I do think that software companies were given a huge win by the courts which have a huge impact on how things work today - we should own the copy of the game we purchase and not a 'license' it is honestly somewhat absurd if you think about it.
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45 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Karfein
No entries?! What the craziness? Bots must be having trouble finding the links or people not bothering to read the rant! As in the other hidden GA, I agree with you!
Thanks for the chance!
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I can understand wanting to sell digital copies vs. licensing them. Determining pricing becomes quite a bit more complicated because in digital age 1 copy can be used 100s of times and easily transferred between users, so I'd expect under that regime digital copies would sell for much higher prices than current licensing model. I'll take the licensing model and low prices.
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I don't take issue with the licensing per se, there has been no real victims of licensing that I am aware of - but the idea that your license can be terminated without warrant is quite ridiculous in nature.
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Isn't that a protection in the event that steam goes out of business? Or if accounts are misused? I don't know, but just asking because that sounds reasonable to me.
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If I 'owned' the game I purchased then I would be able to play it in the event that Steam or Origin or UPlay goes out of business. Why should their past products only be playable based on their future success?
Look at like an MMO - When Star Wars: The Old Republic (is that it?) was released, Star Wars: Galaxies MMO was taken down, no code was released, according to the EULA players were not allowed to have private servers, etc. So all that time spent in the game lost - and that was that. I think that is reasonable because its an MMO.
Of course, just last year a lawsuit was filed about a singleplayer game that required a DRM authentication server to play (but was taken down due to abandonment). Thankfully the gamers won.
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My thought is it's a cya for Steam should the unthinkable happen, but yes, I'd expect steam and developers to try to be accommodative, but understand there would be cases where they might not be, or might not be able to be. Some sites I've bought games on have closed, but they had a transition phase to let me download my games if I wanted them - but yes there's that risk that doors close. GFWL might be another example. I can understand an online game not being supported indefinitely though. I probably have alot of unplayed games in my library that won't work when I finally get around to trying to play them in like a decade or two :-) I guess I don't view my relationship with game studios/developers as antagonistic, and don't feel like I have to prepare for every eventuality. I just try to have fun with the huge amount of games I have. It could burn me down the road, but not something I think or worry much about, mainly because there are so many cool new games coming out all the time.
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btw, this game should've been your example of releasing an incomplete game that required dlc to make it playable to most fans of the series :-)
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What DLC is required for civ V? I have only played the base game :(
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Haven't played it yet, but did buy the base game long ago, and then after reading the boards first players were saying just play Civ IV until DLC come out to "fix" a disappointing Civ V base game. Players started saying game was much better After Gods and Kings / Brave New world DLC came out, but those DLC were significant to most players in making the game play more like the old Civs they were used to.
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Got it. Thanks!
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