
Do you like to admire non-trivial pictures from around the world? Do you enjoy discovering non-tourist views of tourist places? If you love to travel but do not have a lot of time and chances for it, or if you are experienced traveler and want to check your savvy and memory, we hope our new game "I was here" will bring you a lot of fun.
If you buy a game you will get 20 awesome 4k wallpapers

We are looking for translators.

Since our game contains a lot of cities from different countries, we want that you feel comfortable while playing our game, so we decided to expand a quantity of supporting languages.If you or one of your friend is a native speaker of a certain language - feel free to contact us. In exchange of your work, you will receive a copy of our game.

if you want to see our timid steps in game development or you just want to see some cool pics on a daily basis - you can follow us on Twitter

Also If you want to participate in private group giveaways, you can join our steam group called Okinawa Sunrise

Thank you very much! received the key :)

7 years ago

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