
Thank you!

9 years ago

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Thank you :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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That was horrible Sooth.

It was so bad it hurt, I think I even shed a Tyr.

9 years ago

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Did it Frey your nerves a bit?

9 years ago

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I am rather Thor about it.

9 years ago

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Careful, that's how you go Balder.

9 years ago

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Odin think of that, I'll be more careful.

9 years ago

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I offered to buy you a bundle as repayment for the mistake I made with the desura bundle you gave me, but you haven't messaged back. Just posting here to make sure you get the offer.

9 years ago

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A bundle?
Like or or ?

You left me hanging in the middle of a few trades, which is how I discovered the.. mix-up..
It was a bit of an uncomfortable situation.

Any game off my steam wishlist other than wizorb, the castle crasher packs, the influent dlcs, or yet another zombie defense;
If you can provide that, I'd feel reasonably well-satisfied with the outcome.

Quite a few are $2-5Retail games, and most of the non-A-list are bundle games, so it theoretically should be less straining than finding a fresh bundle that I actually need.

On the plus side, this taught me a lot about IndieRoyale purchase (in)security. Of course, the way Desura is going, I may not need to worry about that again anyway.

Also teaches me that I need to be more careful of people, even outside of actual trades..

I think I've managed to get Steam to unblock you now; it took a few tries before it seemed to go through.

Edit: Egh, sorry, trading values confuse me. That's quite a lot of good games I could have traded- I know Samaritan Paradox, Hero of the Kingdom, and Battlepaths were all in trades at the time. Asking for one game for them is greatly devaluing my loss, I suppose.
I don't know. Just, come up with something you think is fair, and we'll discuss it.

9 years ago*

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Ha I'd love to buy one of those bundles, but that wasn't what I meant.

I apologize. I could give you reasons as to why I redeemed the steam keys, but in the end it is irrelevant. A mistake was made.

Yea, Desura's outlook is quite bleak.

You would know which games you'd prefer to have better than I would... I was going to suggest Isaac: Rebirth and Blackguards: Untold Legends. Roughly $20... If you wanna pick something around that price range I think it'd be fair enough to both of us.

9 years ago

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did you really take 4 "not received' marks because winners won too many games?

9 years ago

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Where'd you hear that nonsense? :P

5 people entered through bots, so I had them e-mail me to confirm their win.
One person ended up being an exploiter who bragged about it, one person ended up not responding to any form of communication even after support poked them (and had a broken e-mail listed), another sent a steam friend request and then never replied, and one person started harassing and insulting me for 'daring not to give them the game they'd won, since they'd won it, and they deserved it' etc.
The fifth person wasn't super-nice or anything, but they at least responded without insulting me, and got their game without any delay. :P
Of course, I still blacklisted them because they were apparently a lousy person, but at least they could manage basic civility. :X
I ended up taking the Not Received marks less out of a 'screw them' response, and more out of a 'Eh, I'm done trying to deal with this' exhaustion :P

9 years ago*

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Is PosTho still recruiting? The OP here is a nice candidate, unicorns, great ratio and all ;-)

BTW, interesting place this is :-)

9 years ago*

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You're welcome to keep tabs on them, but currently we want to restructure the group first- but we will eventually put up a new recruitment thread, one that'll make processing new join requests a whole lot easier to manage. The old one was a pain, and we got so far backlogged we couldn't really do much about it.

But yes, in time we'll definitely be recruiting actively again, after we clean house a bit. :)

9 years ago

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Hey Sooth,
not sure if i wrote before (i think i did in this GA but it's gone so maybe i didn't wrote)...
I was member of the PT-Groupe but deleted all my groups in january because of some private stuff.

I would love to rejoin if that's possible. (If not, i can understand but a little "no/yes" would be awesome)

8 years ago

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It's certainly possible you did, and I simply missed it- I tend to get over a hundred replies in total even on a slow day, so I occasionally end up not noticing one or two.

Normally you'd simply reply to the confirmation comment made on your join request, but with the thread closed, I suppose that's not possible. :X
If you could simple reply here with a link to your join request (thread link here), I'll get you sorted :)

8 years ago

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I'm not so sure anymore cause i can't find the post but remember i read Yirgs comment above so maybe i just forgot to click on send ;)

8 years ago

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Thank you :)

8 years ago

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