Taking forever to get through New Vegas - I've had the game for years but I just can't seem to hold an interest in it. It's weird, because I loved Fallout 3 and played it obsessively, but I keep loading up this game, playing for a while, then just getting bored with it. Anyway, here's hoping you can get more into Fallout 4 than I am into Vegas :D
Let me know if you have any games like that - one you think you should really dig but it never seems to grab hold of you no matter how many shots you give it.
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Thank you!
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Skyrim, not cuz i haven't played it (Like, everyone has) but i have never done the Full Assassin Run I wanted to do, like, no magic or bows run,
The only time i got far on that i changed to Heavy Sword Dwemer Character, weirdest transicion ever.........like how does a dual poison dagger assassin turns into a heavy armor 2 handed hammer one...?
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Happy Cake Day ^_^
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Happy cake day! And I've never played Skyrim, or any ES game for that matter. Skyrim looks good, but I know it's such a huge time sink I don't even want go there ;)
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Thanks for the nice giveaway! :)
Personally, I haven't been able to get into Metro 2033 and Stardew Valley. I'll give them another shot eventually, but so far they really don't grab me, despite everybody saying they're masterpieces of their genres. Mount & Blade: Warband doesn't seem to hold my attention either, but I suspect that's mostly due to the ugly, depressing graphics, and I'll start liking it after I play it some more.
Finally, I cannot play more than a few minutes of Undertale at a time, the combat system is terrible and tedious ("Mercy" has got to be the most pointless mechanic I've ever encountered in a game). So having these random fights constantly pop up as you're making your way around the world gets old really fast. At this point, though, I think it's more a matter of Undertale being a terrible, extremely overrated game, than it is of me not being able to get into it.
EDIT: Also, Transistor - empty, boring levels, no story to speak of, just a drab and depressing experience for me, I gave up after a few hours.
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Don't know about the others but I played both Metro games and they were pretty good. Maybe not classics, but I liked them. Hope you give it another shot.
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That's good to know, thanks.
I've sunk about 3 hours in the first one, and I guess I didn't see what made it that much better than other FPS games. The visuals and environments were nice, but I felt like I was just thrown into the story with almost no introduction, to the point where I couldn't even remember the reason I had to set off on that mission, or who the other characters I met were. I also thought they showed the monsters way too early on - they should have built up the tension before showing them, IMO.
But yeah, I liked the game enough, it's just that nothing about it really stood out for me. I'll definitely give it another try though, I'm always willing to have my mind changed about a game. :)
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Story is the weakest part of the Metro series. Both S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and METRO (partly ex-STALKER team) are praised for moody Eastern Europe soviet-like environments and solid FPS experience.
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Glad to hear it's not just me that finds the story weak. I'll return to it and focus on the gameplay and atmosphere instead. I also own 2 of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games and I'm looking forward to playing them. :)
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For me I guess it's House of Many Doors-- what I've seen of the lore, the mechanics, the atmosphere, it should all be right up my street, but every time I try it I'm completely bored within ten minutes. It's so so weird, since I adore Sunless Sea, and HoMD is pretty much a clone of that game, so.... /shrug emoji
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Hmm, took at look at it. Not sure it's my kind of game; it's got an interesting look to it, but I think I'd be like you - it'd probably get dull pretty quick.
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I loved Fallout: New Vegas!
They one game that I keep having trouble keeping interest in is HyperDimension Neptunia.
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Sometimes I think it's just too similar to Fallout 3, which I put tons of time into. A new story, of course, but the visuals, the combat, the mechanics, they're all pretty much more of the same.
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That's because Bethesda gave the license to Obsidian (who feature several of the original Fallout creators in their midst) and they only had something like 18 months to finish the game - ended up using a lot of the same textures and so on. This is also why you see a bit more diversity in the New Vegas DLCs, but it's such a tremendously good game, that I frankly never cared. Oh, and before I forget - thanks for this!
Hope that we get another Obsidian Fallout game one day, but it seems unlikely at this stage.
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Nothing good that stands out. I guess Hotline Miami is one that I could not understand the appeal to at all. So was Braid. My backlog is so long that if I don't enjoy it on the second try, I uninstall and don't look back. It never gets more than 2 tries.
btw, thanks for the chance on Fallout4. It's one in the top 3 or 4 in my wishlist, and one that I want to make sure to play at some point.
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Yeah, I got sick of Braid pretty quick.
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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Gave Bastion a shot and didn't really enjoy the combat. I think everyone is praising that game for it's story, but I thought it was okay.
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I had nothing against Bastion, but I never did finish it for some reason. It's one of those I always wanted to get back to, but my backlog's too massive at this point.
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Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut
I grew up playing pen and paper Shadowrun, plus I absolutely loved Shadowrun on the Sega Genesis. For some reason S:D DC just can't keep my attention for more than 30 minutes at a time and I'm never in a hurry to come back to it. I loved New Vegas btw <3
Thanks for the quality GA ^_^
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I see it on sale all the time, but with a few exceptions I tend to not like turn-based tactical games as much as others do, so I don't know too much about it. Cool cyberpunk setting, though.
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Thanks for the Chance!
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Deus Ex: Human Revolution
It's cyberpunk and there is stealth... two things I absolutely love... but I never feel that invested in this game for some reason.
Thanks for the GA btw :D
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I didn't play that until the director's cut came out, but I have to say I loved it. Not sure what it is that didn't grab you, but I guess it's that way with me and New Vegas - everybody seems to love it but it just can't hold my attention.
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For me it is Witcher 3, not because I don't want to play it or because I don't enjoy it. But every time I start something comes along and distracts me and next thing I've forgotten how to play it and I start again, I've only ever made it to the first town and it sucks because I really do want to get into it properly. At the moment the distraction is Battletech.
Thanks very much for this GA and chance.
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I'll say I had a hard time getting into WItcher 3, too, until I stopped wandering around the world doing side quests and buckled down on the story. I finally went over to Crow's Perch and started the Bloody Baron quest, and it was so unbelievably good that it hooked me into the game completely. If you give it another shot I'd suggest heading there as soon as possible, and worry about all the side stuff later on.
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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II. All the way to end or something, but just couldn't finish.
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Haven't gotten around to that one. It took forever to get through the first KOTOR, haven't been able to bring myself to load up the second one yet.
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The Witcher series is like that for me
Hvala puno!
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I actually got hooked right into Witcher 1 and 2. Witcher 3 didn't grab me until the first main quest, the Bloody Baron. It was one of the best quests I've ever played in any game, and from that point the game had me until the end.
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I like to play things sequentially so the whole series stopped for me on the Witcher 1, just couldn't keep playing after the tutorial and I'm no stranger to Euro-jank games :D
I guess it'll wait in my backlog until a more suitable time arrives
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Witcher 1 had its faults, no doubt. But I found the world fascinating so I stuck with it. I can understand if you couldn't get into it, though, and I'm with you about playing games sequentially.
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TES:Skyrim is messing with my to-do list, just can't seem to start anything else at the moment :D
Thank you for the awesome giveaway :)
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Skyrim's just TOO big for me. I don't even want to mess with that game.
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The Witcher 3
and thanks!
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Like I said above, I had a hard time getting into Witcher 3, too, until I focused on the main story and played the Bloody Baron quest. The tutorial area in Velen was a little boring, and when I got to Novigrad I started farming POIs and side quests, and was rapidly losing interest in the game. Then I buckled down and actually started on the main story, and the Bloody Baron was just one of the best quests I've ever played. If you can get that far in the game I think you'll be hooked.
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I'm ABSOLUTELY the same with FO3 and NV.
Loved FO3. Spent 150 hours exploring every nook and cranny. Some DLCs were better than others but none were bad.
Got NV, got an hour in and it was TEDIOUS. Gave it up. Came back a year or two later, installed various mods to improve it, managed to grind through it. Absolutely HATED Old Money. Was glad to finish the game and call it done.
I'm not 100% sure if I'll like FO4 but the biggest complaints people seem to have are related to the settlements which are optional anyway.
Thanks for the chance. :D
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Yep, I've tried several mods, but they tended to make the game worse instead of better. They added cool stuff, but took one of the crashiest game I've ever played and made it even crashier. I'm finally down to a few basic mods, but it's still not enough to make me love the game.
I did play a couple hours of Fallout 4 on my nephew's computer and had a blast with it. Still very Fallout-like, but with much better graphics, and there seems to be a near endless amount of stuff you can do in the game. But I keep telling myself I'm not buying it until I finish New Vegas. So I may never play it :D
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Appreciated ;)
GTA V Online, would love to love it, but every time the long loading ruins it for me.
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I tried a few GTA games in the past but never ended up doing anything more than randomly murdering people - I never finished a single one of them. Not sure why, but I could never get into the stories. I did make it all the way through Saints Row 3 and 4, though :D
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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I see this series all over the place, but never looked much into it. I suspect it'll be similar to my experience - I loved Fallout 3 and suspect I'll love 4 if I'm ever able to play it, but that damn New Vegas will always be the one that stumps me.
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oh god everyone is telling me how good new vegas is but i have the same problem as you lel. cant seem to get into it :S
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It's weird, isn't it? I gave my theory above that it might just be too much like Fallout 3 - the visuals, enemies, combat, and mechanics. I'd put so much time into it that this game just seems like more Fallout 3, especially when you're not focused on the main story.
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dunno about you but i liked the introduction in fallout 3 way more and was way more invested into the setting. couldnt feel any vibe at the start of new vegas and quit :/ really weird
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Yeah, I felt more invested in the character and world in Fallout 3.
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Loved the Metro 2033 book and then loved it's game when it was released.
When later it was revealed that Metro Last Light would be a real sequel and not use the story of the book Metro 2034 (damn was that book disappointing) I was really anticipating this sequel and even bought it for releaseday (but discounted)...and I pretty much just played the first level (for about an hour), stopped and never got around to try it again.
Some day though...I'll start it again and will probably wonder how it took me this long...😁
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I remember it being a good game, but pretty indistinguishable from from the first one. I liked both games, but neither were classics for me.
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The first thing that comes to mind would be FTL. I like the concept of the game and how it is designed for the most part but the infuriatingly bad (read unfair) RNG always makes me give up from the game.
I also did enjoy Fallout 3 more than New Vegas, albeit I did find NV to be pretty good as well.
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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Don't Starve - I bought it when it was in beta, but in the end only played it a few hours...
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Yep, me too. I downloaded some mods, including the respawn one, since I hate permadeath in games. The respawn helped hold my interest a bit, but ultimately not enough to keep playing.
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That would be STALKER. Even though I like the setting and gameplay, I just can't get into it.
New Vegas is great. It would be greater, if it was a sequel to fallout 2 storyline, with the courier being the Chosen One's offspring :)
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That's another one for me. I've tried it a couple times but never got past the first couple hours. I think I could never figure out what to do, really. I downloaded a bunch of mods for it; I planned to spruce it up as much as I could and give it another shot, but so far that hasn't happened. Maybe one day...
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Shadow of mordor: I keep getting beat by the captains every time... And I'm also kinda lost since there are too many sidequest to do..
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You're absolutely right - I forgot about this one, but it's just like New Vegas for me. I played it for a while and everything about it was quality, but I was just so bored while playing it. Not sure if I'll load it back up again and give it another try.
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