
So I have a PS2 I pulled out of the garbage and connected to my grandma's tv, and now for the first time in my life I own a console (unless we count handhelds, which I personally don't).

But instead of thanks, feel free to recommend me a game on the PlayStation 2.

Depends on what type of games you like to play.

If you like RPGs, Shadow Hearts was kind of underrated.
If you've never played them before, play Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2.

7 years ago

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If you like shooter i highly recommend Black, as far as i know it was console exclusive. For some Racing choose one of the Gran Tourismos, personaly i like 3 the most.

If you are into Jump and Runs, try Jack and Daxter or Ratchet and Clank and Resident Evil Code Veronica X was pretty fun if you like the old style survival horror Resident Evils with tank control.

Besides that Okami is a realy nice action adventure.

7 years ago

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Jak 3, Jak X combat racing, worms 3D. Those are my favorites

7 years ago

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Thank you! After entering 116 giveaways for this game I finally won it :)

Btw I'm a new console owner since last year too (I bought a used PS2 on ebay). I used too play Star Wars Battlefront, SSX, Burnout, FIFA and Ratchet & Clank years ago with my cousins, so I bought those games. I'd definitely recommend them ;) I've also heard good things about Kingdom Hearts and Gran Turismo.

7 years ago

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