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2 weeks ago

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haha may have been a bad time for your side project with the community train firing up :D

2 weeks ago

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Nah, i could manage both . It would have been trickier if the votes occured at the same time, but now we're on a smooth ride :)

2 weeks ago

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But can you do it with a platter of beer on your head? Oktoberfest coming soon

2 weeks ago

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That will be an easy skip, I'm not into beers :)

But would a ChoclateFest exists, I would definitely be in danger!

Oh wait.....does Easter count?

2 weeks ago

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There are a lot of chocolate festivals, easter is more about eggs but chocolate tends to get thrown into every holiday. They have chocolate eggs with various fillings that are quite popular here. Fun fact most "Christian" holidays are actually Pagan and come from the induction of Pagan peoples most notably the Vikings. Easter, Christmas, Halloween and I'm sure some others. Easter has it's origins from the Goddess Eostre of fertility and the egg is a symbol of fertility. Christmas was about celebrating the end of harvest and the winter solstice. Halloween or all hallows eve was Samhain and about the barrier between the living and the dead weakening so you can see spirits and stuff like that.

2 weeks ago

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Yeah indeed, most come from the Celtic culture

I searched a bit internet and there are like 10 different Chocolatefest in different countries. I was thinking 'okay at least there are none in my country' . But figures a big event is occuring in october based on chocolate! Dang :x

2 weeks ago

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Every day can be a chocolate fest if you want it hard enough!

2 weeks ago

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You know I do :D

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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And you think I wouldn't notice Ruffy...

Thank you for the train inside a train!

1 week ago

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