I hope you do not mind this message much. Thanks for your high level contributions! ;)

7 years ago

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I don´t mind at all :) I try to remember doing some higher level GAs mow and then. You guys at the top have been very generous in order to reach those levels, and I can feel it's not fair you have to compete in GAs with all the lower ranks in most cases.

I whitelisted you, since I often give to groups & WL.

Edit: I whitelisted you because of your insane amount of generosity, and I want you to be able to join my WL GAs :)

7 years ago

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Thanks a lot for adding me! I actually whitelisted you earlier when I made the comment, but didn't mention it. I figured eventually you might find out, hopefully. I guess you never know what will come up later on though even if you're aware of being on one. Insane is the appropriate word there probably. I just cannot seem to stay away from this place. Decided I wanted better odds, so I leveled up a few, then I decided I wanted even better odds and got more over time. Unfortunately I've also developed a bit of a leech habit with a lot of +1's I should play collecting some dust. I figure I'll get to them eventually, or try to at least, anyway.

I'm sort of in the same kind of boat with mostly doing group stuff these days. I tried to keep it around 50/50 for a while, then stopped worrying when I was just in too many bundle groups and such. It just started to catch up on me, since I at first did pretty much only public giveaways until a decent level/amount of giveaways. I like the groups since it is less likely to get a bot or something... but I do mostly the higher level ones too whenever I do a public giveaway. Actually did a Level 0 the other day though. I don't know when I did another non-invite-only level 0 giveaway with no group attached, but it ended well! Also do occasional whitelist giveaways, but not as common right now. I just haven't been paying much attention to new stuff I've collected, or the older stuff I have stored away from bundles. Motivation is lacking. It'll pick back up again I am sure; not forcing anything or worrying too much. It's already a giant pile, so who cares if I wait a little longer to sort through it... compulsive collector :cough: hoarder :cough: :)

I am blabbing a bit, but thanks again for adding me! It's been a lot of fun so far overall...

7 years ago

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Thanks for the game! It was on my wishlist :D

7 years ago

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