
At this time, I am interested in joining some groups that would be interested in allowing me to join their giveaway's as well as allowing me to post some giveaway's for the group to make things easier for people to win, I have a lot to give and am having fun doing it, shame this site won't let you enter giveaways of games you already own, then I could repost them if I won, having just over 200 games on STEAM Makes it hard to find games on here that I already do not own rofl..

This is my Eighth Game I will be giving away, A little about me =D I have a disabled brother and all he can do is play games really especially since our dad just died a few months ago, he is either playing games or crying so I try to do what I can to get him more games usually every time I buy a game I buy 2 and offer him the second one, if he doesn't like it or want it I find a way to trade it for something else he will play or as of recently I have been donating them to sites like this to try and win something else though I have never won anything and on PlayBlink I have given away a lot of games over there and it's weird, so far only 1 published, 1 is on now and the rest are waiting in limbo lol, I have also donated money over there and I just can't seem to win anything, so I will give this place a go for a little while to see which I like better.

Invites to be friends are welcome on STEAM, also if anyone knows of any other places to try and win stuff let me know by sending a message on STEAM..

What else, well I am known as "ShyTech" EVERYWHERE lol, I live in Saint Augustine, FL. USA I don't know what else to post on here about me, maybe I will think of something by the next time I donate something lol...

THIS Time, to try and make it easier for people who enter to get a better chance in winning I placed it up for 1 hours for less entries & 60 minimum contribution, I am testing out the system to see what works best to give the best chances on winning, suggestions on what people think are welcome!

Trying to get those that have not won yet and have contributed a chance on getting something, hopefully I find a method I like the best and stick to it...

So far I like giving away games at a 1 hour interval, it gives roughly just over 100 entrants at my current setup, although I would REALLY Like to get that number down to 30-50 entrants per giveaway, so GOOD LUCK!

You will NEED to add me as a friend on STEAM if you are the winner, I do not like waiting hours for someone to accept a giveaway, so if you enter please try to stick around till the giveaway has ended, I hope to be giving away a lot more games but it only allows me to give away so many until people mark the game as received which is a pain trying to hunt someone down to give them a game lol..

Bottom Line... The WINNER MUST Contact me ASAP or I may relist at my discretion... Time is Gifts, so claim it fast! lol.

Thanks! ^.^

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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thanks ! :D

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Thank you and wow you have some bad times, for group that are just for giveaways there are at least several dozen well known ones, but most require something like $100 contributor + mininum as wekk as no bundle giveaways and also a 1-2 year old steam account with at least $500 value

12 years ago

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Well, the $100 part will be fulfilled very shortly, the rest is not a Problem, had my steam account for a very long time Valued at ALMOST $4,000, it's actually hard to find a decent giveaway lol

12 years ago

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Great giveaway, thanks

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Thanks a bunch!

12 years ago

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Thanks again, dude!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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