
Nie dziękujcie. Wrzucajcie w zamian linki z najlepszymi filmikami z Testo!

Don't thank me. Send here links with clips that you think are the best instead. Make people laugh or feel confused!

Thank you for this, it's very much appreciated

Sorry but I would feel ignorant, rude and self-entitled if I didn't thank you for, at least, the chance to win the title. As an apology, I'll add you to my Whitelist. I would obviously prefer NOT to be Blacklisted but if you feel the need do add me to yours for basically what boils down to me expressing my gratitude for the Giveaway, I shall understand and won't think any less of you at all.

As for clips..........I have 2;

THIS ONE and THIS ONE. Hope you enjoy. (My little lad loves the first one)

7 years ago

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Dude. No need to be so official and thankfull.

It's just that every single comment with "Thanks!"/"Thank you!" disturbes me the more of them appears, especially when I see for instance 10/15 messages like that - they are not helpfull in any way. If someone wants to thank properly then he/she should just mark givaway as received - simple as that.
I just got one arsehole who won Dawn of Magic 2 (aka Time of Shadows) and blocks me for 2 days now. I have sent him message on steam but I am being ignored instead.

Anyway. Let's cut the crap.

I got about 30 copies to give away including another 7 copies of Star Wolves 2. If you need it so bad that you write things like that then I can make more "private" givaway or send it to your email adress or something.

It's enough to ask - no bullshit

Btw. The Slap 2 made me laugh.
NSP wasn't that good though.

7 years ago

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That's very good of you, thank you, that would be awesome. I will have a look at your lists and see if there's anything that we can agree on for an exchange :) Is it OK if I add you on Steam?

7 years ago

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Sure. I got only 5 spare titles in multiple copies though, so not sure if you would be intrested.

  • Star Wolves 2
  • Dawn of Magic 2 (aka Time of Shadows)
  • Fantasy Wars
  • Real Warfare 1242
  • Men of War: Red Tide
7 years ago

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