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🟣 Fun fact: By 1902 scientists already warned against deadly effects of radioactivity. Pharmaceutical companies promoted their radium enemas and healthy Radithor drink (water containing radium 226 and 228 isotopes) until 1928.

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Workers using radioactive paint (fluorescent clock hand's) would often use their lips to straighten the brush. Due to the lenght and focus of exposure to radioactive matter, the health consequences suffered by those workers were of an extremely unpleasant sort.

2 years ago

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That fact doesn't really seem all that fun! :(

2 years ago

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Well smoking supposedly also helped with lung problems...

2 years ago

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Believe in the science!

2 years ago

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Not so different than today, oh say, like those sugar companies that spent billions convincing the world fat is the culprit for decades. Money is power

2 years ago

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Goes beyond sugar, and into grain, and corn.

First time ever Americans were told not to eat something was back in the 20's(?) when the President had a heart attack. They warned the people about the dangers of eating too much fat, and have spent over a century since then failing to prove it. At the time this first started, there was actually one scientist who was saying it was sugars and carbs, not fats. But we all now how minorities tend to get treated...

Best thing to finally end this stupidity happened back in 2015 when it was discovered all those scary bad cholesterols in fats and fast food, actually didnt matter much, because your body doesnt utilize them and just passes them right on through.

Check out to get a better idea of what a healthy diet is like, if big agra wasnt messing with our inverted food pyramid.

tl;dr Grains are for the birds.

2 years ago

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Fun fact this game just got a screen telling why would you enter a hole that tells you do not enter :D this is something in mental absurdity science right :D


2 years ago

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