
GL for all

Regifting is NOT allowed here!!

7 years ago

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He dont do -.-

7 years ago

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I don't understand... he wins a game, then makes a giveaway for the same game 84 minutes later. If that is not regifting, what is it?

7 years ago

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Regiting = he creates a giveaway for a game he won without activating it.

You just need to look in his library. He activated the game.

7 years ago

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Well, his timing sucks then. It still looks like regifting. He hasn't given away any other games immediately after winning it, so why start now?

And you cannot tell what copy he activated anyway.

7 years ago

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I've bought old bundles, then won games here that were in those bundles. So I asked for a reroll. Not give away the game immediately. At least he could have waited a couple of weeks. I BL anyone that makes a GA for a game they just won (when it had 1000+ winners) right after they won. It's too fishy/ too much of a coincidence.

Any keys I had acquired after I won I would wait a month or two, unless I was giving away most of the bundle.

7 years ago

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I think this happened (happened for me too sometimes):

Joined giveaway > won giveaway > activated game > found the bundle with this game > bought the bundle because there are many more games I need.

7 years ago

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This happens to me as well. However, I do not give the game away right away, since I will be the target of blacklists for regifting. I wait at least a month, so nobody will assume it is a regift.

But the BL stands, since it still screams regift to me.

Thanks for the civil discussion, but I will reactivate his BL now, so I will be unable to reply anymore to this discussion (but I will still be able to see any reply in my messages).

7 years ago

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o nono raro

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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