
Please check that you don't already own this DLC -- help me avoid rerolls, please! Thanks!

one of the few i dont own

10 months ago

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You're welcome! Enjoy :)

10 months ago

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Ty jigsaw`s were great games for speeding but the sliders -.- luckely i found the numbers on one of the discussions for a game and it works for a bunch of the slider games but its stil like 36 steps and one miss all is wasted so restart is faster :P No auto clear on those but atleast its not like one i tryed speeding for 100% where one achivment was stay in game for 50min, Think it was some memory game i was pissed just afk for 50min so the dev got more playtime statistics -.-

10 months ago

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Lol, yeah, these games are all trash, but I've basically collected and played them because none of them are in "profile features limited" mode, so all of the stats count toward your profile. 😁🤓🤣

Easy 100%s, all around. Only big issue I had was on some of the puzzle ones, they have three achievements, and one of them is something like "be in game for 5 minutes straight." That achievement kept not popping for me on a lot of the games. Thought I might have to use "alternative" methods to fix it, because I was definitely in the game way more than 5 minutes. I finally figured out that it appears to work correctly so long as you spend at least 5 minutes in a single puzzle. Once I realized that, I'd always wait until I hit the last puzzle, start it, walk away for 5 minutes, then come back and finish up. Done deal.

Oh, also some of the older ones had a bug where they gave you credit for completing the puzzle when it opened if it was opened from another puzzle. So you could essentially just do half of the jigsaws. Finish one, hit next, escape out, and you'd see both of them marked as complete on the menu. Fire up the next puzzle, finish it, go to next, escape out, rinse and repeat. 😁

And yeah...I hate sliding puzzles. Aargh. So tedious.

10 months ago

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Yeah most lineart ones have the "escape feature" but every time i get a new "puzzler" not like the 300+ bits PixelPuzzle stuff, i open the first go, "h" "g" "f" "v" "c" for some reason those keys are mostly used for autowins then check if there is a side dropdown for options and look for a heart or that shape. Dont know why but its become second nature as i done to many of those tiny puzzles xD

10 months ago

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