
This giveaway is not only sponsored by the pic below, but also by the fact that we Europeans had to import American cartridges in the '90s in order to play one of the most beautiful JRPGs ever made, and an European version came out (of course, not taking into account emulators and the like) on February 6th, 2009 - while the original Japanese version came out in 1995 along with the American one for the SNES, and the Playstation ones too (1999 and 2001) had also no European version (and this time too, due to region locking systems, we had to modify the console in order to run the American game)..
Good luck =P

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Now this is rare as my avatar might indicate I consider this one of the best games of all time so thank you for the chance at it.

5 years ago

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I'm and I've always been, since the '90s, of the same opinion - definitely one of the 3/5 best games ever made!

5 years ago

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What are the other four?

5 years ago

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this is a nice, and hard question! =P final fantasy vi for sure, probably ultimate mortal kombat 3 (as fighter) and as platformer, yoshi's island (although donkey kong country gave me some funny years =P).. I should choose a tactical game too (ff tactics) and riviera as honorable mentions (riviera will always be a thing of mine, no one even knows that game but to me it's always been a masterpiece!).. anyways chrono trigger has its place in the top 3-5, always =P

5 years ago

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Riviera: The Promised Land, is it this one? Never heard of it!
Maaan, I've spent so many hours in Mortal Kombat 3. I knew almost all the moves, combos and most fatalities by heart. I could perform a 51% Kabal combo. I took part in National MK3 Championship finals in Poland in 1996.

5 years ago

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yeah, it's an awesome JRPG to me.. it never came out in Europe, but fortunately there's no region locking system so I bought a random US GBA cartridge on eBay apart from playing it on emulator every year xD but no one knows it =( (I just read it came out for the playstation portable some years ago, never heard about that version ahah)
anyways it's definitely the same for me, I know it's a choice of heart and memories and such, but the first 3 Mortal Kombats and most of all, ultimate mk 3 to me still are the best fighting games ever made! MK 3 was awesome, we used to play it all day long both arcade and on the SNES, even if it had no story or challenges (just normal ladders) we never got tired of it.. I know by "nowadays standards" they are regarded as simple games but to me mk3 is really the best one and I'd choose it among the very best games ever made =P

5 years ago

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Thanks very much!

5 years ago

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That European version is pretty expensive nowadays, I always see it priced in the 75-150€ range.
At least since the DS isn't region locked, I could just get the US version new for 25€, which also has much nicer cover art.

5 years ago

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wow, that's quite crazy =\ I bought it as soon as I could, although I always end up by playing them in English.. but most of my GBA/DS games are actually used cartridges from the States or wherever else, luckily no more region locks.. and there are still dozens of games that come out only for the American market, at least when I used to play on the GBA/DS I had still to buy them on ebay =P
anyways I really don't remember to have paid such a high amount of money for this one! better keep it safe =P

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5 years ago

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Some DS RPGs are really expensive, in European versions at least. I gave up trying to get a French version of Dragon Quest V (I got the UK version, so still the same EUR cartridge with multiple languages, just the box & manual are in English). I've never seen Suikoden Tierkreis go for lower than 70€, it's usually over 100€. I've been hoping to get Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon for a long time, but it's always in the 100-200€ range.
That's the more expensive ones I can think of, there are also a bunch of others where you might need some patience to get them below 50€, like The World Ends with You, Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume, Ace Attorney games, Dragon Quest VI, Final Fantasy Tactics A2, Solatorobo, Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver, ...

5 years ago

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wow, these are some shocking news =P I stopped playing the DS many years ago and then I re-started gaming with Steam so I don't know anything about what's happening with the new handheld consoles, the 3DS and so on.. anyways I own many of the titles you mentioned in their European/Italian versions and I bought them for sure at way lower amounts.. obviously some of them as you said are multiple language but have the manual in German, English or whatever else but yeah, I should think about selling them! =\
Pic below, and I'm definitely sure I never paid 50€ for a game apart from the '90s where everything costed way too much for the SNES and similar things..

(btw pokémon soulsilver has a 29,9€ mark on its cover! I absolutely don't remember where I took these up though..)

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5 years ago

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They probably rarely actually get sold for that price, but that's what people list them for. So any copy that's decently priced probably gets snatched (likely by resellers too). With some patience I could get a nice collection, I think the most I've ever paid for a DS game is 30€.
For example, here's a listing that was posted this morning on a Belgian second-hand website

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5 years ago

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I have this on ds and snes!

5 years ago

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Hooray for region locks .....

5 years ago

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OMG! Chrono Trigger!

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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Hvala puno!

5 years ago

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ricordo di averlo giochicchiato un po' emulato su pc, ma di non essermici mai messo d'impegno...

5 years ago

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beh questo è decisamente un problema =P buona fortuna e non perdertelo comunque su snes o in giro, uno dei 3-5 giochi più belli di sempre per me e non solo =)

5 years ago

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Thanks a lot

5 years ago

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🐺 May the werewolves protect you. 🐺

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I have strange feeling of deja vu seeing that tattoo thingy. Yes.

5 years ago

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I wish I hadn't sold all my old cartridges, last I looked this game was going for a boatload on ebay. This and Earthbound are my two all time fav SNES games, so thanks hele =D

5 years ago

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i buy this snes game from a friend

5 years ago

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It is a great game.Thank you!

5 years ago

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I played that game back then near the end of the 90's on my SNES (europe here) thanks to a friend that knew what good shit was, and lended me both the game and the adaptor needed to play the game. Oh boy, the huge slap i took when i played that masterpiece.

5 years ago

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Thanks for the Giveaway!.

5 years ago

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Ah region lock, isn't that just an awful thing? There used to be shop near where I lived that sold Japanese imports of all sorts including games. Some systems would be easy enough to get them working on and others were nigh impossible, which is why the PS3 was my first non hard modded disc based system.

5 years ago

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Omg, thanks for the chance! Always wanted to play Chrono Trigger

5 years ago

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Thanks for putting this up Helevorn, I have always hated the regional restrictions on titles. Thought the days of international publishers would have killed them, but no, now we have region locks.

5 years ago

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Thanks for the opportunity! I've always been interested.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Thanks for the chance, I heard so much good things about this game but somehow never had the chance to try it out :)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Oh, they fixed the Steam version? Nice.

5 years ago

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