in my opinion.

8 years ago

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Thank you!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Politician politic is not real politic.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thank You! ;)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

8 years ago

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Of course he should be.
He has been democratically elected.

And unless he actually does a bad job, people really shouldn't have anything to complain about.
I may not like the personality or ideas of my car mechanic but, as long as he fixes my car, I don't really care about it.

8 years ago

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His campaign made me cringe, but not as badly as the "The Russians hacked the election!" thing the other side is doing, so I guess in that sense the best man won. We'll see how it works out. I wish his constituents the best of luck.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

8 years ago

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May the werewolves protect you.
I am part of the German Pirate Party and therefore also of the Pirate Party International.
Does this count as a political statement ?

8 years ago

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Sure, if that's what you want to say. =)

8 years ago

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I hate having an unpopular political opinion because I am unable to voice it without repercussions, even though I do not support any particular movements or parties. I think educating yourself before you vote is vital. Putting more money into education so your people are not cattle, but people who understand politics at least on a basic level and can make decisions like adults and dont have to be herded like children (as of now). Right now people hear shit in the news (or circulating fake news), they get outraged and dont even bother checking sources or research the topic, they just go on the street to protest.

It's the new hip thing to shit on Trump, even my colleagues were joking about betting on whether or not he will get assassinated, calling him becoming president the "end of the world". It is alarming when a president-elect says stupid shit sure, but the media painted an exaggerated picture of him (e.g. Trump is Hitler 2.0) and now they're shitless scared of this monster they painted. Sure he said stupid things, but this uprise against him ("not MY president" and the likes) will not solve anything.

Also it's funny how most people will remember Obama as this chill bro who played basketball with kids but they easily forget the laws he passed or the anti-privacy and anti-fake-news bills he signed just before he left, or the fact that he bombed the Middle West pretty much every day - one has to really wonder what effect that had on the current "refugee crisis".

And let's not even mention Hillary with her Saudi money.

8 years ago

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I hear you and thank you for sharing your thoughts.

I think that one of the best things about the US election (and Brexit) is, that it brought to light how bad the situation in our societies really is.
The lemmings, lying media, utter intolerance, ignorance and hypocrisy of so many people - especially the people who claim to be the most tolerant ones.
And that's not even just in the US. Europe is about the same in that way.

It's also really sad to see in how much agony some of them are, in fear of the "monster" that they have created themselves.
They can't even think rationally (anymore).

My only hope is that this has been a wake-up call for many people.
But I also think that there may have to be set some more examples, before the proverbial ship can be turned around.
It's a start though.

8 years ago

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I've been wondering if a system where the campaigning gets thrown out and everybody who wants to vote instead does a test to choose what candidate is most in line with their beliefs would make the world a better place. This of course is based on the presumption that a majority of people use logic and morals consistent with mine in decision making which in practice doesn't seem like the case a lot of the time.

Great topic, may I ask why you chose it?

8 years ago

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I don't really like the idea of campaigning myself and think that it would be less of an emotional decision, if people simply voted for the different policies.
But, I guess, people also want to get to know the candidates and whether or not they are "a fine person".

I chose the topic because of Trump's inauguration.
Mainly to give people the option to vent about that or something else that concerned them, politically anyway.

And maybe some could get past some of their worries and start enjoying their Saturday and lives again.

8 years ago

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Well for me as a global citizen I won't really be affected by his sovereign policies, I'm mostly concerned with his stance on climate change as it's a rather pressing matter. I'm also against his policies regarding trade as the "export = GOOD, import = BAD" mindset feels really outdated. I'm very much an idealist and believe that open borders and free trade across the globe will accelerate progress in less progressive places which to me is the antidote to the idiocracy that seems to become more of a reality for every day that passes. The fact that the leader of the free world is a reality tv star should probably help illustrating my point.

8 years ago

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Well, we'll have to see about what policies he will actually follow and which simply aren't feasible.
The campaign is usually when the candidates say all sorts of stuff that they'll never do.
It's much like just stating your opinion or promise things, in order to get the votes.

Because of that, and the fact that I'm European myself, I don't even bother with those policies/promises.
So, unless one of his policies was to start WW III, or something stupid like that, it's not really my business anyway.

I do get where you're coming from though, I think.
I'd call myself idealistic as well and would agree with your ideals and concerns, if the world simply were a "better" (or more advanced) place than it currently is.
I just don't think that the world is ready yet, for open borders and the collective kumbaya.
I do think though, that it is something humanity might have to evolve into, in order to progress even further.
However, maybe it's not even meant to be for us - who knows.

Personally, I feel like gaining some autonomy and security back again, is what our societies are in great need for, right now.
Liberalism and "progressiveness" is ruining large parts of our societies (subjectively speaking anyway) and needs to, at the very least, be slowed down - in my opinion.
Which is where the conservative "winds" and policies come from and why I hope for a bit of a change with the Republican Party.

8 years ago

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But as the US is one of the biggest polluters on the planet (second to China I believe) surely you should be concerned of his climate policies too? I confess that it's not perfect science as every prognosis seems off but the threat is real and apart from floods, mass extinction of entire species of animals and plants there's also an implication that we might eventually kill the planet and ultimately rendering it uninhabitable.

I believe that the economic system is fundamentally flawed which - sorry for treading into Marxist territory here but - rewards exploitation since the winner in a capitalist market as of right now is the one that manages to fuck over the other party more. And since the author of The Art of the Deal is currently holding office I fear that post-capitalism will have to wait at least 4 years before it can really be kickstarted. Now I'm not talking about abandoning capitalism mind you, just redoing it so that ethics can be rewarded within the economic system.

And I agree that what I'm preaching is far fetched, perhaps even impossible within my lifetime but there's no harm in dreaming. What we would really need to start thinking of everything at a global scale which funnily enough the climate threat (and post-war unions to an extent) has helped us moving towards ultimately I think we'd need to get in contact with intelligent alien lifeforms so we can move past the in-species hatred. It's very counterproductive.

I think the easiest way to regain security is to somehow end radicalization at the grand scale it has reached but how that's even possible I don't know. There also needs to be a large rework to infrastructure across the globe since a lot of systems feel very outdated (education, work, transportation, economy etc.). And I'm not saying it doesn't work, I'm just saying that there's a lot of things that could be done better. I'm glad I'm not in politics myself since my policies would sound really great and then someone would interpret that as something I'd want to execute within a 4 year period and make some calculations which would require triple of the whole world's GDP or something along those lines.

8 years ago

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Climate change won't "kill the planet". That's sensationalist bullshit. It can damage the planet's ecosystems and make the world as a whole less pleasant to live on, but it doesn't actually end life on Earth.

I definitely agree that global warming is a serious issue, but scaremongering isn't helping.

8 years ago

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But the tipping point is a supported theory by scientists and I value that higher than opinions, unless you have some sort of proof to support your claim I'm not going to change my mind. With that said I'm not sure when that would happen but it's perfectly possible to kill a planet even if climate change may or may not be able to do it but I'd rather go with a safer than sorry mentality than just ignoring it simply because it's more convenient that way.

8 years ago

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The "tipping point" is, first of all, very poorly defined and most certainly not a clear scientific description of what's going to happen. Second, assuming the tipping point comes to pass, it only means that a new, stable environment comes into existence. Which would be, as I said, an environment unfriendly to humans (as well as many plants and animals), but that doesn't mean it's going to just "kill the planet". Climate change has happened naturally a number of times in Earth's history, and while it definitely caused global extinctions of certain species, none of it ever "killed the planet". Life on Earth is quite a bit more robust than what you seem to believe.

Also, if you'd been paying attention you'd have noticed that I didn't say we should ignore global warming, so no need to get on your high horse. Global warming IS a serious issue and we SHOULD take steps to stop it or at least reduce it as much as possible, but it doesn't help to start shouting doom and gloom about the end of the world. You're not going to convince anyone by exaggerating to the point of ridiculousness.

8 years ago*

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I was referring to a mass extinction event where human life will no longer be sustainable, although I find it perfectly reasonable to think a climate similar to Venus could be achieved here on Earth if the right prerequisites are being met. And I think you misunderstood me or perhaps I communicated poorly but I'm really not trying to convince anyone. If you don't believe in climate change I won't be the one to change your mind. And I don't think it's unreasonable to imagine of a more extreme scenario as intelligent life as we know it - specifically as man made pollution plays a role here - has never existed during any previous extreme change to the Earth's climate. I think it's wrong of you to outright claim it's not possible simply because it's unprecedented. I don't think we will literally manage to "kill the planet" meaning it won't sustain any life whatsoever, there are lots of microbes that can survive in extreme climates if nothing else but the point I was making was simply that we're causing vast destruction to the environment which might affect the survival of the human species.

I was never implying you didn't take climate change seriously either, not sure where you got that from? It was never my intent to seem condescending though, hopefully you got some things off your chest since from your comment you seemed to only partly responding to me and partly taking personal offense when none was given.

8 years ago

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I mean, I don't really want to be concerned about things that aren't even in existence yet.
I'll be concerned if and when Trump actually does something "bad".

And we shouldn't forget that no 1 person is educated on all issues.
He can have his uneducated views all he likes because he has people who counsel him on the different things.
Let alone the rest of the governmental apparatus, that needs to agree with him.

So, even if he thinks that climate change is a hoax, he can still make policies for improving the environment.
He doesn't really need to want to do it for "climate change" issues but because he wants less pollution or whatever.

As far as the economic system is concerned, I really don't know how to make it much better or even replace it.
Even at a very basic level, it's no different to me exchanging currency for stuff, than exchanging a chicken for some milk.
And we also can't really do much about the way we live either.
Jobs need to be done, so people need to be hired. And in exchange they receive money (instead of some milk), in order to buy whatever they need (milk?). =P
I would agree though, that some jobs are simply overpaid, for what they actually produce.

Regarding that 1 global nation or global thinking..
There just has to change so much first.
Like education and standards of living would have to be equal(-ish) everywhere on earth.
If you don't have that at least, then there will always be places that are more desirable than others.
Or people's values/mindsets.
It's a nice dream but yea.. Not anytime soon, in my opinion.

I doubt that we can ever end any sort of radicalization, since there will always be people that are unhappy with something.
See 1st-world problems. Even if you have it relatively decent, you'll always find something to moan about and even take it to the streets.

Education and talking about issues is a good way of trying to minimize radicalization though, perhaps.

8 years ago

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I read that his first executive decisions were to roll back Obama's climate change initiatives and the TPP. Tried to find it but all I could find was that he started to roll back on Obamacare so I guess whatever I read was simply speculation.

I know the basics of economics too and concerning trading items it's actually a lot less efficient than currency since pricing becomes very fluctuated. I'm not saying that we need to move away from currency (although a karma or 'like' based currency is a really interesting thought experiments) but rather that we need to rethink how we distribute money.

There's talk about a basic income being distributed to all citizens instead of a lot of different welfare systems in some countries which I'm very interested in since that implies higher acceleration on the money in rotation, no more extreme poverty apart from people who aren't part of the system like illegal immigrants as well as lowered stress levels since you hopefully then can survive without having to constantly be doing something. Of course this puts a lot of trust in people wanting to live with more than the bare minimum but hopefully this could let people be more creative if they want to or take a month to just not do anything at all - seeing how much mental health issues has skyrocketed in recent times I think this would be a very nice way to just alleviate a whole lot of stress from people without there hopefully being too much of a downside. Like I said, I'm an idealist and I have hope in humanity weirdly enough.

Oh I agree, if we're going to be totally realistic what I want doesn't even sound remotely feasible. I still want to believe but in the next 10 years it's most likely not even any point in bringing it up for serious discussion. I enjoy entertaining the thought of a perfect world though since it's such a challenge as there are so many things to factor in and it's always nice to use my brain's processing power for something remotely useful. The butterfly effect might even be applicable when it comes to such a huge undertaking.

Education is always my go to choice whenever I donate to charity since I believe education will eventually bring more fundamental solutions all around.

You seem like a bright person to me - do you mind if I add you on steam? :)

8 years ago

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At the very least, it's fun to entertain some ideas and try to find solutions to some problems.
Even if they end up not being realistic or working well in practice.

Maybe we'll even see a system like you proposed (or similar anyway), with more advancements in automating and whatnot.

And regarding Steam, I don't know how to be nice about it but I'm simply not social at all (speaking of mental illnesses =P ).
It'd likely be a waste of your time and I probably won't contact you ever.
It's not personal, just the way I'm wired. =/

Also thanks for the compliment.
And likewise.

8 years ago*

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No worries, I understand completely! I'm generally not a social person either.

8 years ago

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Thanks for understanding.

On another note.. I'm a bit annoyed that the winner of this GA has a private profile and has been online here or on steam once (when I wasn't, of course) in the past 24+ hours..

Next time I might just request a re-roll right away.

8 years ago

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(>‿◠)✌ TℋÅℕḲϟ ẎѺṲ‼‼, great giveaway, wish you much luck
☁ ▅▒░☼‿☼░▒▅ ☁.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Cheers out and big hug. (っ◕‿◕)っ
✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁ ❃ ❋ ✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁ ❃ ❋ ✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁ ❃ ❋ ✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁ ❃ ❋

8 years ago

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I wish I could say anything good, but my country is fucked too.

8 years ago

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Thank you!

8 years ago

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Thank you!

8 years ago

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Thanks :)

8 years ago

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Thank you!

8 years ago

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