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thx for the opportunity
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Thanks for the GA.
I want to advice that you set a minimum level for your future GAs, i recommend min. level 2, because each one that gave one, not free, game is, at least, level 1.
Easy solution to hold the worst rulesbreakers, win resellers, autojoiner user and bots outside (40% of the level 0 accounts have infractions for unactivated or multiple wins + the ammount of used autojoiners are much more as in higher levels).
And besides that it lowers the cases of problems with your winners.
You can check accounts/your winners with:
If someone have red marks there request a reroll and put the link(s) into the support ticket.
Scroll down to the bottom and look at the "per level" info and you see 970k are level 0, only around 165k have a level, 113k of them are level 1. So around 15% of the members from sg gave something and only 4% gave more as 5 games.
Have a nice day
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I've had such advice before, thanks.
I choose to leave my giveaways open primarily in order to be inclusive (there are many who are unable to give away games themselves, for whatever reason, but I also hold the belief that I'm just here to give stuff away that I don't need, and pick up a few wins myself as a side benefit - I don't want to impose any obligations beyond the basic site rules). As you note, level 1 excludes the vast majority of site members.
I do briefly look at profiles of winners to see if they at least seem to be real people (and check for ownership of DLC). I barely have any problems with winners.
Many disagree with my approach, and they are by all means free to do things the way they prefer, but this is how I choose to do it. I'm occasionally rewarded by a thank you note along the lines of "Wow, I won! Thank you so much!" from someone with very few games (and I'm in no position to give away expensive games myself).
Thanks for the well-intended advice, though.
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Actually, it turns out we had this conversation already three years ago. ;-)
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Sorry, i couldn't remember on the conversation 3 years years ago :-D
Of course is it your decission what you do, after the advice and the listed tools to check winners, with your property.
I only give the advice lately, much more as 3 years ago, because more and more accounts use autojoiners and a tiny part are very easy to spot with the thanks messages in a lot of GAs. The thanks script are a part of the autojoiner program that can be activated (only a tiny part do it).
I am not allowed to give names, or i would be punished because of the "calling out" rule, but feel free to look in different GAs for the thanks messages and check then that accounts stats. You will spot very easily which ones are real users and which ones are autojoiners.
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I rather consider these as site issues, but am aware that the site can't automatically detect all abuse. My health doesn't really leave me the luxury of checking more than the basics.
Having said that, since I usually give away multiple gifts around the same time, I can perhaps start paying attention to the timestamps attached to multiple thanks from an individual (easily seen in my Messages page), and look more closely if that rouses suspicion; however, I'm not sure if I could really tell the difference between an autojoiner and someone who manually enters many giveaways using a macro key for the thanks. (I have no issues with thanks spam itself. ;-) )
It's not like I can add passing a Turing test as a pre-requisite for entry into a public giveaway. :-)
I'm not sure if you're hinting that you've noticed that one of my winners is on your personal list of known offenders (obviously you can't just call it out); however, if some got through the (wide) gaps in my basic checks, the best I got is a mildly regretful shrug...I still prioritise inclusitivity.
Again, I appreciate the tips.
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No, i don't hint that because i don't checked someone of your winners.
Manual macros would be possible too but let's say i seen everytime the same accounts do the thanks spam and my group and i catch constantly autojoiners, mostly with multiple accounts, so it give the one or other way to see it.
Of course i can't reveal all, or we would not catch them anymore^^ but i give you examples:
When someone enter 100k GAs in 2 years OR enter 8987 GAs and wrote 8987 comments in one year OR write 4 thanks messages in 4 different GAs in 1 second, then i know something isn't correct^^
Look in one random GA, as example https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/J38sn/soulflow , that are a bit longer up and then do the same with other ones and you will see the same names (i see the same 30 - 40 accounts over and over and over -day and night, not from interest which day etc.-).
Right now it will be a bit more difficult to see it because of the HB monthly, the autojoiners can't join so much GAs when the games take so many points, but make the test in a week and you will see them clearer/clearly.
When you have from a game 2 copies you can make a other test.
Do a public GA for one of the copies and a invite only for the other one. Then copy the link for the invite only, openly (not hidden), in the description of the public one. You will see how extreme the difference in the entries will be.
And your basic checks (sgtools?) are better then nothing. Each little bit helps to make the site a better place -for the honest level 0 users too- :o).
Have a nice evening/night.
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Well, I've manually entered nearly 200k giveaways in 6 years, so... :-)
Time on my hands with little energy; semi-repetitive tasks requiring very little thinking a couple of times a day (or night, since my sleep hours are very random) are ideal for me. :-)
Maybe if I spammed thanks (other than for wins) I'd appear to be a bunnybot? ;-)
My library is pretty large, which means I show up in a lower proportion of active giveaways, so I might evade detection. ;-)
I don't use SGTools (tried it years ago and found it to be a pain).
Memory/concentration problems make it difficult for me now to spot patterns from page to page, but I agree that every little bit helps and I can pay more attention to timestamps on thanks spam (though they only show with one minute resolution, and it feels a bit like discriminating against bots which thank me whilst the thankless bots escape my notice - ok, that wasn't serious ;-) ).
Keep up the good work!
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