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Friendly note: I'll add you on Steam if you happen to win in order to gift you the game, so please accept the request!

Yeah this one was the hard pick. It was either this or a VR game. And I'd like more than 6 people to enter (should have picked an actually good game then, right?).

Let's start this one with a deceivingly simple question. What is wrong with me? I played 7(SEVEN) Neptunia games. And I enjoyed 1(ONE) of them. The first one. That's it. I was like "woah this is dumb but pretty fun". Played the second and I was like "ok this is just more of the worst". Third one had me like "ah, that's it. It doesnt get better". AND I JUST KEPT GOING.

This series has NOTHING. The characters are bland, one-note stereotypes that never develop in any meaningful way (and if they do it's reverted by the next game), the plot is paper-thin (and I mean the cheap paper napkin kind of paper), the lore changes every game, the gameplay is unnecessarily grindy, the maps and enemies are just repeated over and over and I would NOT like to let anyone know I played these... but I'm still here. I can't even say it's dumb fun because it usually isnt.

Oh yeah I'm supposed to talk about this game specifically. It's... fine. The plot might as well as not be there. It's a 4 player dungeon crawler with 8 characters to pick from. The multiplayer is supposedly bad? Question mark because I never found a single player online lol. The artstyle is kinda messy, the audio clips for some unknown reason... The game was apparently made only to sell merchandise? So make of that what you will. I played it. You might as well, wacking enemies is always fun.

Question: what's the game series you keep playing despite not liking it? One thing is playing a game you don't enjoy, one thing is buying the next one knowing it's the same thing...

Thanks everyone for having me on the train, hope the winners enjoy their games. Special thanks to the host and to everyone adding their own to this event. It's always fun seeing a community come together, especially one based around being generous. Have a nice day!

Can I name Magic The Gathering as an answer? 😅

6 months ago

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The price of those expansions adding up, huh?

6 months ago

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Too many sets, too many balance changes... So yeah, adding up and a lot :(

6 months ago

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And I thought buying D&D expansions was a toll... RIP to your wallet, bud.

6 months ago

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I'm in remission :D Buying only singles and only for cheapest eternal format of Pauper :)

6 months ago

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Hey, as long as you have fun, who cares how cheap it is. Me and my friends used to draw our own Pokémon cards on paper, using pictures on magazine/ads as reference. Someone did always try to cheat in a monster with 1000HP or whatnot, but it was part of the game.
Never played MtG tbh, is there a second-hand market of sorts? Could you save some with that?

6 months ago

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True regarding the fun :)

Never played MtG tbh, is there a second-hand market of sorts? Could you save some with that?

For sure there is. You can buy cards from other players and stores. But prices vary depending on how rare and popular card is. In Pauper format you can get a working deck in range of 30-100 USD.

6 months ago

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Truth. But I only play MTG:Arena, which is worse -- I don't even get anything 'real' out of it!

6 months ago

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6 months ago*

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Added. Thanks for adding to the train!

6 months ago

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I will definitely say Magic the Gathering... between all the power creep, the insane cost of keeping up with new stuff... and just not having fun against many decks(try to play an interesting deck mechanically... vs mono blue control)... fine I will try control... gets put against mono red aggro...

I have rage quit many times on arena... but it still calls me back at times.

6 months ago

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Nothing like releasing an OP expansion, forcing everyone to buy it and making the game stale for everyone!

Stay strong soldier, don't fall back... 99% of Magical Gatherers(?) quit right before finally having fun.

6 months ago

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If two games can count as a series then I am going with Senua's Saga. Not exactly a fan.
In my defense, I played the second game through Game Pass I got for free... 😎

6 months ago

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Wanted to, but never ended up playing any of them, are they bad? I heard the second got a bit of backlash for being cuscene-galore, but that's about it.

6 months ago

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are they bad?

Well, bad would probably be too harsh, for me it just didn't fulfill its potential. And I am, apparently, completely missing the point with psychosis.

I heard the second got a bit of backlash for being cuscene-galore

Yeah, it's almost like a movie. When you put the fights on auto, all you do is go forward... replaying it again shows its emptiness in the whole light. 50€ is a little too much in my opinion.

I wrote reviews for both games, so If you'd like to see my deeper thoughts you can check out them here - Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice and Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II. ^^

6 months ago

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Wow, pretty great reviews! Especially the second one, I dont think it's a far shot to call it better than what most major game journal publications put out...
Jokes aside, what even is "put the fights on auto"?! Is this some mobile game? I mean. "Oh nooo... this game with 90% cutscenes has a sprinkle of actual game..." Smh...

6 months ago

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Thank you kindly, you humble me. :3

Hahaha. xD I can understand why there is such an option (it's part of the accessibility setting), but it is greatly degrading the gameplay element for sure. They really should have made a movie instead.

6 months ago

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The Starcraft Series... I bought the Addons of the last one although i got shit on in the multiplayer (which i obviously did not like), the singleplayer was ok though but too short for the price.

6 months ago

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A fellow Neptunia. . . enjoyer?
Can't stop playing games of this series either. And sometimes question myself for spending way too many hours to 100% them.

6 months ago

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SAME. Especially going through all the endings of Rebirth 2.
"Only" played Rebirth 1 to 3, Action Unleashed, Megatagmension Blanc, Ninja Wars and this one. Your favourite and least favourite ones? For me it's gotta be AU and 4GO in order.
Am I still gonna eventually get Virtual Stars and Sister VS Sister? Probably.

6 months ago

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I didn't played Sister VS Sister, Virtual Stars, Ninja Wars and Super Neptunia RPG. Also dropped Hyperdevotion Noire.
Rest are beaten to 100%
Hmmmmm, favourite would be Megadimension VII. Because it's the only game in series where i felt story was actually good.
Least favourite, huh. . . Either 4GO (cause it felt like the most lackluster of them all) or Noire one (cause i dropped it, but i can't even remember why).
Interesting that you chose AU, i remember that i liked Blanc vs Zombies more. One thing that i really disliked in AU is farm of lily ranks as last achievement, game become a boring chore for me at that point but was very fun before that.

6 months ago

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Yeah, the lily bond thingies was a CHORE, but better than the multiplayer bosses in Blanc (imo, maybe a skill issue lol). Blanc felt a lot more janky in general, especially the controls.
I swear, 4GO could have gone "somewhere" with the cheating plot, but it's done in like... three cutscenes after being built up half the game. Whoops.
Didn't even try Noire, simply because of the artstyle. Neptunia has already a far too exxagerated "big heads" style (don't ask me how Rom or Ram manage to fit into any piece of clothing without a zipper), the "chibi-fication" was too much even for me.
I was interested in Sister VS Sister and Virtual Stars because they looked like they had an improved version of the Rebirth combat system, which I think had a lot of potential... if it didnt made you grind to the point where just spamming the same move is effective enough. (again, maybe skill issue on my side).
Bought Ninja Wars because I was big into Senran Kagura... disappointing is an understatement. The game feels CHEAP. This cutscene as proof... (just took a random longplay on YT, but you get it). The atmosphere, music and graphics are pretty good, but everything else... don't bother...
Hey, if you speak so well of Megadimension VII I might actually try it out, thanks!
Thanks in general for sharing.

6 months ago

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Oof. . . Bar in Neptunia was always low but looks like i'm still not ready to witness all the glory of Ninja Wars.
About MP bosses in Blanc game. Probably i was lucky to get in party with some random who played as Rom and healed me while i obliterated everything as Iris Heart, so i had no problems with them (except that it was impossible to beat them solo for me). The problem nowadays is to find anyone to play with (steam numbers are one digit) or drag a friend into it somehow. Last time i played was 7 years ago, wow
As for VII. I played it twice (considering that VIIR is almost same game with few gameplay changes) and i still enjoyed the story. Or maybe i'm insanely biased, impossible to tell at this point.
Also, thanks for this little convo. Not often can share opinion about this little niche franchise.

6 months ago

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I thought the "Conquest Ending" of Rebirth 2 was good.

6 months ago

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I'm gonna say Magic as well... god I hate MtGA so much and I still play every day TwT

6 months ago

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The infamous payday series (payday 2). Liked payday 1 and 2 (I did play 950+ hrs online with friends, and probably 50+ hrs offline). After they concluding the overall story but still releasing DLCs, I stopped playing (I used to own everything except h3n3 pack, now I am missing 30 DLCs). Then payday 3 is released, played the beta and hated it. Might still play payday 3 or 2 after getting a new PC

6 months ago

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I LOVED Payday 2 with one of my buds, but never ended up buying any DLCs. Just from the sheer number of them, it's ridicoulus. Is the third game as bad as people say? I think I tried to play an open beta (those free ones for like 2-3 days) but I couldn't even connect to the servers lol

6 months ago

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I managed to play a few missions, probably because I played on the last day of open beta. There were limited maps at launch and the gun play was very strange. I barely needed to deploy ammo bags when I played payday 2, but I was constantly out of ammo on payday 3. Could be I was not used to the new game play and gun handling so I wasted a lot ammo. I will buy it and try it out again next year if it is not abandoned at that point.

Yeah the launch was disastrous.

Edit: just checked the DLCs for payday 3, there are already 13 DLCs

6 months ago*

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Wanna place bets on how long it will take to reach as many DLCs as Payday 2? (78).
Jokes aside, if you have such a bad launch, maybe try winning the playerbase back instead of jumping straight back into the trusty DLC mines? I may remember wrong, but Payday 2 didn't have the best launch either (not as bad as 3 ofc) but it got better. THEN they started selling addons. You know. The logical way.

6 months ago

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I want to say never? Don't think Overkill will survive till they have 78 DLCs. They were already in financial trouble in Payday 2 days (that's why they have 78 DLCs to fund payday 3 development). Unless they pull a No man's sky level of success in terms of quality update, the initial poor Payday 3 sales might be the final nail in the coffin for Overkill (not sure what their new game "Storm" is about, but if Storm also failed to meet the sales expectations, well, goodbye Overkill)

6 months ago

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I really want to love the Company of Heroes series and similar games (like Iron Harvest) but I'm always getting exterminated and If I win ... it doesn't feel glorious at all. It feels more like surviving. But I keep trying to get better and maybe the "fun" will come with it.

6 months ago

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Same with Total War Warhammer. I guess not everyone is born to be a tactician, but what's one more game? :)

6 months ago

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Never took a step into Total War ... even if the Warhammer setting would be nice, but ... what's one more game =D

6 months ago

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The Total War games are great.
Can recommend each one that i played.

5 months ago

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What's your motivation of playing Total War games? (I'm just interested in general)

5 months ago

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To have fun.
This is the motivation for playing each game ;o)

They are great strategy games with tactical aspects.
Relative much, correct, history involved (off course only counting for the ones that show the past and not in TW: Warhammer :-D).

In general building/upgrading towns/bases as you do it as example in Civilizations, turn based and without hectic.
The fights are in realtime BUT you can pause them and give commands without hectic too.

And i love strategy games. Special the not stressful turn based ones.

5 months ago

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I think these aspects might be something, I'm looking for. (tactical warfare, base building/upgrading, realtime with pause) Thank you for your overview. =)

5 months ago

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I played WOW, and purchased each expansion for like 10 years without taking so much pleasure in doing so.

6 months ago

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Yeah, MMOs can turn so quickly into almost a second job, slowly reducing the fun factor...

6 months ago

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You nailed it exactly!

6 months ago

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May I : Yu-Gi-Oh

6 months ago

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This is not an answer to your exact question, because I don't particularly play any series.
But I often ask myself why am I starting another gacha game

I'm a F2Per for those things, which means I pay with my time to keep up and I sometimes think it's more expensive than actual money...

6 months ago

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Trust me, I've been there. Played Genshin Impact religiously for almost a year, until my account got stolen. Blessing in disguise.
Having to play two (or more) hours per day every day, between dailies weeklies and whatnot... you eventually realize it's just doing chores to have somewhat fun every once in a blue moon when spinning the wheel. Add me being a completionist, so big FOMO and fretting over every thing you can't really get unless you spend...
Plus... a job is already something that I have to do everyday and is only enjoyable once a month... but at least that rewards me with money, not a bunch of colorful pixels...

6 months ago

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I know right. Luckily with Genshin, I have a pseudo-solution for that - I download the desktop cloud version and only play that. Not only does it save my diskspace, I'm only limited to 15 mins a day free (which I usually save up and play oneshot on weekends). No more trying to be a completionist with the dailies every day, and just get down to the main storyline that I'm soooo far behind on.

6 months ago

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I like a lot LEGO games, but there is a point in each game where I just want to finish instantly. This because my OCD makes me to look for 100% and getting it sometimes becomes tedious.

6 months ago

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Yeah... collecting all the characters is fun enough, but going for every minikit/red brick/whatnot turns either into a chore or a "open-the-guide-every-two-minutes".

6 months ago

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Monster Hunter... well only the recent ones, but I've yet to actually get to love them >.>;;

6 months ago

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(Only played World, the PSP one and the Wii one btw)
Monster Hunter is sooo fun!
When you get to hunt different monsters in different situations. Grinding the same beast over and over for armor/weapons... that's what kills the fun for me.

6 months ago

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Data hacker games... the first one is good, the second and third are meh.

6 months ago

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Hmm probably CS counts

6 months ago

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Nepgear best nep

6 months ago

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Wow... i was about to say 'no, i dont do that with any series!'
And then i realize i havent actually finished any Final Fantasy game. Ive played 8, 9, got 2 of the 13, bought the 15, have the 7 remake and 16 on my wishlist- and i do plan on getting then...

I dont 'dislike' then but... but why havent i finished any? Maybe its their length, some grind or idk, maybe i dont enjoy the gameplay loops as much as the idea of the games and their worlds? In my defense or 'rationalization' each game arent exactly 'the same', but at the same time they do share a lot...

Maybe its the hype and marketing or the imaginative settings change- but i always think 'the next one might hook me' - and i kinda of think like i may still go back and replay to finish the previous ones. Some day. I feel like.

(Given the amount of yearly releases and my backlog i just imagined an 80 years old me at a nursing home finally finishing FF8 or something like that.'Yes i did it!')

6 months ago

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I have every expansion of Coloring Pixels and have sunk 1000s of hours into it. Many of them is just keeping the game open while I work and spending a few minutes during breaks (or forgetting it open overnight,) but still. It's not that I don't like it, but if I were given the choice to play any game, it would never be my choice. It's more like the "solitaire" of steam for me. something to idle away when I have nothing to do or something to keep my figures busy while doing other stuff.

Scratch that! I do dislike it with passion sometimes. Some levels are INFURIATING! I would rather do literally anything than play them, but I still play them. Why do I do this to myself? Why don't I just play solitaire like a normal idling person? I have no idea.

6 months ago*

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Question: what's the game series you keep playing despite not liking it? One thing is playing a game you don't enjoy, one thing is buying the next one knowing it's the same thing...

Assassin's Creed I guess ?
That's half true actually.

When Origins released they made a huge discount, all the previous AC with all DLCs for 40€.
I had already played AC1 and 2 and didn't enjoy them.
I didn't hate them but I was bored quickly, took me years to finish them.

Still bought it and I kept playing, took me 2 more years to finish AC Brotherhood.
Then Revelations...which is the first I actually enjoyed, finished it in a few weeks.
Then I play AC3, liked it enough to finish it in a few months.
And finally Black Flag I'm stuck with for years because how boring it is.
IMO, Revelations is the most underrated AC game (and the best of the Ezio trilogy) while Black Flag is the most overrated.
(Keeping in mind I haven't played beyond BF).

Also later I bought Origins and Odyssey.
For a very cheap price but still...
Don't plan to buy further though.

6 months ago

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what's the game series you keep playing despite not liking it?

I can't really name one, but as a meta-answer: the achievement collection meta-game on Steam. I pumped the breaks really hard, but I still go for 100% if it's not too hard, and I like the game. But not having achievements, or having broken achievements is not an issue for me.

5 months ago

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I dont think ive pushed myself and played what I dont like, ever! (except for Monstrum...pure trash.)
But the closest I can think of is the AC series.

Some of the games felt like fillers...that mildly irritated me. And the fact that the Desmond story progressed slowly. I am yet to play Odyssey and so on. But I think I will enjoy it, because I took a huge break from the series, and I thought Origins was decent.

5 months ago

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RollerCoaster Tycoon 2. It is a time sink, and I feel terrible playing it after a few hours because my adult brain just cannot comprehend wasting my time behind this silly little game when I could be doing something more productive.

I don't like the game because it's way too addictive for me, but I do keep playing it every few weeks.

5 months ago

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I played like 15 hours of Borderlands 3 despite hating the story. :( I like the gunplay at least.

5 months ago

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Not a series I actually play but I played the Demo for Monster Hunter Tri or something years ago on the 3ds and figured I didn't like how the series played. But then years later, bundles for Monster Hunter World, Rise and I grab them despite knowing I still probably can't be bothered with any advanced combat like that. I probably could come to like one like Rise (I heard it is easier), but the time to invest to get good just takes away from my competing live service/gacha games and I can't have that.

5 months ago

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