Thank you for this magical chance :)

7 years ago

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"Nothing can prepare you for the pwnie mayhem that ensues when Garfeldt the pegasus licks upon the magic crystal salt lick triggering an adventure that Gamespot describes as "a never ending fever dream mixed with the acid flashback of a 60's flower child... that likes horses".

Travel through an entirely open barn world with a unique weather system and a self-automating economy developed by the people that brought you GTAIV and Petz® Horsez® 2. A unique combat system enables you Full 4-Hoof Control® to reign destruction on your opPWNents utilizing your physical Horse Prowess Damage System or Magical Butt-fly Mana Fuel.

You have neigh-ver had an experience like this!

(none of that game description is true, I don't know what this game is.)"

7 years ago

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Thank you!!

7 years ago

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