Much appreciated!

2 years ago

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Hi, first of all, thanks for the giveaway.

I've noticed you haven't set a level restriction in your giveaways, may i suggest, that you do so in your future ones?
The reason is simple, there are a lot of bad accounts on this site, like autojoiners, multis, bots, win resellers and other rule breakers or just leechers, who doesn't contribute to the site at all, and most of them are found on level 0.
I even suggest to set an higher level than 1, because it will cost like 10 Cent to reach that level, even level 3 is pretty cheap to reach and will costs like 10 to 20 bucks, also being poor isn't an excuse for me, because i live below the poverty line of my country and even i managed to get to level 5 in few months.
Another advantage of setting the bar higher is, that you won't get bothered by all the annoying thank you messages from autojoiners with thank you script, that's why i set my bar even higher to at least level 4 and level 3 being the real exception.
You can even go right away and delete your giveaway to set it up new with a level restriction, if you wish to do so, deletion of running giveaways are accepted instantly.

I'm a person, who checks his winners, about ratio and also rule breaks and if you like to do so:

If you see red marks there, you can request a reroll for a new winner, just put the link into your support ticket

If you want to know how many users are on each level:
with 970k users on level 0 85% of the accounts on the site haven't contributed with a giveaway and just there for leeching, another reason for setting up a level restriction.

If you got more questions, feel free to ask.

Have a nice day

2 years ago

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This mentality sets a dangerous precedence that 'lv 0 = bad' and that ALL users (including the new and inexperienced) are expected to buy their way into the community before they should be allowed to participate in giveaways. A healthy community should actively welcome new/inexperienced users, not gatekeep them with arbitrary levels. Everyone was level 0 at some point!

Besides, there are bots and autojoiners at all levels, not just 0. And to be fair, there's nothing wrong with giving to level 0 accounts. Most active users are level 0 and plenty of them are good people that are active in the forums and contribute to the community in other ways.

2 years ago

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point is, with 40% bad accounts it isn't a healthy community anymore
I got your opinion last time and it isn't mine, so please stop replying to my posts, i won't change it

2 years ago

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What % is it at higher levels? Do you even know?

And I'm not trying to convince YOU.
But if you're going to continue bringing up the exact same topic every chance you get, I'm going to continue bringing up counterpoints to present both sides.

2 years ago

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If you don't try to convince me, why do you reply to my posts and don't adress e.g. the gifter
I give a damn about your counterpoints, so please stop molesting me with them

Yeah, stick to % and don't go for absolut numbers, because % will suit your points better
40% means 388k accounts, thats double the accounts on all other levels together
but % on higher levels is way less, because since i set my GAs to at least 4 no thank you script user replied to my GAs
but i won't reply to you any further and stop my unpleasant experience with you

2 years ago*

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Hey Prosac, Don't be a dick. If you don't want people to reply to your posts, then maybe don't spam them on so many Giveaways. No need to be rude on someone else's GA.
I get that leechers can be an issue, but just cutting out the level 0 people who might actually not have any spare money to just "give away", pardon the pun, is probably the wrong strategy. I'd rather gift something to a person who maybe can't afford to buy it themselves, than to give something to someone who already spent a crap ton of money on games and could probably just buy it, if they really wanted to own the game.

2 years ago

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If someone doesn't have 10 Cents, i guess they have way more serious problems than free games
and everyone seems to cut my argument, that i myself live below the poverty line and managed to get to level 5 in 3 months

Okay, try to compare this community with the real world, a healthy community can only support a limited amount of weak/poor people and this community is the absolute opposite and i think most people could change this easily, but instead i always hear the same excuses over and over again and emotional arguing in pro of level zeros

So you say, because i took my chance to speak freely, i have to deal with being harassed by people, who don't share the same opinion?
I don't see me being rude, but trying to get me silenced could really be considered rude, you didn't liked my fact-based arguing, eh?

2 years ago*

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Correction - "figure-based arguing". The rest is simply you voicing your opinion.

2 years ago

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some people i know took the effort and looked up every account who entered a level zero GA and there were 40% bad ones, that is what i call fact-based
reach level 1 with 10 cents isn't an opinion either
to be honest i don't really see any opinion between all those numbers

2 years ago*

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"I'd rather gift something to a person who maybe can't afford to buy it themselves, than to give something to someone who already spent a crap ton of money on games and could probably just buy it, if they really wanted to own the game."

Sorry, for the additional reply, but this a lot of black/white mindset, how can you tell a level 0 can't afford any games and a let's say level 5 has so much money, that he could easily buy games themselves

2 years ago

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I don't think that a answer on a post is the problem.
It is that wiksolop72 write a message as answer that is in the end not for Prosac and instead for the OP.

I get why that is annoying because wik done the same, 2x, when i wrote something (from me is the basic infos of the text above, prosac changed my text to his liking -so maybe 60% of the first text are from me-).
It's a unneccessary notification.

Besides that, each one can afford a few cents, after he have a PC, a steam account with, at leastm a worth of $100, elect., a room/flat/house, food etc..
The most level 0 accounts aren't new ones, they are level 0 since years. I speak in this case only from the active ones that enter GAs.
Make by yourself the text to check all entries of a random level 0 GA and you get what i mean.

If the autojoiners with their activated thanks script in the comments, of each public low level GA, aren't enough evidences.

2 years ago

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It's a unneccessary notification

Oh you're SOOOOO close.
Do you not see the irony in your own actions? Or does it just not apply when you do it to others on their GAs?

Question. How'd you even get here? You're commenting on a thread inside a GA that ended well over an hour beforehand. πŸ€”

2 years ago

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Answer: Someone informed me about the changed "min. level advice" because i wrote the original text and the one above got made out of my own.

Or does it just not apply when you do it to others on their GAs?

Are you stupid or did you only act so ? I really mean that question serious.
When i write my advice text with the min. level, then i send it to the OP that should get it. So exactly what's wanted.

When you answer Prosac or me on our text, then you don't want to write us/that we read it, you want to inform the OP (and other people). But the OP don't get the notification, we get it.
Thats a extreme difference.

You can write the OP and copy a link, to our comment, in it, if it is so important for you that the OP see your comment with our texts.

2 years ago*

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If you don't try to convince me, why do you reply to my posts and don't adress e.g. the gifter

The simple fact that multiple people responded to you after I did, should tell you a lot. I don't have to change your mind. I just have to make sure others know it's ok to speak up.

I give a damn about your counterpoints, so please stop molesting me with them

I can't help that you repeatedly keep starting the exact same conversation over and over, but then refuse to acknowledge when your own biases keep leading you to vouch for sketchy data.

Yeah, stick to % and don't go for absolut numbers, because % will suit your points better

It's you that continuously brings up the number of '40%'. I'm working off of the base value that you insist is true. If your numbers are making my points better, that kinda proves my point! Both literally and figuratively.

40% means 388k accounts

No. It does not. We already addressed this last time.
The data you're quoting was obtained by sampling a small set of active accounts. Which means it cannot be accurately scaled up with a number that includes inactive users.

but % on higher levels is way less

How much less? What's the %? You just got done telling me not to stick to the %, but then immediately tried to use a blank % as a basis for your conclusion.

but i won't reply to you any further

Actions speak louder than words. And each time you've said this to me, you've not lived up to them and felt the need to try to get the last word instead.

2 years ago

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The data you're quoting was obtained by sampling a small set of active accounts. Which means it cannot be accurately scaled up with a number that includes inactive users.

Then take this 40% for the active users. Because you are partly correct, of course were all the tests of with entries, made with active users that entered dif. GAs over the timeframe of 2 years. A part were active and are inactive now but if that change then the % to 38% or 42% in the end isn't important.
Does anything from this make the percentage or numbers better ?
Not really because the inactive accounts will, most likely, nearly never get checked from someone on unactivated wins and the active ones with the 40% marks on sgtools will be still the problem.

How much less? What's the %? You just got done telling me not to stick to the %, but then immediately tried to use a blank % as a basis for your conclusion.

Here the % don't interest in the end too. The big picture will not be changed from the exact %.
But feel free to do checks of all your winners of your GAs. Divided in levels and % calculated separately for each of them.
Best taken over the timeframe of a year or at least a few months and min. from 5 - 10 public GAs.
I am interested in the exact numbers and %.

The 40% above got collected from different GAs of different users that done all their own tests. I am one of them and i seen all of the tests and results.
If you want names.... as example Bron99 and KappaKing. You can look for their accounts, check their public GAs, check all entries with sgtools and calculate from that the % by your own.
So you don't need to believe blindly in my numbers... you can check all by your own, the one or other way.
[As a warning, it will take "a bit" more time as to write a few sentences...]

2 years ago

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Thank you for the chance!

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Thank you~

2 years ago

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