
RPG-maker games usually cause rejection, isn't it? But nonetheless this game stands out. This is a detective story, there is even no battles inside.

Do you give such games a chance and have you found some gems among them?

And if this game looks interesting and you want to increase your chances due to a bonus giveaway (with 4 keys), I offer you the opportunity to become a detective for a while and solve this 4 small puzzles.

Each puzzle keeps one symbol of giveaway code.
Bonus giveaway URL:****/snares-of-ruin

Missing symbols are inside the riddles - one symbol in each

  1. A girl was sunbathing, so she put her bracelet near herself. Later she discovered that it have been stolen. Around the place she was laying there were only her footprints on the sand. Luckily there was a detective nearby. He immediately fount out who have stolen the bracelet.
  2. Evil genius created a virus, which would make people hate kittys. But he gave the world a chance by leaving a vaccine in one of the three boxes. A detective have found those boxes and a note: "You have only one chance to open a box, the rest will be destroyed after opening one. Boxes have hints about where the vaccine is. Only one statement is true"
  3. 10 minutes ago, someone stole money from the café. Everyone claims they weren’t at the café in the last 10 minutes, but it is known that the thief is one of the four. Who is lying?
  4. One of the neighbors committed a robbery half an hour ago, but they all insist they were home at the time. Which of them is lying?

Feel free to ask anything about this riddles in comments

View attached image.

Appreciated ;)

7 years ago

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I. Can you confirm that I am reading all of the letters and numbers properly?

1) B9zPvkU
2) GmJ
3) xiVa
4) 0eO

II. Can you confirm that I'm assigning the letters for the first riddle to the appropriate characters?

B = Archer with glasses
9 = Woman with purse
z = Man wearing cap with hand touching face
P = Blond man in sunglasses carrying orange object
v = Bald man holding a racket
k = Man wearing goggles and flippers
U = Fisherman holding a pole and bucket

III. For the final five-character code, are the answers placed in order? As in "M**** = M[1][2][3][4]".

7 years ago

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For what it's worth, I interpret things the same as you.

7 years ago

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Were you able to complete the puzzle, or are you stuck as well? I was absolutely certain for 3/4 of them, and I was about 75% sure of the last one. I tried it, and then every other answer for the riddle I was least sure of, and none of my answers worked.

7 years ago

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I haven't actually attempted the puzzle yet. I'll let you know if I'm successful or not if/when I attempt it.

7 years ago

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Okay, FWIW I had the same experience as you-- thought I had 3/4 of them, tried both for the fourth, but neither was right. There appear to be four entries in that GA, though. Although they could have been handed out directly (or brute forced).
[Edit: tried every combination of #1 with some of the leading candidates for 3 and 4, and still haven't gotten it. (I am assuming I have #2 correct). I'm either doing something fundamentally wrong, the puzzle is broken, or I somehow ruled out the correct answer for one of the puzzles.]

7 years ago*

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Although they could have been handed out directly


Hint: I did not invented this riddles. 1 and 2 has a custom description, but image search on cropped image can be a type of bruteforce, if you wish to go this way

7 years ago

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the puzzle is broken

The second one was broken :-(
Fixed now. Sorry...

View attached image.
7 years ago*

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Yup. Everything is correct.

7 years ago

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I have some RPGMaker gems I haven't played... so they might be decent. LISA, and The Amber Throne, and Waste Walkers come to mind immediately. I can't really vouch for them, other than their interesting look. Kate's Test was pretty fun, but it's really short for the amount, plus it has a bit of lewd content.

I liked A Bird Story and Wanda - A Beautiful Apocalypse for their moving stories. Not so much originality though, but they're pretty good. Hopefully that's something... I'm sure I forgot a lot, but my lyme brain isn't so great these days on remembering stuffs. Maybe something there to go on though, if you're looking for others that might be enjoyable. I believe all mentioned games got pretty decent reviews as well.

7 years ago

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LISA is an interesting one for me. Did not even know that it's a RPG-maker game)
A Bird Story... I think, all of Freebird Games deserve the attention

7 years ago

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Received, thanks!! :)

7 years ago

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