
This is a nice little game I really enjoyed 100%ing. Hope the winner enjoys it too ☺️

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I'm pretty sure this is attached to a very unfortunate background regarding Ken Wong:

5 days ago

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Unfortunately I learned about and watched that PMG video long after I finished the game. I really enjoyed Florence too, such a shame it's associated with something like that behind the scenes.

5 days ago

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Wow. That's quite a video. Not a very surprising one considering I know a lot of people who worked in the indie game industry and I myself have worked in professional kitchens under deranged narcissists who were given carte blanche because they had a high profile and they treated everyone like crap so I know the culture of enabling and harassment pretty well.
But still, a very informative video. Very disappointed in Anapurna for the Wong part

5 days ago

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