
No need to say thanks, but feel free to tell me about some hobby or piece of entertainment you're enjoying.

I've recently finished reading the manga Mushishi by Yuki Urushibara, and it was beautiful.

A series of (mostly) self-contained stories about "mushi", strange lifeforms not dissimilar to bacteria in that people can't (normally) see them, but they are often responsible for the natural phenomena and behaviours that we encounter every day... and sometimes, when things go wrong and the mushi occur in too large numbers, or in a context where they usually don't belong, they can cause unnatural situations, usually introducing trouble for the people involved.

The manga follows Ginko, a "mushishi" - he travels around, studying mushi, finding people who came into contact with them and are suffering from it (or, sometimes, benefitting from it, not knowing of the price they will have to pay later), helping and restoring balance where needed.
The stories are varied and imaginative, with a refreshing lack of "villains" despite the conflicts: The mushi aren't "evil" even if causing trouble is all they do - just like a virus doesn't want to make you sick, and water never has the intent to drown you, the mushi just do what they do to survive and exist.

Humans sometimes take advantage of the effects the mushi have on them or their environment, but even if they are aware of the negative consequences they are inviting, sometimes it's a question of "use these mushi who unnaturally allow us to grow food in harsh conditions, and pay the price for it later, or starve now".
This allows for conflicts with no clear-cut answer, and not every story has a happy ending. Sometimes Ginko just arrives too late, or people don't follow the solution they are given, because they prefer the problem.

There is also an anime adaptation, which I haven't watched yet, but I can wholeheartedly recommend the manga if you are in the mood for a more calm, subdued narrative with a focus on nature and the way humans interact with it.

1 month ago

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I've been getting into journalling lately - there's something so relaxing about putting loads of cute stickers on a page after writing about a tough day at work, haha

1 month ago

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Thank you for this giveaway!

1 month ago

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I watched "Cunk on Life" recently and it's funny and deep at the same time.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Thanking people joke
I found myself in love with puzzles and riddles
And, as I think I should mention, not a "piece of entertainment" but I enjoy art
So, basically, I enjoy everything
Let me guess, you like drawing/sketching
Have a nice day ✨

1 month ago

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Thanks! ^^

1 month ago

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